Seeing Zhao Baizhou sacrifice the immortal weapon, everyone was inspired.

The outcome is decided!

Just now, Leng Yanran was beaten with bare hands and retreated steadily. Now, with the use of the magical weapon, the winner can be determined with just one blow!

However, despite this, everyone admired Leng Yanran.

It is not easy to fight His Majesty the Demon Emperor who is in the second level of the Tribulation Stage to such an extent.

Except for the three ancestors of the Demon Clan and the terrifying being from Tiandao Pavilion, Demon Emperor Zhao Baizhou already has the highest combat power in the entire Four Domains.

Leng Yanran can now rank second among the four regions!

However, Zhao Baizhou has lived for thousands of years, how old is Leng Yanran?

Third Elder Renqing couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw the scene of him sacrificing the immortal weapon.

They are always ready to help. If this big shot is seriously injured, they will not be able to explain to Pavilion Master Chen!

In my heart, I was even more dissatisfied with Zhao Baizhou, the Demon Emperor. He was already three realms higher than when he combined with the Tribulation Battle, but he still used immortal weapons to fight, bah!

Even the Sixth Elder Li Xuansheng couldn't help but feel worried at this time. Could it be that he had guessed wrong?

This Leng Yanran has always been at a disadvantage. Now that she is suppressed by the immortal weapon, if she does not use her trump card to deal with it, defeat is already a foregone conclusion.

It shouldn't be...


In the void.

The four black-robed messengers in the human-immortal realm are quite different from what everyone sees.

"As soon as the immortal weapon comes out, the demon emperor will definitely die."

"No wonder, the judge asked us to eradicate this woman at all costs."

"If she is allowed to grow and ascend to the upper realm, even the Lord Judge may not be able to match her!"

"This woman is not only terrifying in strength, but also very scheming!"

The black-robed messenger narrowed his eyes slightly, but his judgment was completely opposite to that of the others.

Just when everyone felt that Leng Yanran would definitely be defeated, in the eyes of these immortals, it was the moment when Zhao Baizhou was about to die!

Zhao Baizhou had an immortal weapon to protect his body before, but now that he has sacrificed the immortal weapon, as long as the immortal weapon leaves his body, he will inevitably end up dead!

"Get ready to do it."

While the four of them marveled at the woman's terror, they also decided to take action while they were relaxing after Leng Yanran killed Zhao Baizhou!


"If you admit defeat now, the throne will still be yours."

"Starting from tomorrow, I will announce my retreat and never come out again."

There is a giant cauldron faintly held in the palm of Zhao Baizhou's dharma body. The immortal weapon is exuding a strong demonic energy. If it hits it with a blow, its power will definitely destroy the heaven and earth!

But facing his words, Leng Yanran's demon incarnation remained silent. She just put on a defensive posture and put tens of miles away from Zhao Baizhou.

Seeing this, Zhao Baizhou also knew that talking more would be useless.

Immediately, he pulled out the giant cauldron and smashed it down hard on Leng Yanran!

After the giant cauldron was thrown out of the hand, it instantly magnified ten thousand times, covering the sky and the sun, as if it wanted to envelop the entire imperial capital.

Leng Yanran had no room to escape at all. Even if she wanted to use the Demonic Shadow to escape, Zhao Baizhou would always pay attention and intercept her!

Wherever the giant cauldron passed, the space was shattered like a mirror. The terrifying momentum caused many demon masters in the square to use their magic power to resist.

The third ancestor of the demon race quickly strengthened the strength of the barrier to prevent the attack from affecting the demon creatures in the imperial capital.


Under everyone's nervous gaze, Leng Yanran's demon incarnation did not escape in the end, and was forcibly pressed by the giant cauldron above her head, and it fell down inch by inch!

The demon's incarnation never took a step back, placing the bone gun against the giant cauldron and straightening his waist.


The bone gun slowly shattered until the giant cauldron pressed on the head of the incarnation of the demon.

Everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

Why didn't she hide? ?

If the incarnation is smashed into pieces, it will inevitably cause backlash and be severely damaged. It will take a hundred years to recover, and it may even cause disaster and affect the future of cultivation!

Even Zhao Baizhou couldn't help but glare when he saw this scene. He just wanted to win, but he didn't want to kill this woman. Even if she was seriously injured, it would not do him any good. If this woman died because of this, the person behind her would The monstrous anger of this terrifying master is not something that the demons can bear, let alone Zhao Baizhou!

But at this time, it was too late to intervene. In an instant, the giant cauldron pressed down, and the demon transformed into blood mist!



"Lao Liu, save people!!!"

The third elder, Renqing, was immediately shocked. Why did this aunt have no intention of running away?

After this incarnation is broken, wouldn't the main body be directly smashed into pulp!

When he shouted, he found that Lao Liu was no longer around him.

As early as the moment when the demon's incarnation shattered, Lao Liu had already taken a step forward and rushed forward!

"Auntie, nothing can happen to you!"

"If something happens to you, it's all over!!!"

The sixth son, Li Xuansheng, was one of the flustered ones. When he left Tiandao Pavilion, he kept promising that as long as he was alive, nothing would happen to this aunt!

Doesn't this cost his life? ! !

Moreover, the master of the pavilion even gave him divine objects such as enlightenment tea, but he failed to even protect his disciples. It would not be a pity to die properly!

But when he appeared under the giant cauldron and held it up, he was stunned.

"People, where are people?"

Leng Yanran's figure was nowhere to be seen under the giant cauldron, only a cloud of blood mist slowly dissipated.

Li Xuansheng suddenly trembled!

It was smashed into blood mist! ?

It’s over, it’s over! ! !

That damn Zhao Baizhou!

Today, we must kill Zhao Baizhou and take his dog head to the Tiandao Pavilion to plead guilty. Whether we can survive depends on whether the master of the pavilion gives him a chance... I guess it will be tough enough to survive!

But Li Xuansheng suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was the air so quiet and no one spoke?

Just when he was about to turn around and kill Zhao Baizhou's head.

He was also stunned.



Zhao Baizhou said in shock and confusion as he looked at the spear tip that passed through his back and came out through his chest.

That pitch-black spear was exuding a terrifying blood-evil energy, corroding his heart.

Now that the spear had penetrated his heart, he was horrified to find that he couldn't even mobilize his spiritual power and could only let it erode. His spiritual energy, heart veins, and even his spiritual consciousness began to have difficulty functioning.


Leng Yanran said calmly, holding a spear in her hand and standing sideways behind Zhao Baizhou.

Her incarnation of the Heavenly Demon was not a Dharma form. When the incarnation appeared, she had already hidden it through the secret magical power that she had learned through the Chaos Heavenly Demon Technique. She also transformed into a shadow of the Heavenly Demon, always following Zhao Baizhou not far behind.

Just waiting for the moment to sacrifice the immortal weapon!


Ps: Thank you: Bai whoring, Baozi’s reward is certified by the master. In addition, if Baozi wants a name for the supporting role, you can leave a message in the comments of the latest chapter of the day, or leave a small gift directly. The author will read the comments every day. Yes, if there are suitable people, they will be arranged for them.

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