
"As expected of that lord's personal disciple."

Third Elder Renqing couldn't help but take a breath when he saw that the other party had exuded the aura of the ninth level of Tianmen Realm in an instant.

Sure enough, he is not from the same world!

From this point of view, I am afraid that this lord is not just acting on impulse, but actually has the ability to fight across three realms!

However, it is still almost impossible to rely on the ninth level of Tianmen Realm to defeat the Tribulation Stage.

In the realm of transcending tribulation, one has begun to understand the world and can fight with the help of the power and rules of heaven and earth.

It is a qualitative change from Tianmen realm!

On the other hand, the Sixth Elder Li Xuansheng, although shocked, was not surprised.

Tiandao Pavilion, where divine objects such as Enlightenment Tea and the like can be given away at will, would be unreasonable if it did not have some heaven-defying magical powers!

The most excited ones were the three ancestors of the demon clan.

Seeing Leng Yanran burst out with the strength of the ninth level of Tianmen Realm in the Fusion Realm, her eyes suddenly lit up!

It seems as if I have seen the great future of the Demon Clan. After this time, this woman will be the Empress of the Demon Clan. With this woman here, it will not be a problem for the Demon Clan to return to Zhongzhou!

Even the Human Emperor couldn't compare to this son when he was in the Fusion Realm!

"I admit that you are very strong, but Tianmen is Tianmen after all, and Dujie..."

Zhao Baizhou still maintains the demeanor and demeanor of his demon emperor, and still has to say a few words for the occasion.

But Leng Yanran had no intention of talking nonsense to him. Before he could finish his words, the transformed ancient demon had already swung its spear at him!

Wherever the bone spear scratched, the space was torn apart, and even the residual blood evil energy eroded, and the space could not heal for a long time!

Many demon masters in the banquet square were shocked when they saw this blow. If it were them, few of them would be able to take this ordinary shot!

However, it is obviously not enough for His Majesty who is in the period of transcending tribulation.

"Forget it, Gu Ye hasn't moved his body for a long time."

Seeing that the opponent was focused on fighting, Zhao Baizhou's spiritual energy was instantly inspired, and his whole body was instantly wrapped in demonic energy, and he also turned into a statue of a hundred feet high.

For the shot that was swung, he just slapped it away with a palm.


Under the collision, the terrifying aftermath came, and the three ancestors of the demon clan quickly set up an isolation barrier to cover the imperial capital.

After the slap, Zhao Baizhou frowned.

The palm of his Dharma Xiang was being continuously eroded by the evil spirit of blood. With his spiritual power in the Tribulation Realm, he was unable to dispel it, or even suppress it.

"I see."

Zhao Baizhou murmured that the opponent's method was indeed a headache. This blood evil aura was really terrifying. If the battle was stalemate for long enough, he would be dragged to the end by this blood evil aura.

But it’s not difficult to solve. As long as the battle ends quickly enough, this method will be useless!

As soon as he thought about it, Zhao Baizhou stopped holding back.

While making hand gestures and chanting incantations, he continued to use his great supernatural powers to bombard the incarnation of the Chaos Demon. The Dharma Phantasm kept punching at the incarnation of the Chaos Demon!

The demonic energy swept half of the sky in the Western Region at once. Meteors fell from time to time, and a thousand-foot-long demonic sword condensed from the sky and slashed down towards the incarnation of the Chaos Demon!

In this regard, Leng Yanran could only keep waving the bone gun to resist. Several critical moments were avoided by using the magic power of the demon to transform into a shadow.

If she resisted a full blow from the Tribulation Realm, even if she would not fall, she would be severely injured and defeated, and she would no longer be able to fight!

As Zhao Baizhou took action with all his strength, the scene became one-sided.

Even though Leng Yanran found opportunities to take action several times, he was blocked by Zhao Baizhou at will.

"His Majesty, the Demon Emperor, is a rare talent that has been rare in thousands of years. It is not for nothing."

"Old minister, I haven't seen His Majesty take action in nearly a thousand years, but he still has the same style."

"But after today, the dynasty changes and the throne changes hands. This is the last time His Majesty will shine!"

Many powerful demons in the square were filled with emotion when they saw His Majesty's invincible talent.

But they forgot that the woman who fought against Zhao Baizhou was only at the first level of the Fusion Realm.

After seeing her explosive strength, everyone instinctively felt that she was indeed capable of fighting in the Tribulation Realm. Unfortunately, it was still impossible to defeat the Tribulation Realm.

The three ancestors of the demon clan were even more happy at this time.

As long as Zhao Baizhou can win this battle, it will be the best situation today. For the demon clan, not only will there be no loss, but they will even gain a new emperor with unlimited future!

"Lao Liu, what do you think?"

Renqing frowned, feeling very unhappy when he saw that the adult was beaten so hard that he could hardly fight back.

No matter what, now their Yin Yue Holy Land is under the command of Tiandao Pavilion, and this person is the personal disciple of the Pavilion Master.

He even hoped that this master could really create a miracle and use his body to kill and overcome the tribulation!


"Haha, no matter whether I see it or not, His Majesty the Demon Emperor is dead today anyway."

The sixth child, Li Xuansheng, laughed and said very confidently.

He didn't believe that the master's disciple was really a brainless person. He knew that he couldn't win, but he insisted on fighting together to overcome the disaster.

Who knows what trump cards the master of the pavilion has prepared for his disciples? He can't even tell whether Leng Yanran's current burst of strength is full combat power!

Using magical powers to advance from the Fusion Realm to the ninth level of the Tianmen Realm is indeed shocking, but who can guarantee that this is all her trump card?

As everyone talked, the battle became more tense.

Seeing that there was a stalemate, Zhao Baizhou used his magical power faster. The waves of demonic sea surrounded Leng Yanran, and the demonic sword fell and meteorites fell, leaving no room for her to escape at all!

Once Leng Yanran escapes from the magical power using the physical magic power, he will immediately step forward and punch his incarnation with a real punch.

The demon's incarnation was already severely traumatized, and the bone gun even had cracks.

"It's time to finish."

Zhao Baizhou's eyes were filled with coldness, and he raised his hand to sacrifice a large cauldron.

"Your Majesty has used the magical weapon!"

Seeing the big cauldron, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

Zhao Baizhou had already gained the upper hand with his bare hands before. Now if he uses the immortal weapon again, Leng Yanran, who is already struggling to hold on, will definitely be defeated, and will even be severely injured!

In fact, Zhao Baizhou didn't want to use the fairy weapon to fight at the beginning. He felt that Leng Yanran's spiritual power in the Fusion Realm could not sustain it for long, and he only needed to exhaust his spiritual power.

But after fighting for so long, he had used up 30% of his spiritual power, but the opponent showed no signs of losing strength even though he was in the Fusion Realm!

Delaying it any longer will be detrimental to him, so he can only choose to fight quickly, suppress it with immortal weapons, and defeat him in one fell swoop!

Leng Yanran, on the other hand, never spoke a word from beginning to end, she just kept dodging and looking for opportunities to attack.

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