On the flowers, flames erupted from time to time, and people waiting in line threw their Medicinal Herbs into the path. As the fire light turned blue, a Medicine Pill appeared in the field of vision very brightly.

After that, an old servant appeared behind him, saw several young people, and explained: "This is a fairy vine that has been around for more than two thousand years. It has already transformed into a spirit and become a part of the Medicine City. , and then took the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, condensed a ball of divine fire in the body, and transformed it sharply over time, and finally became psychic. Now it can help the practitioner refine the Medicine Pill!"

"The sky is huge, there are all kinds of magical things, I have learned a lot." Huang Hao was shocked, and he felt more and more that not only did this place have a mysterious color, but he also felt that there was an extraordinary place hidden from everyone's eyes. I already have an idea, and I will definitely explore it after staying here for a while.

"You came at the right time. If nothing else happens, the Sacred thing will be born in a few days, and then there will be another feast." The old servant continued to introduce.

And above the fairy vine, there was like a bronze tripod more than a foot high, with vines entwined on it, and the holy fire penetrated into it, and they also heard someone on the side introducing them to the magic here.

Although the essence of heaven and earth is taken from the body and then formed into the form of a bronze cauldron, in the eyes of everyone, this is just a big cauldron. Whenever refining materials are put into the top, the sound of fierce fire colliding with it can be heard.

"When you come here for a long time, you will know that there are many strange places here. Let's talk about the fairy vines, but the ancient tree in front of the rain city gate has been guarding here for thousands of years. It is very powerful. "Someone on the side explained.

Yun Xi, a beauty from the Ancient God Mountain, had a strange look all the way. She even took out the goodies in her pocket and held them in the team, waiting to refine the medicine. After all, this was a rare opportunity, so naturally she had to grasp.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of fire fell from the sky and burned on the vine, but it did not turn it into ashes. Instead, it nourished the fairy vine. The vine continued to grow, just like Nirvana, making those who saw it for the first time frightened. , I don’t know what strange things happened again, which shocked my eyes.

As time went by, this immortal Teng became different from before. It absorbed the bronze energy as if it had a complete will and spirituality, and perfectly integrated with itself, transforming into a bronze cauldron.

"The heaven and earth are inherently magical, but has anyone ever peeked into this ancient vine?" the big red bird asked boldly.

Before the master could speak, the person next to him looked at him and whispered: "Don't talk nonsense with your big mouth. It will make Master Vine Master angry, and you will be rewarded.

This fairy vine is called the Golden Fire Vine by the people here. Although it is made of earth and wood, it can use the Five Elements method to perfectly integrate gold and fire with it, and bloom into such a form, which shows its power.

People here respect the Golden Fire Vine very much. They don’t know how many people have been created by Dezi’s hand, and they don’t know how many people have become famous because of it.

However, there have been people with ulterior motives who thought they were cultivating the art of conquering the heavens. They started from secret to find out what happened, but they never thought that not even the bones and dregs were left.

This fairy vine is like a neutral person, and it has a warm heart. As long as someone needs Medicine Pill, they only need to put in the corresponding materials. However, after it is trained, there will be an extra piece on the top of the bronze. Flower seal is more like a way for others to help themselves practice.

Because of this, this fairy vine has been worshiped by many practitioners, and over time, it has become one of the guardians here.

But Huang Hao knows that this is the way to practice. To achieve others is to achieve oneself. It is a benign way of practice. While others change drastically, oneself will also improve. Although it is a drop in the bucket, this method is enviable. It also makes people unbearably lonely, and most people cannot practice it.

The big red bird was behind the queue, taking out 870 exotic herbs found in the village and preparing to put them into the cauldron.

After the Medicine Pill is formed, the Spiritual Qi rushes away. The Medicine Pill is full of spirituality and is more mature than the Medicine Pill made by ordinary methods.

"The use of flames has reached the realm of unity of heaven and earth. This smell is much more powerful than my Vermillion Bird fire." The big red bird said in surprise.

Huang Hao took the Medicine Pill and turned it around in front of his eyes. He couldn't help but be surprised. He saw its miraculous technique, but he couldn't describe how wonderful it was.

At this moment, Cao Ye, a spirit body that came with Huang Hao, saw something strange.

"There seems to be a Daoist figure hidden in the breath of the flame. The figure is sitting cross-legged in it, controlling the flame. This is not Sky Fire, nor is it Earth Fire." Cao Dian said with emotion.

But I only understood a little more deeply, and I didn’t know the origin of the flame, let alone the origin of this ancient vine.

"It's amazing, "Maybe it's a technique of seizing someone's body.".

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