"He is no longer a panacea. If he guessed correctly, he would have turned into a spirit long ago!" Huo Ling'er said in surprise.

Except for the Vulcan Tree, it is difficult to see such a spectacle again. When the others heard about it, they were also quite shocked. They all surrounded this towering ancient tree and looked up and down intently.

Even Yun Xi, who was born in the Tai Ancient God Mountain lineage, saw this scene for the first time and was looking up and down.

The branches are lush and green, with no height visible and no edge visible at the top. What looks like bark is actually like pieces of dragon scales, blooming with wisps of green light.

Just smelling this fragrance made "893" feel relaxed and happy, and almost lost his mind. They stood in front of them with great enjoyment, closing their eyes and relaxing.

Now that he has transformed into a spirit, Huang Hao does not feel the aura of resurgence, nor does he feel any intention to invade but quietly blooms in front of everyone.

After a while, they all came to their senses and were still praising the spectacle in front of them. Artistic Conception.

"It's exactly what my father said. Anyone who comes in or out here will have their spirits invaded by this spiritual object. It's like passing through a sieve, and some evil intentions will be directly removed from the outside.

"Huo Ling'er continued. 0

The Golden Nine-Headed Lion had also heard this rule before and nodded repeatedly.

"You are right, but I also know that any flowers or leaves cut from this spiritual tree can be used as medicine, second only to the holy level."

"Who doesn't know? Don't talk about this kind of thing." The people on the side laughed.

In the blink of an eye, people were already coming and going on the street. Most of them came here because of the reputation and wanted to find some opportunities for advancement in Realm.

"Only a few leaves can be produced every three years, and a few flowers can be produced after another three years, but the price is sky-high every time it is auctioned, and ordinary people cannot afford it." Someone sighed loudly, helpless, and Xiangzhong was shy.

Under the brilliant light, everyone was bathed in it, and each one was full of energy and strode forward.

Soon they entered the city, as if they had entered a whole new world of flowers and flowers. Huanghao's eyes were deeply attracted by the plants and trees here, the various herbs and the smell of the grass. When mixed together, it is difficult to tell them apart.

"This is such a good place. It's worth the trip." He said with emotion.

"Don't miss it if you pass by. This is the newly picked fairy grass. You only need a Saint-level Magical Item to exchange it for it." Someone was hawking not far away, his voice was very red, and soon many people gathered in front of him. people.

As soon as the big red bird heard about the divine grass, he was the first to rush forward.

"It is definitely a divine thing, but if you can tell it apart, you have to keep your eyes peeled. Don't miss it, don't ask for Divine Partition!" the man hawking reminded everyone.

Everyone came forward and immediately understood what was going on. From a distance, it looked like a weed garden. There were all kinds of plants and trees on the stalls, but no one might be able to distinguish the so-called sacred grass. However, there must be some in it. Rare plants are just sold for more money.

"This is an herb refined by Golden Butterfly. Although it is a semi-finished product, it is unique in the world. There is only one herb in the world. If you want to buy it, don't be stingy with the money in the demon bag.

Hurry up and bid!" An old man on the side took out a rare item.

I saw a pair of caterpillars in the old man's jade jar, which looked like butterfly chrysalises, but they were obviously artificially refined. As for the temperature of the fire, no one could tell...

Seeing this, everyone was speechless for a while, thinking that the old man just took something to fool people.

"Young man, haven't you heard of turning a cocoon into a butterfly? I put a lot of thought into this golden butterfly and fed it a lot of powder in advance, otherwise I would have died a long time ago." The old man explained with a smile.

"It's just two larvae. How dare you show them to deceive people? You really think we are stupid!" Some people were dissatisfied, and this guy was a big red bird with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, especially with unique research on these spiritual herbs. , naturally has unique insights.

The old man's face showed a calm look. He was not anxious or annoyed, and said calmly: "Whether I am telling nonsense or not, you can tell at a glance. Look at this pair of golden butterflies, and the one you saw at the front door when you came. Is there any difference? It's just a larvae. It's just a larvae that has been blessed with special medicine and fell asleep. Don't pretend to understand and ruin my business."

Upon seeing this, Huang Hao shook his head and led everyone to move forward. After all, there are better things to see here, and the old man's domineering power is only the tip of the iceberg. 2.9.

Not long after, their eyes were attracted by a strange vine in front of them.

A small medicine field was crowded with people, and people lined up neatly, just to refine a medicine pill that belonged to their own practice. What was even more surprising was that the person who refined the medicine was not a human spirit, but a human spirit. An ancient vine.

"It's more interesting now, haha." Huang Hao walked forward with a surprised face and a smile on his face.

I only saw a flower growing on the ancient vine branch. The flower branch was shaped like a medicine top, and even the texture and color of the flower was like brass. .

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