Inside the imperial mausoleum.

Zhao Baizhou bowed to the three sarcophagi and described the upcoming crisis.


A sigh sounded, and this time, the three sarcophagi were opened together.

The old men lying inside were all skinny, but after coming into contact with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, their muscles swelled and regained their color at an extremely fast speed, and they regained their childlike appearance.

On weekdays, the three of them reduce their body functions to a minimum in order to delay their longevity and make the body's vitality flow slower.

The reason why there are no scattered immortals in the Four Realms is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is much thinner than that of Zhongzhou. Here, the three of them are already exhausted, and they dare not take action easily.

If it were Zhongzhou, it would be much better.

"Didn't I tell you not to provoke that young man?"

"We three old guys are definitely not the enemy of that man together."

The ancestor who woke up last time said with a helpless expression.

"Ancestor, that woman has a special status. She is the daughter of the previous Demon Emperor."

"Furthermore, this time it was not Bai Zhou who took the initiative to provoke him, but the other party came to him."

"If it were possible, how could Bai Zhou become an enemy of such a terrifying existence for no reason?"

Zhao Baizhou also felt bitter in his heart. The last time he faced the pavilion master, he almost lost his life just because he didn't kneel down.

He just wants to ascend as soon as possible. If he can't afford to offend him, why can't he hide from him?

But now, the other party doesn't give him the time to practice to the ninth level of the Tribulation Stage, so what can he do?

"Please help me, ancestor!"

Zhao Baizhou saw that the three ancestors were silent for a long time, so he bowed deeply.

At this time, he has reached a dead end. If the ancestor is unwilling to help, even if the terrifying pavilion master does not come forward, just the two loose immortal elders of Yin Yue Holy Land will make him irreversible.

The originally planned alliance is now digging its own grave.

"Hey, that's fine."

"There are only three of us left among the old brothers from back then."

"Now that the loose immortals in Zhongzhou still want to ride on the head of my demon clan, let's try our three old bones and see how many more we can change."

"But that woman is also a member of my demon clan. The three of us will not interfere in the dispute between the two of you."

There are only three ancestors left in the demon clan today, namely the third ancestor, the eighth ancestor, and the nineteenth ancestor.

They are all named after the order in which the demons have become loose immortals or transcended tribulations and ascended over the years.

Over the course of thousands of years, they had already forgotten their original names, especially after the Human Emperor of Zhongzhou united with several holy places to force them to the Western Regions. The last descendants of the clan.

The person speaking was the eldest of the three ancestors of the demon clan at this time.

"Thank you, ancestor!"

When Zhao Baizhou heard that his ancestor was willing to help, he immediately felt a lot more at ease and bowed deeply to his ancestor again.

As for being with that woman, how could he be afraid?

According to uncle Zhao Yizhen's information, the woman was only a junior in the realm of gods at this time, and it would take at least hundreds of years for her to grow up to the point where she could compete with him.

These hundreds of years were enough for him to try his best to escape.

"Haha, three fellow Taoists, long time no see."

"It seems that these three fellow Taoists have not been living comfortably in this Western Region these past few years."

"Not even a single spiritual energy can reach perfection."

At this moment, the figure of Ren Qing, the third elder of the Holy Land, also appeared in the imperial mausoleum.

He slightly raised his hands to the three Demon Race Loose Immortals and said hello with a smile on his face.

When the demons were still in Zhongzhou, they had interacted with each other several times. Although they were not close friends, they were familiar with each other.

"Fellow Daoist Ren, please come and be fine."

"It's been thousands of years since we last met, and fellow Taoist Ren's cultivation has improved a lot. Haha, I don't know if my not-so-perfect aura can bring fellow Taoist with me."

The Nineteenth Patriarch slightly bowed his hands to Renqing, with the same kind smile on his face.

But what they said was full of murderous intent.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist, you are joking."

"I came here to help the big shot, but I never thought of fighting to the death with three fellow Taoists."

"I would also like to ask three fellow Taoists to show their respect and do not embarrass me or yourself."

Renqing waved his hand and smiled. It is true that the other party did not have abundant spiritual energy, but they were both loose immortals. If they fought to the death, it would be easy to perish together.

"This is my demon clan's family matter, and I, the demon clan, can handle it on our own."

"If fellow Taoist intervenes, I will have no choice but to take fellow Taoist with me."

"Bai Zhou, let's go."

The Third Ancestor glanced at Renqing, who had slowly risen from the sarcophagus. The other two demon clan ancestors also stood up and landed next to Zhao Baizhou.


Renqing was not in a hurry, and made a very polite gesture of invitation to the three demon ancestors.


The Nineteenth Ancestor snorted coldly and disappeared into the imperial mausoleum with Zhao Baizhou.

Immediately, the remaining three people disappeared without saying much.

When he reappeared, he was already above the square of the Demon Clan Royal Capital.

Seeing the isolation barrier, the Nineteenth Ancestor snorted disdainfully, waved his hand, and the barrier instantly shattered.

The third elder Renqing didn't care about this either. The original barrier was to prevent the demon masters present from escaping before Lao Liu returned.

There is no need to exist now.

As soon as the three demon clan ancestors appeared, their eyes were fixed on Leng Yanran who was standing on Suzaku.


"How can there be such pure demon blood in the world, and the talent is unprecedented!"

The three demon clan ancestors took a breath of cold air at the same time!

The last time Leng Yanran came to the Western Region, their attention was focused on the terrifying young man, but they didn't pay much attention to this woman!

But now, when they saw it, the three of them were shocked.

Even though they are demon ancestors who have lived for more than ten thousand years, they have never seen such pure demon compatriots in their lives, let alone heard of such talents. They are probably already above the highest level of saint level talents. Come on! ?

If the demon clan could have had such compatriots born ten thousand years ago, they would have become the most powerful force in Zhongzhou. How could they be forced to where they are now by the Human Emperor and several holy places!

For a moment, an idea came to the minds of the three ancestors.

Although this woman's current cultivation level is not high, she is only at the first level of the Fusion Realm.

But its future is bound to be immeasurable, and it is definitely not comparable to Zhao Baizhou, the so-called first genius of the demon clan in thousands of years!

If he is trained to become a demon emperor, their demon clan may not be able to stand up and return to Zhongzhou to suppress the arrogant human emperor!

After Zhao Baizhou saw the realm, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he lowered his head and glanced at Zhao Yizhen, who was wiping cold sweat at the banquet.

Isn’t this lying about military information?

A few days ago, it was said that it was the state of distraction, but now it is the state of integration?

Inadvertently, Zhao Baizhou saw the undisguised excitement in the eyes of the three ancestors with his peripheral vision, and his heart suddenly thumped, he was about to suffer!

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