Although Leng Yanran spoke very quietly, her words resounded throughout the Western Region.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Many masters of the Demon Clan were prostrate on the ground and had no chance to look up to see the final situation.


The sixth child, Li Xuansheng,'s eyes lit up. He should have guessed a long time ago that that terrifying disciple would not have the means to save his life!

But no matter what, they just took the initiative to withstand the first wave of attacks, which was an extremely correct choice.

There is no conflict between whether Leng Yanran has the means to save her life and whether they will fight to the death to resist. At least the being in Tiandao Pavilion can know their loyalty!

After several Sanxian eliminated the impact of the previous attack, they had the opportunity to look up.

At first glance, everyone was shocked.

The entire sky in the Western Region has been covered by three thousand law chains. The law chains are swimming in the sky like a dragon, and there is a faint sound of the chains colliding.

Thousands of Tao Yun, centered on Leng Yanran, are spreading continuously. They don't even dare to guess what kind of magical power it contains!

The world is blocked for millions of miles, and even mana cannot function, and even time seems to have stopped.

At this time, Leng Yanran had a mark flashing between her eyebrows, which contained nearly a hundred magical powers.

There was a defensive magical power that had just been activated, as well as a magical power that sealed the world, but the offensive magical power had not yet been mobilized by Leng Yanran.

"I say, kneel down."

When Leng Yanran saw the four black-robed immortals just looking at her in horror but making no move, she couldn't help but frown slightly and shouted again.

At the same time, the offensive magical power sealed by the master in the spiritual platform was slightly unsealed. Although it was not activated, the terrifying power revealed made the black-robed messenger who was unable to mobilize his magic power instantly feel as if he was being pressed by a mountain on his shoulders.


Before he could react, he was suppressed by the terrifying pressure and fell to his knees in front of Leng Yanran.

"Who is your boss and who do you work for?"

Leng Yanran looked down at the four people and asked.


One of the black-robed immortals was about to speak, but suddenly his whole body expanded rapidly.

The magic power that was not under his own control actually reversed in his body, and he was apparently being manipulated to self-destruct!


When Leng Yanran saw this, her red lips opened slightly, and a sword light instantly erupted from the spiritual platform, passing through the eyebrows of the black-robed immortal.

After the sword light passed, it was like a deflated rubber ball, and the self-destruction stopped.



"Something's wrong, something's wrong..."

The other three black-robed envoys were shocked, and suddenly understood in their hearts.

The self-destruction just now was not done by the fourth child on his own, and even the few of them now have no way to mobilize their magic power to self-destruct!

The only possibility is that the judge, or your Majesty, wants to abandon them!

"We can explain everything, as long as you can protect us from death!"

Immediately, the leader of the black-robed messengers, the Zi Messenger, hurriedly spoke to Leng Yanran.

In desperation, this was the only way he could think of to survive.

Even if you work as a pawn for Tiandao Pavilion in the future, or even become a chess piece of Tiandao Pavilion, it is better than death!

In response, Leng Yanran remained silent, patted the storage bag on her waist, and took out a portable array disk.

It was the formation disk that her master had given her that could teleport back to the mountain at any time.

Their life and death are decided by their master. It doesn't matter whether they confess or not. When they arrive at the Temple of Heaven, they are already meat and potatoes on the chopping board.


Leng Yanran activated the formation disk and teleported the three of them directly to the Temple of Heaven through the formation.

After taking a look at the situation on the ground, the imperial capital was now heavily damaged, and it would probably take a few more days to repair it.

"I will come back to the Western Region in ten days."

"I'll leave the aftermath to the four of you."

Leng Yanran glanced at the four Sanxian who were looking at her respectfully.

"In addition, I will take this person away."

Leng Yanran glanced at Demon Race Ancestor Nineteen, who was now almost indistinguishable from a dead person.

After all, it was just because he had blocked the attack that he ended up like this, so he had to be saved.

Although the three demon clan ancestors made her feel slightly unhappy about Zhao Baizhou, she still saw their actions just now.

Regarding Zhao Baizhou's matter, in the final analysis, the three of them were all for the demons, so she no longer cared about it.

So under the respectful greetings of everyone, Leng Yanran directly waved the unconscious demon ancestor Nineteenth into the teleportation array and disappeared from everyone's sight.

It wasn't until Leng Yanran left that the chains of laws between heaven and earth began to slowly dissipate, and they disappeared between heaven and earth again.

Only then did everyone slowly feel the magic power in their bodies, and the terrifying situation just now was absolutely unprecedented.

Even as a loose immortal, he couldn't sense his own magic power at all and couldn't mobilize it at all. If Leng Yanran wanted to take action against them, it would be as easy as killing a mortal!

Thinking of this, the four Loose Immortals couldn't help but look at each other and took a deep breath.

I thought it was outrageous enough to kill someone in the Fusion Realm who would transcend the Tribulation Stage.

But now it seems like, haha...

He is indeed the great disciple of Tiandao Pavilion.

With such life-saving means and trump cards, even the real immortal has no power to resist when he comes close.

Their worries are too much...

After Leng Yanran left, the two elders of Yin Yue Holy Land were not in a hurry to leave.

Together with the two ancestors of the demon clan, they started to repair the buildings in the imperial capital.


Temple of Heaven.

[The host's great disciple Leng Yanran, kills the enemy of the Eighth Level of the Immortal, and the reward is: 80 billion system points. 】

Chen Daoxuan suddenly smiled with satisfaction when he heard the system prompt tone.

Isn’t this great gift coming?

But he remembered that there should be more than one.

Just when he was about to send out his spiritual consciousness to check the current situation in the Western Region.

Beside the small pavilion, the teleportation formation daoyun suddenly lit up.


Three black-robed immortals fell out of the teleportation array.

Without the constraints of the law, the three people's mana returned.

There is no time to marvel that there is such a rich spiritual energy, and you can even faintly feel the existence of the law and Tao Yun!

The three of them immediately mobilized their magic power and used their magical powers to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise it would be too late if the female murderer arrived!

"All three of you are here."

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

A gentle and elegant voice sounded in the ears of the three of them. Even though the three of them had activated their magic escape powers to the extreme, they found that they were only driving slowly, to a terrifying point, slower than a snail!

In an instant, the three people reacted! is the temple!

The place where that terrifying existence lives, what a fart! ?


Ps: Thank you: Villager, Baozi rewarded me with the certification from the master! Today's state is too bad, there are only two updates, so you guys don't have to stay up late waiting for the third chapter.

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