The days in Tiandao Pavilion passed day by day as usual.

Chen Dao

There is simply no rush to raise the daily idle practice standards, and the daily idle practice is still based on the standard of tens of billions of system points.

[Ding, the host's great disciple Leng Yanran has broken through to the first level of the Void Refining Realm. The reward is: Shura blood energy, 20 million system points. 】

Chen Daoxuan was slightly stunned, but Yanran was more up to date!

At this time, the second disciple Li Yourong had just reached the ninth level of the Infinite Realm and was about to break through to the Distraction Realm, but the eldest disciple Leng Yanran had already broken through to the Void Refining Realm.

Far ahead of the other two disciples.

And as the realm of disciples gets higher and higher, the rewards of system points are gradually no longer worth mentioning like mosquito legs. When Yanran breaks through to the Tianmen realm, she can be rewarded with 20 billion system points for each level. The Tribulation Period can reward 200 billion system points every day, which is also a huge profit!

But...what is this Shura blood energy?

When Chen Daoxuan was confused, he had already taken out the reward from the system space. It was a mass of Dao Yun-like existence with no entity.

A ball of scarlet energy and blood contains endless evil energy. If a person is not strong-willed, he will lose his mind and become a machine that only knows how to kill.

"That's all, I'll give the rewards to the disciples when they come out of seclusion, and exchange them for some new heavenly materials and earthly treasures for cultivation."

Chen Dao


"Refining the void is done!"

In the Duxian Tower, Leng Yanran let out a long breath of turbid air.

Feeling the improvement of the realm within the body, this time to break through to the realm of refining, in addition to relying on those heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the most important thing is the heart of the devil given by the master.

But for some reason, there seemed to be an evil fire in his body at this time.

Leng Yanran didn't know whether it was caused by the devil's heart or the symptoms caused by the breakthrough in realm.

She only knew that what she wanted to see most at this time was Master, and it was best to be punished by Master with the Hongmeng ruler...!

After being punished by her master last time, Leng Yanran felt refreshed.

Nowadays, the dryness surging in the body has pushed that idea to the extreme.

After looking at the other three people who were practicing, Leng Yanran stood up silently and quietly left the Duxian Tower.

My heart was full of tangles, but I kept walking towards where the Master was.

The slender shoe heels made a "tapping" sound on the hard ground of Tiandao Pavilion.

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Daoxuan also woke up. Without opening his eyes, he knew that it was his eldest disciple Leng Yanran who had arrived.


Arriving in front of the master, Leng Yanran bowed and paid homage, but she was thinking in her heart about how she could get the master to punish her...

"Yes, Not Bad."

"This time you have already reached the Void Refining Realm. With your talent, it won't take long for you to be able to break through to the Combined Body and even the Mahayana."

Chen Daoxuan praised him with satisfaction. He was never stingy when it came to praising his disciples.

Good disciples are praised rather than punished. Pavilion Master Chen knows this very well!

"Master, this disciple is brave and wants a reward."

Leng Yanran lowered her head, not daring to look at her master, and spoke weakly.


"It's quite novel."

"It's rare that you have something you want, but it doesn't matter. As long as I have it as a teacher, I can reward you."

Chen Daoxuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a kind smile.

Yan Ran has never asked for anything since he entered the school. He thinks that as a master, he should show his heart to his disciples. Of course, he should show his heart to his disciples, but not to others...

Even if Yanran wants his most precious treasure of merit and virtue, the Hongmeng Ruler, he will definitely be able to reward it with a wave of his hand!

Anyway, he is his disciple, and since he has no demands on external things, he has already reached the level of invincibility.

"Yanran... Yanran..."

"I want...master to reward Yanran and punish me!"

After Leng Yanran said this, she carefully looked at her master's reaction, her pretty face burning as if on fire.

I was even more worried that Master might think he was seriously ill because of this...



"What does it mean to reward and punish you as a teacher?"


Chen Daoxuan didn't even hear clearly and already nodded in agreement.

But after he reacted, he looked confused and his mind could hardly turn around.

Reward is reward, punishment is punishment. What are rewards and punishments?

What about tongue twisters?

"It's just...just like when I punished Yanran last time."

Leng Yanran lowered her head and smelled the master's familiar scent.

In my mind, there are images of me and my junior sister being punished by the master with a ruler after they made the master angry. Just thinking about it makes me...


Chen Daoxuan was silent.

He raised his hand and reached towards Yanran's forehead.

"I don't have a fever either, why are you talking nonsense..."

Chen Daoxuan murmured.

"Please! Master, punish me!"

Feeling the warmth from Master's palm on her forehead, Leng Yanran boldly spoke directly.



"Hey, that's fine."

"as you wish......"

Chen Daoxuan said he didn't quite understand, but seeing his disciple's repeated requests, he was obviously serious.

I can only take out the Hongmeng Ruler silently.

This supreme treasure of merit and virtue, the Hongmeng Ruler, can unleash its black and yellow energy when facing the enemy, making it an unparalleled attack.

But if it is used as a ruler, it will cause the person being punished to feel great pain, but no injuries will occur.

"Have you thought about it?"

"It's not too late to regret now..."

Chen Daoxuan asked for the last time.

"Master, take action..."

The ruler was swung, and there was a muffled sound!

Without any further hesitation, he immediately waved three feet.

Three feet later, he was finally convinced of his last guess.

It’s real, this wave is real!

"Many, thank you Master..."

After Leng Yanran's breathing stabilized, she whispered.

Now that my mind has calmed down and my mind has returned, I realize how inappropriate my behavior was. Master, shouldn't he be displeased by this?


Chen Daoxuan fell into silence.

Did he punish his disciples or reward them...

It should be regarded as a reward, right?

After all, this was what Yanran asked for, not what he wanted to punish.

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