Mountain of Illusion, Temple of Heaven.

Chen Daoxuan listened to the prompts in his mind.

[Ding, the host kills the enemy on the seventh level of the Mortal Wonderland, and the reward is: 70 billion system points. 】

[Ding, the host kills the enemy on the eighth level of the Mortal Wonderland, and the reward is: 80 billion system points. 】

[Ding, the host kills the fifth-level enemy in the Earthly Fairyland, and the reward is: 500 billion system points. 】

Three prompts sounded, and just now Pavilion Master Chen's casual draw with A resulted in a total of 650 billion system points.

But even so, Pavilion Master Chen couldn't help but frown.

"Damn it, I only killed three people with a single A. This Palace of Rebirth doesn't look simple."

"Fortunately, this pavilion master acted steadily and did not choose to come to the upper world before becoming an immortal. Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, the gain would outweigh the loss."

I just learned from the soul search of the leader of the black-robed messenger that although there are not many people in the Palace of Purity, there are usually more than a dozen people stationed in the Palace of Purity.

His ordinary attack only killed three of them.

It's simply... too dangerous!

As everyone knows, if the real power of his casual attack comes to the upper realm, the entire Palace of Rebirth will turn into a flat ground in just an instant, and even Lu Qiu, the lord of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, will be hard-pressed. Escape to death.

The only thing to blame was that Judge Li was too weak. The teleportation array calligraphy and painting he made could not transmit the full power of Chen Daoxuan's casual attack to the upper realm.

As they crossed the boundary, the teleportation array collapsed, and about 80% of the black and yellow energy had dissipated into the void halfway.

By the time they arrived at the Palace of Purity, only about 10% of the power of that casual attack was left. Even so, it almost destroyed the Palace of Purity.

The two black-robed messengers who were kneeling on the ground beside them could not help but twitch their faces at this moment.

With such a casual attack from this terrifying existence, is it possible that the Palace of the Past is now gone?

Immortal Lord, this is an existence that is suspected of being in the realm of Immortal Lord. It is absolutely impossible for Lu Qiu to resist a casual blow, and it is even difficult for him to escape.

So the two of them buried their heads lower. Now they no longer care about life and death. They just hope that they will not end up with the same end as Yin, and that they can die happily.

"Master, what should we do with these two guys?"

Leng Yanran was the first to recover from the shock. After all, she was the first to get started, and the master was already an omnipotent existence in her heart. She felt that any burst of strength was very reasonable.

"Leave it useless."

"Chacha, pick one for yourself, and leave the other one for me to make into a corpse puppet for that old boy Chiyun to use."

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand casually and said.

When Little Chacha heard this, she was immediately overjoyed. Her transformed spirit form rubbed her master's legs affectionately a few times. As for her real body, the enlightened tea tree had already made some moves.

In just an instant, it penetrated a black-robed immortal who was kneeling on the ground. In less than three breaths, he was sucked into a human penis and turned into Chacha's nourishment.

[Ding, kill the enemy on the eighth level of the Mortal Wonderland, reward: 80 billion system points. 】

As for the other black-robed immortal, Chen Daoxuan was naturally not polite and killed his true spirit with a single finger, leaving only his intact body.

[Ding, kill the enemy in the ninth level of the Mortal Wonderland, reward: 90 billion system points. 】

With the death of the two black-robed immortals, Pavilion Master Chen immediately gained another 170 billion system points.

This wave can be described as a bumper harvest!

Originally, he hoped to conquer the four regions of Zhongzhou and rely on continuous profits to break through the immortal realm and ascend to the upper realm.

But now it seems that it may not take that long at all.

Especially the big customer from the fifth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm in the Palace of Purity, who directly sent 500 billion system points, which is not ungenerous!

"View personal panel."

Chen Daoxuan read silently.

[Host: Chen Daoxuan. 】

[Race: Human Race. 】

[Special physique: Hongmeng innate Taoist body. 】

[Kung Fu: Chaos Demon Art, Chaos Holy Dragon Art, Chaos Sword Scripture, Taoist Code...]

[Talent: Hongmeng. 】

[Realm: Mahayana realm fifth heaven. 】

[Disciples: Leng Yanran (First Heaven of Fusion Realm), Li Yourong (Fifth Heaven of Refining Void Realm), Dongfang Han (Seventh Heaven of Nirvana Realm). 】

[System points: 950 billion 62.3 million. 】

Looking at his system points that were close to breaking through the trillion mark, Pavilion Master Chen finally showed a satisfied smile.

According to his current Mahayana realm, each time he breaks through one heaven, he needs to consume hundreds of billions. These system points are enough for him to break through to the Tianmen realm with a lot of surplus.

By then, by conquering the entire Zhongzhou, the system points harvested every year would reach an even more terrifying amount, and he could quietly hang up and practice on the mountain, waiting to break through the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm and ascend to the upper world.

At the same time, it can also leave some time for the three disciples to improve their strength, so that their realms will not be too different when they ascend in the future!

"Tongzi, raise the daily idle practice standard to 100 billion system points."

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand. This time he did not choose to hang up with tens of billions of system points. Instead, he went directly to the 100 billion level. He could break through a small realm every day!

[Ding, one hundred billion system points have been enabled for the host, which will increase one trillion years of cultivation every day. 】

Today's system has also successfully accepted the title of Tongzi. Compared with dog-tying, Tongzi does sound much better...

"Ten days later, I will personally go to the Western Region as my master to organize the Empress Ceremony for you."

"As my disciple, Chen Daoxuan, how can the enthronement ceremony be planned by others?"

After doing all this, Chen Daoxuan saw that the two disciples were still standing respectfully in front of him, so he spoke to Yanran.

From the brief narration given by Yanran when she came back, he had already learned that the Western Region was preparing for the enthronement ceremony ten days later. Naturally, he, the master, would be present at this event.

If you want to do it, you have to do it in a big way!

"Thank you Master!"

Leng Yanran's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard the master's words. Originally, she didn't care at all about the enthronement ceremony. As a direct disciple of Tiandao Pavilion, her biggest identity is always a disciple of Tiandao Pavilion, not anything else. Demon Empress!

Other identities are just a foil to her.

But it would be of great significance if Master personally presided over her enthronement!

"Elder sister is mighty!"

"Hehe, I'll go call Second Senior Sister, and we'll attend Senior Sister's conferment ceremony together!"

When Dongfang Han heard this, he happily said goodbye to his master and trotted back to Duxian Pagoda.

It was natural that they had to participate in such a big event as Senior Sister Leng Yanran being granted a title.

"Forget it, we just take this opportunity to implement the matters in Zhongzhou. This Pavilion Master is too lazy to wait for another month."

Chen Daoxuan suddenly thought of conquering Zhongzhou, so he might as well complete it all at once, unify the four regions of Zhongzhou, and then he can calmly wait for the day of his ascension!

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