"Thank you, senior, for your kindness. I know what to do, please rest assured." Huang Hao nodded, naturally understanding the meaning.

It's just that this silent Closed Door Training method seems a bit inappropriate for my age.

He is not yet twenty, so how can he calm down his combative heart? Moreover, there are countless geniuses. Continuously improving oneself in battle is another way to make him more popular.

He has walked along the way, from being weak to the wind to riding the waves. No matter whether it is a storm or any kind of difficulty, he has stopped.

This method of practice that is different from others determines his mentality at this time, rather than having other ideas.

After many years, he knew how to take his own path. Now he is no longer the Huang Hao he once was. Not only can he stand alone, but he also has the ability to overcome obstacles and become invincible on the road of cultivation.

Moreover, he has received a lot of useful information in the past few days.

For example, in the pure land of the West, there is a land of fire, and a strange grass grows among the mountain fires. Such precious spiritual things are exactly what the prescription needs, and they are also one of the main medicines.

But it is also a road of narrow escape. However, how can you turn danger into safety and survive from a desperate situation? Surprises and risks often carry it. A special thing, if you don't experience it personally, there will definitely be something missing whether it works or not. .

There is also a golden place inside the wilderness. Looking around, there are golden stones everywhere. It is said that practicing there can temper the body, because there is a strange power that will constantly oppress the mind. I don’t know how many people there are. A genius who thought he was talented, died here in order to break through in adversity, and now it has become a golden forbidden area in people's mouth.

There are many places like this, and the wilderness is also full of many magical places. There are too many treasures worth pursuing. After all, he has only been traveling for more than ten years and still doesn't understand the wonders and wonders of this world.

Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally have to move forward boldly.

After all, Cao Ye has done enough for him, and now that he can take care of Master, he will definitely go all out.

After chatting too much with the elderly, my mood gradually went off track. Cao Ye stood up, bowed and exited the practice room. Naturally, he wanted to chat with friends of the same age to relieve his boredom.

"Brother, I heard that you got some secret information, can you tell it to Little Brother?" At this moment, the five-color blue bird came up.

And they were not idle either. They drank and chatted about their interests, bragging one after another, as if they could never finish the conversation.

Huang Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't ask around, it's not the time for talking nonsense."

The smell of wine was very strong and the voice was loud.

The big red bird who was bragging at this time had an embarrassed look on his face. When he saw his master coming back, he immediately changed the embarrassing topic elsewhere.

"Let's talk about it more seriously. Do you know the Immortal Cave of the Phantom Spirit of the Fire Nation? I want to become a disciple of the Spirit of Vermillion Bird."

"How do we know? Huo Ling'er is the awakener and inheritor of Vermillion Bird Bloodline. You can just ask when the time comes. Why tell us." The Golden Nine-Headed Stone glanced at him and drank a lot. As his eyes turned, his expression became much more solemn.

At some point, a murderous wind blew up.

Everyone's eyes turned slightly, and they saw a White Tiger passing by the entrance of the courtyard. It was very majestic and walked with majesty.

"It turns out to be the White Tiger King of the Western Regions!" The nine-headed golden lion seemed to have a grudge against him, and its eyes were very alert.

The purity of King White Tiger's Bloodline is comparable to that of the Golden Nine-Headed Lion. He is also one of the inheritors of the mythical beast Bloodline and one of its powerful branches.

It’s just that many years have passed, and the Golden Nine Heads and Ten have not been able to grow stronger, but the Tiger King of the Western Region has become a powerful force. It is extremely famous in the wilderness and has become a lord.

The White Tiger King belongs to the Xiling Mountain, and the Spiritual Qi there was originally weak, but there is a gloomy Realm that no strangers should keep away from. However, the White Tiger King got the Sacred thing there, which is why he has his current status and achievements. King.

~This big cat keeps wandering in front of the door recently, maybe it smells something. Do you know..." The golden nine-headed lion did not finish his words.

In fact, he once accidentally cut off the opponent's descendants and could have spared his life, but for a while (Qian Nuo) got angry and lost some sense.

"It's not your fault. If you have setbacks, you will have to pay the corresponding price. Let's continue drinking." Huang Hao didn't care. After all, his reputation now has reached the sky and the earth. He said that the other party really wanted to cause trouble. Why should he do this? There is action.

Huang Hao then moved on to another topic, asking about the Spiritual herbs corresponding to the prescription. After all, this was the focus of his attention.

Looking at the entire wilderness, which spans more than tens of millions of miles, there is no end in sight. Every place has its own environment.

Without a travel guide, I am afraid that even after hundreds of years and years, I may not be able to complete this vast land.

Chaos is coming, and what he needs is time...kindness...

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