That's right, I'm afraid only this terrifying existence, the Master of Tiandao Pavilion, can bring him back to life from a certain death situation!

Immediately, the Nineteenth Patriarch bowed respectfully to Pavilion Master Chen.

When he rushed out to defend Leng Yanran from magical powers, what he was thinking in his mind was simple: Leng Yanran was the opportunity for the demon clan to rise again!

Even if Leng Yanran died, Tiandao Pavilion's anger would most likely destroy the entire Western Region.

It's better to give it a try and use your own life to exchange for a future for the demon clan.

Now it seems that he made the right bet. Not only was he right, but his life was even saved by the Tiandao Pavilion Master!

It is estimated that at the last moment, this gentleman appeared in the Western Region in person and captured the three black-robed immortals here.

Glancing at the three black-robed immortals who were silent and shivering beside them, the Nineteenth Patriarch couldn't help but sigh.

When the black-robed immortal took action in the Western Region, several of their loose immortals were on the verge of death in just an instant. But now when they arrived at Tiandao Pavilion, facing the master of Chen Pavilion, they were completely reversed and did not even dare to fart. .

The gap between the Immortal and Pavilion Master Chen is probably even greater than the gap between them and the Immortal.

Sure enough, sometimes the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs!

"Master, how should we deal with these three people?"

Leng Yanran raised her hand slightly, pushed the nineteen ancestors aside and stood there, then pointed at the three black-robed immortals and asked.

"Go and call your junior sister here and see if she needs a different immortal stake to practice her sword."

Chen Daoxuan thought for a while and said casually.

The black-robed human immortal that Yong'er is currently using to practice his sword has long since stopped making any movement. He has endured thousands of swords every day without making a sound.

If Yan'er likes to use immortals to practice swordsmanship, he wouldn't mind changing Yan'er to a black-robed immortal. He has never been kind to his opponents.

Leng Yanran turned around and went to Duxian Pagoda and called her junior sister.

Chen Daoxuan turned his head to look at the three black-robed immortals, and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed with regret.

Suddenly the three of them were stared at by him, and they all shivered. They didn't know what his sigh meant, and they were extremely panicked.

"It's a pity that there is no one here who took action against you, Longyang Cave Heaven."

Chen Daoxuan said to Ao Lan behind him.

"Your Excellency, I am concerned that Ao Lan no longer has any obsession with what happened at the beginning."

Ao Lan, who was standing behind him, was immediately moved when he heard these words. When he lowered his head and looked at the adult, his eyes were filled with admiration.

Who can not love such an adult?

She never even asked for your help in finding her old enemy. She had turned to him in the past just to have a supporter so that she no longer had to live in hiding and didn't even dare to show her face.

But the Lord actually takes her matters to heart. In Ao Lan's view, the Lord is such a supreme being. Even the will of heaven is controlled by the Lord. These things about her must be just unworthy in the eyes of such a being. A small thing to mention.

"grown ups!"

"Sir, I know which messenger was the one who attacked the Dragon Clan back then."

Suddenly, after hearing the conversation between the two people, the person headed by the black-robed messenger suddenly lit up, as if he saw a glimmer of hope.

He had also learned about the attack on the Dragon Clan back then. As for the other black-robed messengers, he had no idea because they were all in single-line contact with the Lord Judge.

"Tell me."

Chen Daoxuan glanced at him and asked casually.

"I wonder if this news can be changed..."

Just as the leader of the black-robed messenger was about to make his offer, he suddenly flew uncontrollably towards the small pavilion and was pulled by a terrifying suction force.

"It's wonderful... you can actually make conditions with this pavilion master."

Chen Daoxuan smiled. When he arrived at the Tiandao Temple, his boss, Tianlao Er, asked him to make conditions, was he worthy?

Without waiting for the black-robed messenger to speak again, Pavilion Master Chen directly put his hand towards his head and used soul-searching methods.

In an instant, everything the black-robed messenger knew was understood by Pavilion Master Chen.

After searching for the soul, he waved again.

After being soul-searched, the black-robed messenger's consciousness was already damaged. After Chen Daoxuan waved his hand, his consciousness was completely dissipated.

"That old boy Chiyun has always performed well. Just before he goes to the upper realm, I will leave him the corpse puppet of the human fairyland and let him take charge of this third acre of the lower realm in the future."

Chen Daoxuan originally planned to shoot it directly into a blood mist, but suddenly he remembered that he and his disciples would be ascending to the upper world in a short time.

Even if the lower realm is completely conquered by then, it will still need someone to take care of it.

The best candidate is naturally the old boy Chi Yun. Although his methods are occasionally excessive, his loyalty to Tiandao Pavilion is still obvious.

Leave him some trump cards that are enough to solve any problem, and he will feel more at ease when the time comes.

A moment later, Leng Yanran appeared from Duxian Tower with her junior sister Dongfang Han.

At the same time, Dongfang Han also controlled his Lingxiao Sword, hanging a black-robed immortal on the sword's edge, and came with him.

Feeling the familiar aura, the remaining two black-robed immortals immediately turned their heads to look.

For a moment, they saw that the man hanging on the sword had no human appearance. Only the specially made black robe that could automatically repair could still allow them to identify his identity.


One of the messengers murmured.

There was some uncertainty in his tone. After all, under the black robe at this time, it could only be seen that it was a humanoid creature, and there was no good place at all.

How much torture must I go through...

The two of them immediately shuddered, and even felt a little envious of the leader of the messengers who had just had his true spirit wiped out. If they could only choose between being tortured like this or having their true spirit wiped out directly, they would rather choose the latter!

Leng Yanran and junior sister Dongfang Han came to the master.

After Dongfang Han paid homage to his master, he looked curiously at the two black-robed immortals who were prostrate not far away, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

This person is obviously from the same force as the enemy who killed her mother in the first place. The more he kills, the better!


The messenger Yin, who was hung on the edge of the sword, suddenly reacted, and with a voice as hoarse as a broken bellows, he shouted incredulously.

"Kill me, Shin!!!"

"Shen...kill me..."


The messenger Yin on the sword's edge had a very weak voice, but he had already used his greatest strength, constantly praying to the messenger Shen to kill him.

In the Duxian Tower, he had been used by Dongfang Han to practice swordsmanship for decades and nearly a hundred years!

Even the original Pavilion Master Chen left a spiritual energy in his body to ensure that he would not die no matter how severely injured he was, but this was the most terrifying thing!

He could only endure nearly a hundred years of torture, but was not allowed to die. Only now did he understand that death was sometimes a luxury.

It can be regarded as paying an unimaginable price for harming Dongfang Han's mother!


Ps: I can’t stand it, there are only two updates.

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