Chen Daoxuan inadvertently lowered his head and glanced first, then pretended to relax his neck and glanced at the cabinet beside him.

Guilty... Very guilty!

Both master and disciple have their own tensions!

Chen Daoxuan was nervous, but Leng Yanran was even more nervous.

Standing behind Master, he kept rubbing the edges of his clothes with his hands, and his little tail was wagging left and right, obviously much more panicked than Master!

She was not willing to let go of such a good opportunity!

Anyway, she had already expressed her feelings to the Master last time. This time... well, it's not too sudden, right. The Master must have been mentally prepared?

"You...are here to take a bath too?"

Chen Daoxuan asked in a calm tone, but his brows raised unconsciously.

Why should we speed up at this time? ! ! ? ? ?

Can you please stop for a moment, and the ventriloquism recorded in this secret book is indeed extraordinary!

It’s very unbearable!

Under the dual physical and psychological stimulation, Chen Daoxuan only felt that he was under a lot of pressure!

There were four people already pretending to be in the Xiaolingchi Hall, but he could only pretend that it was just him and his disciples, and couldn't reveal anything amiss.

Difficult, too difficult!

"Yanran, Yanran is not here to take a bath..."

Leng Yanran bit her red lips. Although she was shy, she became bold at this time.

He doesn't intend to hide his purpose.

As soon as she finished speaking, she had already moved forward, and her arms as smooth and warm as white jade were already wrapped around the master's neck.

Rubbing against the master's body very greedily.

The heart-shaped tail that the succubus gave birth to slowly penetrated into the spiritual pool.

The corners of Chen Daoxuan's eyes twitched. I'm afraid something is going to happen...

He said he was panicking...

I have already begun to think about how to explain the current situation to Yanran.

How did Leng Yanran know this?

At that moment, the little tail planned to wrap around the master. The characteristics of the succubus allowed her to instinctively know what to do.

But it just happened at this moment.

"I\u0026* @¥!"

"Why is Yan'er here too!?"

Chen Daoxuan looked like he was about to be exposed. He was thinking about how to explain it, but suddenly he felt another figure entering the temple and walking towards the Lingchi Hall.

My whole body is about to burst apart, there is no end in sight! ! !

Forget it that Li Shenruo came, even Yanran came, forget it that Yanran came, and now Yan'er is here too! ! !

Can't we change the time? We must rush together! ?

"Little junior sister!?"

Leng Yanran was also startled when she heard the master's words, and her little tail retracted in an instant.

She didn't want her junior sister to see this scene. How would she explain her situation with her master to her junior sister then?

"How to do how to do......"

Leng Yanran paced around anxiously and involuntarily saw the three cabinets on the side!

"Master, Yanran should hide first..."

After saying something quickly, he rushed towards the cabinet.

When she came to the first cabinet, she was about to reach out and open it.

Inside, Li Shenruo saw through the small gap in the cabinet that Fairy Leng was about to open her cabinet, and was immediately frightened.

She felt dizzy when she thought about opening the cabinet and seeing the two people's eyes facing each other.

Especially, after hiding in the closet, she was still holding her own dress. Just now she was afraid of making any noise, so she didn't dare to wear it!

What if Fairy Leng sees this? ! ?


"Go to the second locker!"

Fortunately, Chen Daoxuan reacted quickly and shouted directly, and at the same time opened the third cabinet door for Yanran.

Seeing this, Leng Yanran naturally didn't think much about it. In her desperation, she didn't care so much, and she just dived into the third cabinet.

He closed the cupboard door, also restrained his breath, held his breath and concentrated, not daring to make any sound...

Upon seeing this, Chen Daoxuan casually deployed means of isolating the atmosphere and covered up the third cabinet.

There are three neat cabinets, and now only the middle is empty...

"Sir, why don't Lan Lan also go to that cabinet..."

It was also the first time for Ao Lan to experience such an exciting thing. At the moment, his head was filled with spiritual fluid, and he did not dare to speak, so he could only send a message to the adults to ask.

There are three cabinets, and there is exactly one left!

But before Chen Daoxuan could reply, it was already too late!

The door of Lingchi Palace had been pushed open by Dongfang Han. Upon seeing this, Chen Daoxuan could only quickly push Ao Lan back into the spiritual fluid.

He leaned back against the edge of the spiritual pool again and put his hands on the edge of the pool.

A few drops of sweat have slowly flowed down my forehead!

Nervous, really exciting!

Even when he first saw the will of heaven in this world, he was not nervous at all. He just chose not to compete with the will of heaven after some consideration.

But today, it’s different!

It is simply the most dangerous incident that Pavilion Master Chen has encountered since he came to this world!

If one thing is not handled well, the society will die on the spot!

It’s hard to do, it’s hard to do...

By the way, Cho'er, Cho'er wouldn't be the one who is greedy for being a teacher, right?

Pavilion Master Chen suddenly guessed in horror.

After all, Yan'er had shouted for him to be her husband, and today she suddenly broke into the Lingchi Palace. She might not have the same plan as Yanran! ?

Something is wrong, he just wants to be a master, why are all the disciples coveting his body! ?

Fortunately, Yourong is relatively normal. Except for being naive... and a little stupid, he is very satisfied with everything else. Anyway, his disciples, even if they are naive, will not be in any danger!

"Master, Master!!!"

As soon as Dongfang Han entered the Lingchi Hall, he was not as nervous as the previous people. After closing the hall door, he shouted and looked around.

"Ahem, how frizzy and frizzy are you?"

"Master is still taking a bath, what's your emergency?"

Chen Daoxuan watched Yan'er rummaging through boxes and cabinets, constantly searching every corner, obviously with purpose.

He was about to go to the three cabinets, and he couldn't sit still anymore, so he quickly coughed and scolded.


"This disciple is afraid that there are assassins in the Lingchi Palace, but he is thinking about his master!"

"Master, don't worry, let me check it carefully, safety first!"

Dongfang Han's eyes flashed as he approached the three cabinets step by step.


"Where did the assassins come from in the Tiandao Pavilion where I am my master?"

Chen Daoxuan's forehead was beating wildly. This young disciple was afraid that the visitor was evil! ! !

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