Cao Ye took out the flame cauldron and took a look at the formation underground.

The flame cauldron was flashing with flames, emitting bursts of heat waves. This heat wave had an extremely wide range, covering the entire volcanic cave, causing the temperature in the volcanic cave to rise sharply.

The Fire Emperor sensed the energy on the flame cauldron and suddenly showed a look of shock.

"This seems to have the same effect as the Fire God Pill method left behind by our fathers, but it is more sophisticated. Is it also related to the five prescriptions?"

Cao Ye nodded, unable to give a definite answer, and then shook his head and said: "No matter how many branches the human race had before Thousand Year, they are actually passed down from one line. I can't estimate what is hidden in it, then I I believe there must be some relationships that we can’t see yet.”

"That's right." The Fire Emperor nodded.

As time goes by, the situation in the Flame Cauldron, 04, seems to have entered a state of neither improvement nor decline.

Both sides are exhausted and have devoted a lot of energy to it.

After a long time, Cao Ye said: "We may not be able to figure this out just by the two of us. Let Huang Hao also help. I believe there should be what we want in the deserted village."

As soon as these words came out, the Fire Emperor immediately sent someone to convey the message.

But this matter is about big or small, so naturally we can't just let the wind go unnoticed.

On the other side, after Huang Hao learned the whole story, he was immediately overjoyed and suddenly thought of it.

Among the five bronze cauldrons, one is particularly prominent and is completely black. Once upon a time, when he was practicing the art of Body Refining and refining his body, he used this top as a container, and then blessed it with a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly medicines. The foundation of today.

"I really didn't expect that the most important thing has always been right in front of our eyes. In fact, we only realized it now. Alas..." Huang Hao sighed.

"No wonder I haven't heard you say it before. It turns out there is such a big secret hidden there." The person who conveyed the message was Huo Ling'er. The two of them were currently practicing, their eyes facing each other.

When I thought of this, some things that couldn't be explained suddenly came to an answer.

In just a few years, the new generation in the deserted village is much stronger than their parents. Even some of the spiritual trees in the mountains and the talented criminals have awakened the power of Bloodline. They thought it was Purple Qi from the East. The root cause of great fortune has always been right in front of you.

"I remember that the black cauldron seemed to record the patterns of the sun, moon and stars. Every time I practiced, I would enter a strange space Realm inexplicably. I thought it was a dream or a miraculous scene. It turned out that everything was It's true." Huang Hao sighed.

There are mountains and rivers, ferocious beasts and raptors from ancient times flying across the sky, and the magnificent scenery of mountains and seas.

"That's really amazing. If you have a chance, can you let me try it?" Huo Ling'er asked.

Huang Hao's thoughts are no longer here. He is immersed in himself and thinking about the future.

It is also difficult for his Body Refining technique to improve so quickly.

This is his Nirvana technique. When chaos comes in the future, he will be able to fight.

"Oh, I really envy you. But I heard from my father that the ones engraved on the bronze tripod are all fragments. If you can be the heir of the Stone Kingdom and get the other part, then the five heaven-defying Body Refining If you can master all the techniques, why are you so tired?" Huo Ling'er continued to ask, and what he said was also true.

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. It's always good to make preparations in advance."

At this moment, Huang Hao frowned and thought of many things in an instant. Today is no better than before. If he had not really had the opportunity to stay in the Stone Kingdom, why would he have suffered all kinds of torture from his relatives, had his bones dug out by his relatives, and almost died in infancy.

He didn't want to have anything to do with the members of the Shi Kingdom royal family or certain people, but he also didn't want to completely cut off contact. He had been in this kind of contradiction and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

Although he has amazing talent and is now a talented young man, the miracle has already happened in the deserted village, so there is no need to go back to the old path.

"You should keep Ling'er's words in mind. There are many people paying attention to you now, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and it's hard to distinguish between good and bad." Huo Ling'er's Uncle Jiu Wang said kindly.

He is also a king-level cultivator. Although he has run out of oil, his strength is still very terrifying. He can naturally feel the crisis. The higher he stands, the higher he stands.

Huang Hao nodded and accepted the other party's kindness. He also knew that the other party's attitude was the same. If he could become the heir of the Stone Kingdom, his status would be very different. Those with ulterior motives would not be facing one person, but It is the power of a nation of the human race.

Only then will he be qualified to confront Death Mountain or the Supreme Saint. After all, Huang Hao is only fighting alone now. No matter how strong his personal ability is, he cannot face millions of thieves.

"With your master and your talent, you will definitely become a god in the future. Why not take this opportunity to practice for ten or eight years? Why bother to fight for those external worldly things until you are released? , is the moment when you stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the world." The Nine Kings were nearly two hundred years old and spoke very passionately. .

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