From the beginning to the end, Leng Yanran never thought of confronting Zhao Baizhou, who was in the second level of the Tribulation Realm.

The way she practices is simply the ultimate spear, everything is for attack, not defense.

In fact, among the many magical powers, there are some that conceal the figure and some that can teleport, which simply exist for assassination.

In a head-on battle, although she was 70% to 80% sure of winning, she would have to pay some price.

It's not like now. All you have to do is wait for the opportunity and kill with one strike, and Zhao Baizhou will have no resistance!

From the beginning to the end, everyone thought that she was being suppressed and beaten by Zhao Baizhou, but in fact... the one she fought against was only an incarnation created by her magical power, and it was different from Zhao Baizhou's method, so she did not need herself at all. The essence is within the incarnation.


"His Majesty......"


"Really killed the second level of the Tribulation Stage with the first level of Fusion Realm!?"

After a moment of silence, many demon masters in the square opened their mouths wide, looking at His Majesty in disbelief as Leng Yanran pierced his heart with the God-killing Spear. At this time, their vitality was rapidly collapsing, and there was no way to survive.

Even under the influence of the God-killing Spear, Zhao Baizhou could not even recall his own immortal weapon to protect his body at this time.

He could only let the bloody evil energy emitted by the God-killing Spear continue to corrode his heart and spread throughout his body.

"What kind of magical power is this!"

"Unexpectedly, even we and other Sanxian can't figure out any clues!"

The pupils of the three ancestors of the demon clan suddenly shrank at this time. During the battle just now, even they did not see anything wrong.

Seeing Zhao Baizhou sacrifice the immortal weapon, everyone already thought that Leng Yanran would definitely be defeated and was likely to be seriously injured.

For this reason, they were a little worried just now, fearing that the terrifying existence in Tiandao Pavilion would blame the entire Western Region Demon Clan for seriously injuring their disciple.

But now the situation has suddenly reversed. Leng Yanran has never fought against Zhao Baizhou with her true body from beginning to end. Instead, she forced out Zhao Baizhou's magical weapon with just her incarnation, and instantly seized the opportunity to kill him with one blow!

Regardless of its strength or strategy, it is terrifying!

The third elder Ren Qing and the sixth elder Li Xuansheng of Yin Yue Holy Land were shocked when they saw this scene, but they also breathed a long sigh of relief.

If something happened to Leng Yanran, the two of them would be doomed!

As for Zhao Baizhou, he will die, and the two of them don't care.

"Big, big nephew!"

Uncle Zhao Yizhen, after being stunned for a moment, reacted and instantly burst out at the extreme speed of Tianmen Realm, turning into an afterimage and arriving in the sky.

"Fairy... No, Your Majesty the Empress!"

"Now that the victory has been decided, Your Majesty is the new Demon Emperor. This Zhao Baizhou is the genius of the Demon Clan. I beg Your Majesty the Empress to spare his life and serve the Demon Clan and Your Majesty!"

Zhao Yizhen saw that his nephew's energy was quickly dissipating, and he begged for mercy to Leng Yanran anxiously.




Leng Yanran raised her eyebrows. She conquered the demon clan not because she wanted the position and reputation of the demon empress, but just to strengthen her master's Tiandao Pavilion.

Is it important for Tiandao Pavilion to just cross the tribulation realm?

Now she can kill and overcome tribulations with the combined state. When she breaks through the Mahayana and even reaches the Tianmen state, so what if she is a loose immortal, or even a human immortal!

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit."

"Uncle, you still do your own thing well and die alone in the hands of such a talented person, haha, no regrets."

Zhao Baizhou saw that Zhao Yizhen continued to ask for mercy for himself, so he quickly took over the conversation.

His death has been decided, and there is no need to involve his old uncle Zhao Yizhen.

According to Leng Yanran's temperament and Tiandao Pavilion's style, except for those involved in the incident, the other demon masters are still safe.

After all, if the entire demon tribe in the Western Region is wiped out, what is the point of Tiandao Pavilion conquering the Western Region?

"Let's hit the road."

Leng Yanran was not interested in the relationship between the two of them, so she flicked the God-killing Spear and instantly cut off his heart!

The bloody energy of the God-killing Spear poured directly into his spiritual platform, killing Zhao Baizhou's true spirit along with it!

Since then, the Demon Emperor of the Western Regions, Zhao Baizhou, has fallen.

Leng Yanran actually didn't have much feeling about what happened to her parents.

She has been living in the Leng family of the Moro Kingdom for as long as she can remember. The Leng family usually treats her not bad, and distributes resources according to normal clan members. However, it is inevitable that several elders in the family will see her as a pick-up and treat her accordingly. Not happy with this.

Fortunately, the head of the family, Leng Leng, always supported her and did not let her suffer any injustice in the Leng family.

Today, the Leng family, because of her existence, has become the largest family in the Northern Territory even though they have not received any special instructions or care!

Even now, after conquering the Western Region, the Leng family can be called the first family among the four regions by virtue of this relationship with her. No force dares to embarrass the Leng family, and there are even countless powerful people who are eager to send heavenly materials. Dibao, get involved with the Leng family!


"From now on, I, the Great Disciple of Fengtian Dao Pavilion in the Western Region, Leng Yanran, will be the Empress of the Demon Clan!"

The third ancestor of the demon clan sighed slightly, and then the news of the demon queen's succession spread throughout the Western Region with a loud sound like a bell.

The three demon clan ancestors witnessed the rise and fall of Zhao Baizhou with their own eyes.

However, when Leng Yanran killed Zhao Baizhou, none of the three of them spoke to stop him.

Karma and retribution have their own reincarnation. Zhao Baizhou needs to repay the sins he committed.

"Your Majesty, the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Capital's Forbidden Army, pays homage to Her Majesty the Empress!"

"My lord, the Demon Clan Captain, bow to Your Majesty the Empress!"


As the voice of the third ancestor of the demon clan fell, everyone finally reacted.

Many demon masters in the square bowed devoutly to Leng Yanran, who was looking down at them from above, holding the god-killing spear and the bloody aura slowly lingering as if he were an ancient demon alive.

"Ten days later, the three of us will personally hold a coronation ceremony for Her Majesty the Empress!"

"Your Majesty, according to the rules, as the Demon Emperor, Zhao Baizhou should be buried in the imperial mausoleum even if he falls."

Bazu slightly cupped his hands towards Leng Yanran.

In the past, even though Zhao Baizhou was in the position of Demon Emperor, he had to treat the three of them with respect, but it is different now. The new Demon Empress has an extremely prominent status, and even the three of them can now only address them as Your Majesty!

"The rules must be followed by Tiandao Pavilion."

Leng Yanran flatly rejected the request of the Eighth Patriarch of the Demon Clan. She immediately whispered with her red lips, recited the salvation sutra once, and then pointed at Zhao Baizhou's lifeless body with one finger.

The blood evil energy was like a raging fire, instantly turning Zhao Baizhou's body into ashes and scattering them in the wind.

"From now on, in this Western Region, there will only be Tiandao Pavilion's rules and my rules."


Leng Yanran adapted to her identity very quickly. She was already the empress of the Northern Territory, and now she doesn't feel any discomfort when people call themselves me.

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