Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 323: Overcome the tribulation and kill without fail

How did Zhao Baizhou succeed in becoming the Demon Emperor in the first place?

Isn't it precisely because of their talent at the holy level and their unlimited future that when they overthrew the old Demon Emperor, the three ancestors turned a blind eye and did not interfere.

But now, compared with that woman, his talent is no longer enough.

From the standpoint of the three ancestors, it would be difficult to favor him!

As expected, the Eighth Patriarch couldn't help but said, "Today's matter is a matter of our demon clan, and it is up to the three of us to decide."

"Girl, after all, you are also a member of my demon clan. When your parents suffered what happened, we were in seclusion and we did not have time to stop the tragedy."

"But with your talent, you can definitely take over your father's position. It's better to listen to my advice and turn the conflict into friendship."

"The contemporary Demon Emperor Zhao Baizhou is now a master of the Tribulation Realm. He can ascend in a thousand years at most. Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, it will be of great benefit to our Demon Clan."

"If you are willing, I can make the decision and hand over the position of the Demon Emperor to you. From today on, Zhao Baizhou will remain in seclusion and will not be born again until he ascends."


After the Eighth Patriarch said this, the other two demon clan ancestors also nodded slightly to show that his words were reasonable.

After meeting Leng Yan, they also had a love for talents, but after all, Zhao Baizhou has been the Demon Emperor for so many years and has made great contributions to the Demon Clan. It is absolutely impossible to kill him. The morale of the demon clan must be weakened.

If Leng Yanran is willing to take over the position of Demon Emperor and give Zhao Baizhou some acceptable punishment, it will be the best result.

Especially the terrifying master behind this woman will become an important help for the demon clan to turn around.

Even Yin Yue Holy Land has now become a subordinate force of Tiandao Pavilion. If Leng Yanran serves as the Demon Emperor, wouldn't they be able to return to Zhongzhou at any time?

You don't even need to seal yourself in a sarcophagus every day. You can survive with the rich aura of Zhongzhou.

For a moment, many eyes were focused on Leng Yanran.

Whether it is Zhao Baizhou, the third ancestor of the Demon Clan, or many masters of the Demon Clan.

Even the two elders at Zhongzhou Holy Land, Li Xuansheng and Ren Qing, looked at Leng Yanran.

It's obviously just a combined state, but at this time, it controls the direction of the overall situation.

Many powerful demons couldn't help but swallow their saliva at this time, feeling a little nervous. If the other party is unwilling to accept the ancestor's proposal, a big battle will inevitably happen today!

Moreover, once this battle begins, even the Sanxian will be involved, there will be countless casualties, and the entire Western Region will flow into rivers of blood!

"I can accept the position of Demon Emperor."

Leng Yanran glanced at the ancestor who spoke and said in a calm tone.

After hearing this, everyone slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, the current Demon Emperor must die."

Leng Yanran continued, and suddenly the demon masters who had just breathed a sigh of relief choked in their throats with the remaining breath.

This woman... is so overbearing!

The position of Demon Emperor, in her mouth, seemed to be an apology sent by the demon clan.

"Sir, if you make a move later, please retreat further. Although the three Sanxian on the other side are close to running out of gas, the aftermath of the battle between the Sanxian and the Sanxian is still terrifying."

"I'm afraid it won't be possible to protect you later."

After hearing what Leng Yanran meant, the two Holy Mountain elders started to use their spiritual power. Their robes instantly bulged, and the Taoist charm flowed around their bodies.

The third elder, Ren Qing, raised his hands and whispered to Leng Yanran.

They were two against three. Although it was more dangerous, it was not a certain death situation. However, if anything happened to Leng Yanran, their entire Yin Yue Holy Land would probably be reduced to burial objects.

The three demon ancestors on the other side could only sigh when they saw this. They no longer suppressed their spiritual power and Tao Yun. In an instant, the color of the world changed, and the auras of the three Sanxian Realm demons swept the entire place.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"Zhao Baizhou, do you dare to fight with me?"

"If you win, what happened back then will no longer be investigated, and I, the Tiandao Pavilion, will no longer interfere in the Western Region at all."

Leng Yanran frowned slightly, raised her hand and pressed it down gently, asking the two Holy Land elders on the side to calm down.

She came here for Tiandao Pavilion to subdue the demon clan in the Western Region. There are still three ancestors in the Sanxian realm in the Western Region. If they can be subdued, it will be their Tiandao Pavilion's fighting power.

Now the two Loose Immortal Elders of Yin Yue Holy Land are already under the command of Tiandao Pavilion. No matter who falls and this battle occurs, it will be a loss for Tiandao Pavilion.


"The three of me can testify for you!"

"If you win, you will immediately become the empress of the Demon Clan, and from now on, the three of us and even the entire Demon Clan will be under the command of Tiandao Pavilion!"

"If you lose, the three of us can also make the decision and establish the position with you, but the original grudge between Zhao Baizhou and your parents will be wiped out."

Before Zhao Baizhou could agree, the Third Patriarch's eyes lit up and he agreed!

No matter what, they were not at a loss. From the moment they saw Leng Yanran, they had already considered establishing her as empress.

It's nothing more than how Zhao Baizhou, the current Demon Emperor, should end.

When the two of them fought, Zhao Baizhou was already a man of incredible talent, and he also had the cultivation level of the Tribulation Realm, which was three realms higher than Leng Yanran!

Even if Zhao Baizhou is allowed to suppress his realm to the combined state, relying on his insights and practical experience from so many years of cultivation and life-and-death struggle, he can easily suppress Leng Yanran!

If Zhao Baizhou could still lose under such a huge gap, then they would have nothing to say.

It can only be said that Zhao Baizhou was born at the wrong time... and encountered a monster that could transcend three realms.

"Bai Zhou, what do you think?"

The Nineteenth Ancestor glanced at Zhao Baizhou, whose expression remained calm, and asked.

"Gu, of course I have no objection."

Zhao Baizhou nodded slightly, his back straight and straight. Although he was panicked from beginning to end, he always maintained the magnanimity and demeanor that a demon emperor should have.

Now after hearing Leng Yanran's proposal, the big stone in his heart has fallen.

He was afraid of Leng Yanran, afraid of the speed of her breakthrough, afraid of her future, and even more afraid of the Tiandao Pavilion behind her and her invincible master!

It's not that she's afraid of Leng Yanran herself, who is only at the first level of the Fusion Realm.

Losing the position of Demon Emperor just allows him to concentrate on cultivation and ascend to the upper world as soon as possible. The further away from Leng Yanran and the Dao Pavilion of that day, the better!

"In this case, I will suppress my cultivation to the first level of the Fusion Realm like you."

From beginning to end, after Zhao Baizhou heard Leng Yanran's request, he thought he was fighting at the same level, so he planned to suppress his cultivation.

The people around me didn't think anything was wrong, as it should be.

"No need."

"Transcending the second level of calamity, I will kill you without fail."

Unexpectedly, Leng Yanran raised her eyebrows displeasedly. As the eldest disciple of the Master, killing enemies in the same realm, wouldn't that bring shame to the Tiandao Pavilion and the Master?

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