Dongfang Han looked around, even the corners, his purpose was very obvious!

Seeing that he was about to go to the cabinet, Chen Daoxuan couldn't sit still anymore, and he hurriedly scolded him.


"Master's strength is unparalleled. Even if there are assassins, there is naturally no danger."

"However, the disciple is afraid that the master is coveting his body right now, so he has to guard against it!"

Dongfang Han narrowed his eyes and kept moving lightly as he spoke, approaching the three cabinets.

Every time the footsteps get closer, the two people in the cabinet become more nervous!

Li Shenruo, in particular, felt ashamed and anxious. She had no clue at this time. If she was exposed, there would be no way to explain, and even her excuses would be very weak!

Chen Daoxuan could only sigh silently at this time.

It seems that Yan'er is determined to explore the situation of those three cabinets.

But it doesn't matter, in the Temple of Heaven, there is nothing that is difficult to get him!

He simply stopped talking and leaned directly by the pool, silently letting them go.

One or two of them are so good at picking the time, they have to get together and make one of them bigger than the other!

Seeing that his master didn't speak any more, Dongfang Han finally came to the cabinet and stretched out his hand.

Deacon Shenruo and Senior Sister must be hiding in these three cabinets!

If you had to choose a cabinet to open, you should choose... the middle!

No matter which side the two of them hide from, there must be someone in the middle!

Dongfang Han's eyes flashed, and he opened the middle cabinet with lightning speed!


Tsk, miscalculation!

Dongfang Han didn't care and quickly opened the other cabinets on the left and right!


Dongfang Han couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw that the other two cabinets were still empty, with no figure of Senior Sister and Deacon Shenruo.

There was even more disappointment in her eyes, as if this result was not what she wanted to see...

"As soon as I came in, I shouted that there was an assassin, and I was tossing and turning."

"It's been checked now, can you feel at ease?"

"Master, I'm ready to take a bath. If you have nothing else to do, please leave first."

Chen Daoxuan said calmly.

The moment Dongfang Han opened the cabinet, he directly moved Yanran and Shenruo to their respective rooms.

In Tiandao Pavilion, there is no way he wants Chen Pavilion’s master to die!


"Disciple, resign!"

Dongfang Han puffed up his cheeks and turned around to leave Lingchi Hall in great disappointment.

Suddenly something occurred to me.

In the spirit pool... people can be hidden!

"Master, in this spiritual pool..."

Dongfang Han asked weakly.


Chen Daoxuan had no choice but to wonder why his little disciple was so persistent, so he could only pretend to be dissatisfied.

"Disciple, resign!"

Seeing that his master was dissatisfied, Dongfang Han quickly stuck out his tongue playfully, not daring to say anything more.

Exited the Lingchi Palace and closed the door.

After she went out, Chen Daoxuan immediately deployed a few formations to make the Lingchi Palace temporarily unable to be opened from the outside.

Just let Yanran and Shenruo be sent away by him.

If Ao Lan had no choice but to be sent out, wouldn't Pavilion Master Chen's happiness be interrupted?

Chen is working hard to "cultivate"...what's wrong with enjoying the enjoyment!

"grown ups......"

Ao Lan just poked her head out of the water, her face also flushed. The experience just now was also very exciting for her!

"And you, don't let me, the Pavilion Master, worry!"

"You actually accelerated at such a dangerous moment?"

"Are you still circling?"

"Suck it harder?"

Chen Daoxuan glared at Ao Lan and complained.

After saying that, he still didn’t feel relieved, so he simply waved his hand and said, “Pah!”

Ao Lan screamed in surprise after being beaten, her whole body became soft and she lay shyly in the adult's arms.

"This pavilion master must punish you well!"

This time, no one can disturb him anymore, Mr. Chen...

...Ten thousand words are omitted here...

Outside Lingchi Hall.

Dongfang Han was a little discouraged. Could it be that she was really too worried?

It shouldn’t be!

With her intelligence, how could she not understand the thoughts of Deacon Shenruo and Senior Sister?

How could there be no one...

Unwilling to do so, Dongfang Han could only come outside the senior sister's room.


He asked tentatively.

"What do you want from me, little junior sister?"

Leng Yanran's calm voice came from inside the room, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Oh, nothing."

"I just came to ask if Senior Sister is hungry. Yan'er is going to bake a roast chicken. Do you want to eat, Senior Sister?"

Dongfang Han casually found an excuse.

"No need."

Leng Yanran naturally refused casually.

"Okay, then I won't disturb senior sister's rest!"

Dongfang Han could only fail in the end. She had no results this time, which made her feel bored.

I still want to learn from my senior sister first, how can I capture the master!

This time, I saw nothing, learned nothing, and aroused the dissatisfaction of my master. I lost blood!

That's all, go back to Duxian Pagoda and continue practicing.


In the room, Leng Yanran was tightly fitting a pillow covered with Master's clothes to her body.

I felt my junior sister leaving.

She even pointed her cute little tail directly into her eyes.


He turned on the charm towards himself and fell into an illusion.

Both pupils turned into heart shapes...

If you fail to succeed this time, you can only charm yourself and redeem yourself from dreams...


In Li Shenruo's room.



Taking a long breath, the moment Dongfang Han opened the cabinet door, she almost thought she was going to die on the spot!

Fortunately, the moment the cupboard door opened, she was already back in her room.

Looking at his white and smooth body in the bronze mirror, Li Shenruo couldn't help but raise his hand and touch it gently.

"Compared with Fairy Leng, it seems to be a bit behind."

"But, it should be called beautiful, right?"

Li Shenruo murmured.

There are too many beautiful women around Senior Chen. Someone like her who can dominate a field seems to be considered pretty good.

In the Tiandao Pavilion, she was still confident in appearance, but in terms of figure, she was crushed by Fairy Leng.

But it's just that the situation is different. Yanran is a succubus. Her glance and smile are all charming, and her exquisite body is plump.

Li Shenruo, on the other hand, is thin and thin, like a fairy on the moon, and people can't help but love her.

"I can only find another chance!"

She shook her head regretfully. This time the plan failed, but Senior Chen seemed to have a good attitude towards her. If she hadn't been interrupted by Fairy Leng, it would have been okay!

Next time, make sure to pick a good time!

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