Leng Yanran trembled slightly before standing up.

Standing in front of Master, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Master. His cheeks were hot and even his ears were red.


"It smells so familiar..."

Chen Daoxuan suddenly moved the tip of his nose slightly and smelled a familiar fragrance.

It seemed like... it was the spice that Yanran used to wash his clothes on weekdays.

"Disciple, resign!"

When Leng Yanran heard her master's murmur, she felt ashamed and anxious. She quickly bowed her hands and wanted to get out quickly.

If Master discovers her little secret, she will really be shameless to face Master!

After saying that, without waiting for the master's response, she hurriedly turned around and left.


The master's voice sounded from behind, and Leng Yanran suddenly froze on the spot, not to mention how panicked she was!


He turned around stiffly and yelled angrily. Even his little tail seemed to be shrinking behind him out of fear, not daring to sway anymore.

"Take this."

"This is the reward that the master has prepared for you after you broke through the Void Refining Realm."

Chen Daoxuan looked at Yanran's appearance and thought that she was embarrassed by her actions just now. He simply smiled and shook his head, and casually took out the system reward, Shura Blood.

"What are you doing standing still?"

"Go on, this is a reward given to you by my master. It does not conflict with what you asked for. Just take it."

Chen Dao

"oh oh!"

"Thank you Master!"

Only then did Leng Yanran react. She quickly took the Shura blood energy with both hands. Before she had time to take a closer look, she bowed to her master, quickened her pace and left the small pavilion.

Seeing her escaping behavior, Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay. My teacher is very open-minded and has some special preferences. It's no big deal!"

Chen Daoxuan said casually to the back of the eldest disciple Yanran.

After hearing the master's words, Yan Ran staggered and her pace quickened a bit.

She is not afraid that the Master will know about her little quirks. After all, it has happened twice, and the Master must have known it in his heart.

What she was afraid of was...that the master would discover the bigger secret!

After Leng Yanran left, Chen Daoxuan spread his hands helplessly.

He said that as a master, he is so open-minded and doesn't care about the little interests and hobbies of his disciples. He can completely satisfy them, just by doing something!


Leng Yanran came to the Lingchi Hall, washed herself and put on clean new clothes.

Thinking of the scene just now, I still couldn't help but blush.

"I was almost discovered by Master..."

"It seems you need to be more careful in the future."

"But is my habit caused by my skills, my physique, or just because I like it?"

Leng Yanran frowned, wondering how she got this hobby.

He lowered his head and glanced at the Shura blood energy that the master had just given in his hand.

That’s all, if she can’t think about it, she won’t think about it for now. She will go back to Duxian Pagoda to absorb and refine the divine artifacts given by her master. She can improve her strength earlier, conquer the Western Region, and let Tiandao Pavilion unify the four regions. That’s what she needs to do now. Down to business!

Push open the door of Lingchi Palace and walk out of the temple.

Just about to take a step towards Duxian Tower.

"Yanran, wait a minute, my teacher suddenly remembered!"

The master's voice sounded, making Leng Yanran almost falter in her steps. Remember?

Master has remembered! ?

It’s over… it’s over, it’s over!

It's completely over now!

"Come here, why are you standing there?"

The master shouted again, and Leng Yanran could only walk towards the master like a lamb waiting to be judged.

"Master, Yanran knows that she was wrong..."

She buried her head very low. At this moment, she was very envious of her junior sister's capacity. If she had a capacity as large as her junior sister's, she could bury her entire face...


"What's wrong?"

"Master, I remember that the training resources I exchanged for you before have been almost consumed, right?"

"Now, let's take these new heavenly materials and earthly treasures back to Duxian Pagoda, so that I don't have to go and deliver them in person."

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, pointed to the stone table filled with treasures of heaven and earth and said doubtfully.


"It's nothing. I think it's my fault for not reminding Master."

"Yan'er will send the treasures of heaven and earth to junior sister now, so as not to disturb the master's sleep... Well, practice hard."

Leng Yanran was stunned for a moment, then quickly put away the treasures on the stone table that were full of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and walked towards the Duxian Pagoda without looking back.

Along the way, she cursed herself countless times in her mind.

Leng Yanran, Leng Yanran, usually she can deal with it calmly even when facing strong enemies, but every time she faces the master, she is so panicked!

I feel like a ghost in my heart, it’s so uncomfortable!

If this continues, sooner or later he will be exposed!

From now on, you must learn to face Master calmly and stop panicking!

Returning to the Duxian Pagoda and seeing that everyone was still cultivating, Leng Yanran simply placed the cultivation resources in a central location so that everyone could get them when they needed them.

Just as he was about to turn around and find a corner to start practicing and refining the divine object given by his master, he was suddenly startled by a pair of big bright eyes!

"Why are you so sneaky, Senior Sister?"

Li Yourong blinked his eyes and asked his senior sister with a pure face.

"What's so sneaky?"

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll spank you!"

"I just saw that there are not many cultivation resources, so I went out to find Master to get some resources. Here, you can get whatever you need."

Leng Yanran's expression instantly returned to its usual calm tone, and after speaking to her junior sister Yourong in a relaxed tone, she ignored everything else, returned to her corner, sat down cross-legged, and began to run her exercises.

Seeing this, Li Yourong didn't ask any more questions. He just blinked and looked at the senior sister for a moment. He said no more, took some cultivation resources, and returned to his place to start practicing.

Now, after refining the ancestral dragon essence and blood given by her master, she has reached the ninth level of the immeasurable realm. It won't take long to break through the distraction realm!

For a time, the time when everyone was practicing together in the past was restored in the Duxian Tower.

Outside the Duxian Tower, Chen Daoxuan also fell asleep peacefully again.

At this time, Chen Daoxuan only needs to wait quietly. Whether it is the Western Region or Zhongzhou, it is already a certainty!

With Yanran's current cultivation speed, I am afraid that by the time she conquers Zhongzhou, she will be able to take over the Western Regions as well.

By then, once the entire lower realm has been cleared, he will be ready to prepare for his trip to the upper realm.

After all, he had offended an extremely terrifying existence in the upper realm. If he did not prepare some means in advance, Pavilion Master Chen could not safely ascend to the upper realm!

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