Everyone was stunned when they heard Leng Yanran's words.

In their opinion, even if Zhao Baizhou suppresses his cultivation to the first level of the Fusion Realm, Zhao Baizhou has an absolute advantage in the battle between the two.

After all, whether it was in terms of magical powers or combat experience, Leng Yanran was definitely not comparable.

But now, Leng Yanran actually said that there is no need to suppress cultivation, and she wants to fight Zhao Baizhou, who is in the first level of the Fusion Realm, and the second level of the Tribulation Realm. This is simply a fantasy!

At the beginning of cultivation, in the Qi Sea realm, there may be Tianjiao who can cross the big realm and kill the enemy.

But after reaching the Nirvana Realm and even the Infinite Realm, the improvement between each small realm is extremely terrifying. It is almost impossible to cross a large realm to kill the opponent.

Not to mention, after the combined state, there are three great realms of Mahayana, Tianmen, and Tribulation Stage.

If she can really fight through the tribulation by combining her body, doesn't it mean that when this woman is in the Mahayana realm, she can already rival the scattered immortals! ?

"Sir, you must not!"

The third elder, Renqing, immediately spoke to stop him.

"The Tribulation-Transcending Realm has been able to come into contact with the power of the rules of heaven and earth. It is already invincible against the existences under the Tribulation-Transcending Realm."

"Please consider it carefully..."

Renqing felt that this gentleman was usually under the protection of that terrifying existence and did not know the horror of the Tribulation Realm. After all, every time that big shot casually destroyed the world, he had seen it many times. I feel that the Tribulation Realm is not worth mentioning.

But... that gentleman is different. There is no second person in this world!

Even the three ancestors of the demon clan were stunned for a while after hearing Leng Yanran's words, and then became excited.

In this way, Zhao Baizhou is no longer in danger!

If possible, their demon clan hopes to get such a demon emperor, and it is best not to lose Zhao Baizhou, the genius.


In the square, there was even a demon master in the Mahayana realm, who couldn't help laughing.

For a moment, everyone looked at him. In such a serious situation, he actually laughed?

"Ahem, it's okay."

"I just thought of something... something happy."

The demon master in the Mahayana realm immediately realized something was wrong and quickly explained.

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden "bang" and his whole body turned into blood mist.

"My subordinates are good at making decisions, so please don't blame me."

The Sixth Elder, Li Xuansheng, casually slapped the demon master in the Mahayana realm, and then bowed to Leng Yanran.

In an instant, the demon masters who originally wanted to discuss a few words fell into silence.

Even the three ancestors of the Demon Clan did not express any dissatisfaction with this move.

Leng Yanran will be the new empress of the demon clan. Even if the person who sneered is not dead today, there will be no good results after Leng Yanran takes the position of empress.

He can only blame himself for not being smart enough to dare to laugh out loud at a time like this.

"grown ups......"

The third elder still wanted to speak to dissuade him, but was suddenly held down by the sixth elder on the side.

"Third Senior Brother, you talk too much."

After Li Xuansheng finished speaking, he glanced at Leng Yanran, who was always calm, and felt that this gentleman really had the means to cross the three realms.

After going to the Tiandao Temple in person, he could truly understand how terrifying the Tiandao Pavilion was.

It is not impossible for the disciples trained by that terrifying existence with many divine objects to achieve some achievements that are very understandable to people!

After hearing what Lao Liu said, Renqing suddenly reacted!

Just now, he was out of habit and regarded himself as the previous third elder of the Holy Land, and he actually spoke twice to refute what the adult meant.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Leng Yanran didn't care about this, but with a thought in her mind, she made Suzaku rise thousands of feet high, standing high in the sky and looking down at everyone.

"Please, the Demon Emperor will die."

As he waved his hand, blood evil energy surged in his hand, and in an instant it turned into a pitch-black spear with deep red lines on it, as if blood was flowing in it.

Leng Yanran's whole aura also changed in an instant. She was like an empress looking down on all living beings. Her pupils slowly turned from dark red. The blood evil aura even stained the flames originally burning on Suzaku's body into black red blood evil aura. .

A cold voice reached everyone's ears.

Zhao Baizhou took his time and took a step forward. He also stood thousands of feet taller and looked at the woman opposite him calmly.

He also had some doubts in his heart. It was clear that the previous Demon Emperor's heir did not show any particularly terrifying talent, but now he had transformed into a being that made him feel terrified.

Could it be that the old guy used some secret method to hide his qualifications?

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Zhao Baizhou said calmly, then stood there quietly, waiting for the other party to make the first move.

In the second level of the Tribulation Realm, facing the first level of the Fusion Realm, no matter how talented the opponent is, Zhao Baizhou can definitely crush him easily!

Leng Yanran didn't care about his contempt. With a thought, she used the new magical power she had learned in the Fusion Realm.

In an instant, the blood evil energy swept up, and Suzaku was temporarily contained by her. For the battle during the tribulation period, Suzaku could not help her much, but it would lose her mobility to use the demon's transformation.

After a breath, Leng Yanran's figure could no longer be seen. All he could see was the figure of an ancient demon that was more than a hundred feet tall and formed from the blood evil energy!

Like Leng Yanran, the ancient demon holds a bone gun, and the aura it exudes has already crossed nearly two realms, reached the ninth level of the Mahayana realm, and even infinitely approached the Tianmen realm!

However, this is obviously not enough for the tribulation period.

The demon's heart that Leng Yanran had refined began to beat vigorously, and the speed increased, causing its blood flow to also accelerate sharply, and the demon ancestor's essence and blood also played a role.

For a moment, the ancient demon began to leak out crimson mist from the bones of its body, and there seemed to be thousands of demonic shadows looming behind it, as if it wanted to pull people into hell, eat their flesh, and swallow their bones. .

The aura once again instantly reached a higher level, reaching the ninth level of Tianmen Realm!

It is only one step away from the tribulation period.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

This is such a magical means that can make a person from the first level of the Fusion Realm rise to the level of the ninth level of the Tianmen Realm in an instant.

Even Zhao Baizhou couldn't help but look serious when he saw this.

After all, he still underestimated this woman. If he had suppressed his cultivation and reached the combined state to fight, he would definitely lose!

No wonder she dared to say such arrogant words as using one body to cut off the calamity!

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