There is another thought hidden in Cao Ye's heart. It may not be a method of seizing a body to capture the flame soul of a certain spirit, but a method of symbiosis.

Because he also felt a expelling flame, the slightest touch of Cao Ye's sacred stone could stimulate the layers of superimposed flame emotions. It was very violent, very domineering, blessed and surrounded by layers, and the protection was extremely comprehensive.

If the shadow inside wakes up one day, it will definitely trigger a bloody storm. This premonition is very strong in Cao Ye's mind, and he seems to be waiting for the arrival of a certain moment.

Is chaos coming?

"Master, do you think the Immortal Vine is worthy of two Thousand Years?" Huang Hao asked.

"I don't know if there are two Thousand Years, but it must be more than Thousand Years, otherwise how can a grass vine turn into a spirit." Cao Ye answered.

After Huang Hao looked carefully again, he also discovered some heretical things, which seemed to have the same aura as the fire beast in the Kingdom of Fire. Although this feeling was very weak, things could not be such a coincidence. It was very possible that the disaster The source of it must be related to it.

At this moment, Cao Ye couldn't calm down in his heart for a long time, because he felt that feeling more deeply, and it could be said that it was exactly the same.

It's just that these are all things that come later and cannot be mentioned up front, so Cao Ye didn't mention it deliberately.

"It's almost time, there's still a long way to go, let's go." Huang Hao said, although this is a magical place, we can't delay for too long.

After leaving, we walked towards the depths of the host machine. There was a lively scene, one wave after another, and people were trading everywhere, almost all of which were related to rare herbs. After all, most of the places here were dominated by alchemists, supplemented by those who had magical luck.

A few people sell some spiritual bone fossils in this area, as well as some ores that come from unknown sources, but they can all be used as medicine.

There are many onlookers in this area, and the stall owner is selling a piece of real dragon bone.

"Don't believe me. Look at this bone. I came back from the abyss. Look at this bone, which has not changed through the ages. It is definitely a true dragon bone that the seller is selling and boasting about.

Everyone kept rushing forward out of curiosity.

"It's really good. I've changed a few." He said directly like a raptor, very confident and looking like he was bound to win.

"Do you know what first come, first served is? I want five spiritual herbs in exchange for it!" A man squeezed past.

"I don't know if it's the bones of a real dragon, but this thing is definitely extraordinary. It's amazing." The nine-headed golden lion has transformed into a human form, wearing blond hair and golden armor. He involuntarily gave way to a small path.

"I think it's not bad. At least it's a holy piece. You can't crush it, and ordinary fire can't smelt it. It's a good thing." The fairy from Tianshen Mountain nodded slightly, and I was sure of it.

Huang Hao just took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, then used his own power to test the true quality of the bone, and then gently put it down.

"Is there something weird?" Huo Ling'er tilted his head and asked softly.

"Saint's bones are good, but there is not much divine substance contained in them. Most of what we see are superficial and ordinary." Apple expressed its own opinion.

"Let me go, is this a trap deliberately set up for us to sneak in on purpose, you black-hearted people." The big red bird was very angry. This was clearly a trap set up by others.

However, amidst the clamor of people, this bone has been sold at a sky-high price, and many people are willing to exchange the Spiritual herbs in their hands, instead of five plants, it has become ten.

Most of this area is filled with these weird spiritual objects. Unlike Spiritual Herbs and the like, the spirituality contained in them is clear at a glance, and the water is very deep.

Huang Hao set his sights on a few pieces of ore and spent some small money to buy them. Of course, they were all at high prices.

As for the so-called keel [has been bought by someone at a high price.

At this time, everyone was focusing on it. It was an ordinary tortoise shell that caught his attention. Then he picked it up and rubbed it gently with his hand, revealing a slight silver color.

His heart moved, and he seemed to have found a treasure. If he guessed correctly, it should be a piece of white armor. Ordinary tortoise shells are better, but tortoise shells that are completely silver-white are rare. Thousand Years only encountered them.

The spiritual substance (Li Nuo's) contained in it has reached the quality of Transcendent. If it can be used as medicine, it will be a rapid advancement in spiritual practice.

But the stall owner is a thief. Only a small part in the center of the whole piece of silver white armor is a treasure, and the rest is pieced together. In order to save more money, he really put a lot of effort into it.

At this moment, the stall owner's eyes flashed, and he seemed to have found the enemy who had been lingering for a long time. He watched silently and silently.

`~Why did you encounter something good?" the big red bird said secretly.

"The things are good, but there are more than that. He is a black-hearted profiteer and has a headache." Huang Hao said secretly.

"Why are there so many profiteers? It's so wicked.",

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