Chen Daoxuan's voice rang in the ears of the three of them. Suddenly, the three of them were stunned, and then they realized that they had been sent to the temple of False Mountain by the woman!

No wonder the spiritual energy here is more intense than that of the Palace of the Past, and the Taoist charm flows around it, just like a fairy garden.

No wonder the three of them had already tried their best to run away, but they were as slow as a snail.

"By the way, calligraphy and painting, boss!"

One of the black-robed messengers had a thought in his mind and hurriedly reminded him.

In fact, without waiting for his reminder, the black-robed messenger [Zi] had already taken out the calligraphy and painting. Now that there are no thousands of chains of laws that block the world, the Taoist charm and magic power have been restored to the calligraphy and painting.

Moreover, the magic power of their own bodies can be used freely, so it is no problem to activate calligraphy and painting!

But before he could move, he felt a light touch on his hand, and the calligraphy and painting had disappeared.

"The calligraphy and painting contain teleportation formations, which is quite subtle."

Chen Daoxuan sat in the small pavilion, glanced at the calligraphy and painting in his hand, and nodded slightly in appreciation, but that was all. He understood its logic at just one glance. Now he can make it at will, and even draw inferences from one example.

He casually threw the calligraphy and painting on the stone table and looked at the three black-robed immortals who were frozen in place with a slight smile.

His eyes were full of kindness and welcome. person is in the eighth heaven of fairyland, and two people are in the ninth heaven of fairyland.

Eighty billion, ninety billion, ninety billion, tsk tsk... 260 billion system points, it's hard not to make people happy!

As the saying goes, if a friend comes from afar, he will be driven away from the palace. He will be whipped for fifty, and the ashes will be thrown away.


Another wave of space fluctuations came.


With a sound, an unconscious body was thrown over.

Chen Daoxuan:? ? ?

What is Yanran doing in the Western Region?

First, he was very happy to throw in three great virtuous people from the human-immortal realm.

But... why did he throw in the broken body of the loose immortal realm? The true spirit has been disintegrated, and he is very happy just looking at it.

Well, it doesn't matter, he's not completely dead yet.

If you directly destroy his true spirit, it can be regarded as a kill.

Ninety-five billion system points are not bad!

When Chen Daoxuan was thinking this, the nineteenth ancestor of the demon clan, who had lost consciousness, shivered instinctively...

Just when Pavilion Master Chen was wondering whether he should hurry up and take in this guy who was about to die, Leng Yanran's figure was also teleported back to the mountain through the formation.


As soon as Leng Yanran appeared, she came to the master first and bowed respectfully to him.

In the Western Region, she is the high-ranking Empress, but on the mountain, in front of the Master, she will always be just a disciple, and a disciple with evil intentions...

"This trip went well."

Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly to his disciple and praised softly.

This time Yanran went down the mountain, he gained a lot. After conquering the Western Region, the rewards of the four regions were integrated, and he would receive a reward of 100 billion system points every year. No, after his bargaining with Tongzi, he had already It has risen to 120 billion system points and is released in batches every month.

In addition, when Yanran was in the Western Region, she also killed a great master of the Tianmen realm and a second-level master of the Tribulation Realm, which was also a big gain.

From the beginning to the end, the three black-robed immortals on the side remained silent, quietly waiting for the judgment to come, feeling nervous in their hearts.

Now that they can't escape, it depends on how this being will treat them.

In a few words, Leng Yanran had already roughly told her master about her experience in the Western Region.

"I see."

When Chen Daoxuan heard the last word, he nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the 19th ancestor of the demon clan who was lying on the ground slowly floated up and came to the small pavilion.

If it weren't for Leng Yanran's explanation, he would have thought that this loose immortal was one of the enemies and planned to harvest him as a system point.

But since it was to protect Yan Ran, he took the initiative to block the immortal's attack, so he should be rewarded.

With a pointing finger in the air, a law and rhythm appeared instantly, showing endless vitality. The light green vitality slowly flowed into the eyebrows of the demon immortal, repairing its broken consciousness.

But this is not enough. Even if his consciousness is restored, the damage he suffered is too severe and his memory is confused. Even if his consciousness is restored, it will only become a dementia.

But for Pavilion Master Chen, it is obviously not a problem, and several laws and charms appear again.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the three black-robed immortals on the side suddenly shrank and they couldn't help but tremble!

Being able to invoke laws is an existence that they can no longer understand.

Even the judge in the realm of immortals, no, even their lord in the Palace of Rebirth, would never be able to do this!

At least... Immortal Lord, or even higher!

They simply couldn't figure out why such terrifying existences would appear in the lower world.

Logically speaking, the higher the realm, the harder it is to pass through the world barrier and come to the lower realm. Otherwise, the Palace of Purity will not only send envoys from the immortal realm to do things in the lower realm.

It is obviously easier for the Lord Judge in the Celestial Realm to complete the task, but it is not easy for the Celestial Realm to hide the will of heaven in this world.

Unless... abandoning cultivation, separate a true spirit to come to the lower world, reincarnate, or seize the body and cultivate again, that is also a way.

For a moment, the three of them could not help but curse the judge angrily.

A disciple of an Immortal Lord asked them to come down to the realm to assassinate him. Isn’t that why he asked them to die?

No, no, no, that's not right. Assassinating a disciple of the Immortal Lord is not a question of whether they die or not. I'm afraid the Palace of Rebirth will also be destroyed. I really don't know what the Lord is thinking! ! !

"I...this is what I am?"

The Nineteenth Ancestor of the Demon Clan woke up slowly. As soon as he woke up, he couldn't help but reach out and pat his body. Just now, he felt that his true spirit had been scattered between heaven and earth, and he didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated.

Afterwards, he completely lost consciousness, but suddenly a green life appeared, pulling him back to life!

Now that I woke up, my body seemed to be completely restored to its original state, with only some hidden injuries left, which would take a few years to heal!

He had already passed out after receiving the first blow, but he had no chance to see Leng Yanran's invincible side as she resisted the immortal's attack and sealed the world with laws.

"Why don't you meet the Pavilion Master soon?"

Ao Lan, who had been standing silently behind Chen Daoxuan, saw that he was confused after waking up and had not paid homage to the Lord, so he reminded him.


"Tiandao Pavilion, Lord Pavilion Master!?"

Only then did the Nineteenth Ancestor react. No wonder he felt that the aura of this young man was familiar. It turned out that this was the terrifying existence that came to the Western Region!

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