Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 335 Cut off the robe and cut off the righteousness

Even though Judge Li reacted immediately, he pushed his speed in the Immortal Realm to the extreme.

But he was still horrified to find that the speed at which he ran was not as fast as the Xuanhuang Qi spread!

In fact, because of the special nature of the black and yellow energy, it made him feel as if his body was being pressed down by a sacred mountain. It was very heavy, and running was even more difficult!

At the moment when the black and yellow energy exploded, in addition to Judge Li, several figures flew out of the Palace of Rebirth.

"Who the hell dares to attack my Palace of Purity... Damn it!!! What is that!!!"

The two black and white soul seducers from the Palace of Purity, after appearing, exuded their earthly fairyland aura to the extreme, and shouted loudly to scare the young people!

But after seeing the scene in front of him clearly, he was instantly confused and dumbfounded.

At the same time, a figure turned into a stream of light and passed between the two of them, knocking the black-robed seducers apart.

"Li, Mr. Judge Li!"

"Damn it, don't stand there, Old Hei, run away!"

At this time, the seducer came to his senses and hurriedly called on his companions to run for their lives. Even Judge Li from the Celestial Realm had already run away. The two of them were waiting to die here in the Celestial Realm!

When he looked at his companions, he found that wherever there was a figure, he had already turned into a stream of light and chased behind Judge Li!

"Damn it, you are so unloyal!"

Lao Bai suddenly screamed in fear, and also wanted to turn into a stream of light and run away.

But before I could start, I just felt my head was light and heavy...


What's going on? Why is there an extra headless body in the Palace of the Past, and it still looks so familiar?

Isn't this clothes your own?

The magic weapon in your hand is also your own...

Oh, it turns out that body is his own...

Before he even had time to scream, Lao Bai's head with doubts fell down along with his body.

The Xuanhuang Qi directly wiped out all his consciousness, leaving him no chance to rebuild his body.

An immortal from the Earthly Immortal Realm died so inexplicably. From the beginning to the end, he never knew who sent this terrifying attack and why he launched such a terrifying attack on the Palace of Purity.

Feeling the death of his comrades behind him, Lao Hei was filled with grief and anger, but he did not dare to run any slower.

But even so, the Xuanhuang Sword Qi was still much faster than him, and he was about to catch up and end up with the same fate as Lao Bai.

"Your Majesty!"

Judge Li and the Black Soul Envoy suddenly shouted in surprise when a figure wearing a black robe and a serious face appeared in their sight.

Your Majesty, if you take action, you will definitely be able to resist the spread of the black and yellow energy!

Unexpectedly, after their lord appeared, he just took one look at the black and yellow sword energy, and his pupils suddenly shrank!


Your Majesty's first reaction is to run away, as far away as possible!

"Your Majesty, save me, save me!"

When Judge Li and the Seducer saw that the Lord turned around and was about to use the shield method to escape, they suddenly panicked and quickly called for help!

Hearing the voices of the two people, the noble lord reacted, waved his hand, and pulled the two people to his side, and then took a few people who were not in trouble in the Palace of the Rebirth with him, turning into A black stream of light escaped instantly!

It took less than two breaths after everyone left.

The entire Palace of Purity collapsed!

Even the valley where the Palace of Rebirth is located has been smashed by the sharp black and yellow sword energy, causing rubble to fly and several hills have been razed to the ground.

One hundred thousand miles away, the Lord of the Palace of Purity, together with the remaining seven or eight masters of the Palace of Purity, watched from afar as their old lair became ruins, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"it's over?"

The black hooker asked weakly.

"Wait a little longer, it's still too dangerous to go back now..."

Judge Li's eyes twitched uncontrollably a few times, and he said with some fear.

The master of the Palace of Rebirth, Lu Qiu, stood silently with his hands behind his hands from beginning to end.

But the hand hidden under his creaking nest was trembling.

Such a terrifying attack can only be accomplished by someone at the level of an Immortal!

How could he, a small Mystic Immortal, have seen such a battle before? When did he, a Mystic Immortal, become worthy enough to take action against the Immortal Lord?

But he knew that this was the work of the terrifying existence in the lower realm!

After all, it was he who had just triggered the two black-robed messengers to self-destruct, and not a moment later, they received this terrifying blow!

"Your Majesty, please ask more questions."

"What kind of existence did we provoke in the lower world?"

"Are you going against the law of heaven..."

A judge surnamed Wang, who was also in the realm of immortals, weakly raised his hands to Lu Qiu, the master of the Palace of Rebirth, and asked.

He only knew that in the past thousand years, the Palace of the Past had been working for a big shot, and most of what they had done was in the lower realm. The upper realm was nothing more than some assassination missions.

But in the lower realm, except for Heaven, who could be so terrifying, destroying the entire Palace of Purity with one blow. If they hadn't been brought out by the Supreme Being, all of them would have died!

"It's not the way of heaven."

"But... now it seems that it is even more dangerous than going against the law of heaven."

Lu Qiu was silent for a moment, and suddenly he panicked.

I originally thought that I was helping an Immortal King. Even if the other party really had a chance to come to the upper world in the future, there would be absolutely nothing he could do about it.

But now it seems that is definitely not the case!

The Immortal King can still rely on the protection of the big shots behind him, but in his Palace of Rebirth and the main culprit, Lu Qiu, no one is willing to offend an Immortal Lord for his sake!

Everyone stood a hundred thousand miles away and waited for half an hour, and then they dared to return after they were sure there was no danger.

Fortunately, there are not many permanent residents in their Palace of Purity.

Even so, under the attack just now, the Palace of Rebirth also lost two human immortal envoys and an earthly immortal envoy.

Your Majesty Lu Qiu asked everyone to clean up the ruins and rebuild simply first.

He also asked those who had a good relationship with the three people who died to collect their bodies and bury them in the canyon.

The black seducer silently put away the body of his companion white seducer.

I found a place in the canyon that I thought was pretty good, buried him, set up a tombstone, and stood on his grave in silence for a moment.

"You and I are like brothers."

"Today you were killed by that mysterious strong man. I, Lao Hei, should avenge you."

"But... that mysterious and powerful man is probably an existence in the realm of Immortal Sovereign, and even His Majesty cannot compare to him."

"I, Lao Hei, can only do this."

"Today, I cut off my robe and sever my righteousness with you!"

After saying that, Lao Hei took out a dagger, cut off a section of his robe, and threw it on the grave.

"Ahem, but even if you are circumcised, don't worry. I, Lao Hei, will definitely come to worship you every year. There will definitely be no shortage of your favorite chicken butts."

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