Everyone couldn't help but be confused.

Benevolence and righteousness, besides what the empress said, does it have other meanings?

It seems that their structure is too small. Even if it is just a simple word of benevolence and righteousness, Pavilion Master Chen's understanding is completely different from theirs.

Including the Human Emperor, they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows slightly, wanting to hear what this guy had in mind.

Could it be that he was trying to do something sexy again? Thinking back to the sixty ears in this guy's mouth just now, the Human Emperor couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth a few times.

"Yanran is stupid..." Leng Yanran realized that she had misunderstood the master's meaning, and couldn't help but lower her head in shame.

Chen Daoxuan didn't care, he just waved his hand slightly to show that it was okay.

The deep meaning of the words is not so easy to understand. It is normal for Yanran to be unable to understand the mystery for a while.

He glanced around and quickly found a suitable target.

The three black-robed messengers he had kept before could now be put to use.

"Just be optimistic. I will teach you what benevolence is."

After Chen Daoxuan said casually, Leng Yanran nodded immediately and watched the master's next movements attentively.

Li Yourong and Dongfang Han, who were on the side, also had little stars in their eyes, watching what the master taught them about the way of benevolence and righteousness.

Including other members of Tiandao Pavilion, as well as all the powerful people present, their eyes were all focused on Pavilion Master Chen.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Daoxuan released the seals of the five senses of the three black-robed immortals, but the terrifying pressure still prevented them from moving at all. They could only kneel on the ground, looking at Chen Daoxuan in horror.

"Could it be that Pavilion Master Chen wants to let them go to express his benevolence?"

"What fellow Taoist said is true, and I also think it should be so!"

"Well, the two elders of the Holy Mountain, I think it won't be that simple."

"Why did Brother Xu say this?"

"Hmm...gut feeling."

Many holy places were whispering among themselves. At this time, the conferment ceremony had ended. They did not need to maintain a high degree of tension and relaxed a lot.

Under everyone's gaze, Chen Daoxuan slowly raised his hand and pointed his sword at one of the black-robed messengers.


A sharp sword energy instantly split the space, splitting the bewildered black-robed envoy into two.

He didn't even have time to scream, but he was already broken into two halves, frightening the other two black-robed messengers on the side to the point where they kowtowed and begged for mercy. This god of death was so terrifying. It didn't matter if he was powerful. Killing people all depends on your mood. He didn't even plan to treat them as slaves, he just wanted to kill them. They were human beings after all!




After a brief silence, everyone present had big question marks on their heads.

This sword energy kills people casually, is it called benevolence?

Where is benevolence? Is there no pain when benevolence is gone? ?

"Do you understand?"

Chen Daoxuan looked sideways at Yanran and asked.

Yanran frowned and bit her red lips. After thinking for a moment, she still shook her head. She did not dare to make random guesses about the master's behavior.

Chen Daoxuan looked at the other two disciples again, and Yourong and Yan'er also shook their heads and looked puzzled.

Until Chen Daoxuan's eyes passed by Chi Yun.

Chi Yun said with excitement: "Master Pavilion Master, I understand. Being able to die in the hands of my Tiandao Pavilion is the greatest mercy, Jie Jie Jie!"



"Besides, where did you learn to laugh? Don't laugh arrogantly in the future. It's easy for others to misunderstand that Tiandao Pavilion is a crooked and evil way. Do you understand?"

Chen Daoxuan was stunned for a moment. This is not a good idea!

"I will obey the instructions of the master of the pavilion!"

Chi Yun quickly bowed and handed over his hand, but he felt a little helpless in his heart. He was a corpse cultivator, not even a human being. He was a spiritual intelligence born from a corpse. Wasn't he originally an evil heretic...

But he didn't dare to refute what the Pavilion Master said, so he could only accept the order quickly.

Seeing that everyone was waiting for him to answer his questions, Chen Daoxuan felt helpless. All the powerful people in the Tianxuan world gathered here, but no one could tell what the way of benevolence was.

"The so-called way of benevolence is to have the strength to easily split a person in two!"

"Why can't anyone understand such a simple truth? Alas..."

Chen Daoxuan said seriously to Yanran. After that, he glanced at the many powerful people present and sighed with great disappointment.


For a moment, the whole place was silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

Everyone felt as if their consciousness had been attacked, and their scalps were numb from the shock.

Ren means to have the power to easily split a person into two?

@*! $#@*\u0026!

Leng Yanran and the two junior sisters were stunned at the master's words and fell into deep thought.

Ao Lan, Li Shenruo, Chi Yun and other people from the Tiandao Pavilion also had their eyes twitching wildly. The Pavilion Master's understanding of benevolence and righteousness is indeed not at the same level as theirs. Can this be understood so well?

Many great powers present, including General Dongfang Chen, Ren Qing, Li Xuansheng from Yin Yue Holy Land, and all the great powers, all had their faces turned red at this time. They felt like they had a breath that was held in their chests, and they wanted to let it out, but they couldn't. They didn't dare to speak. If they refuted Pavilion Master Chen's words, benevolence and righteousness might be used on them!

Even His Majesty the Human Emperor couldn't help but open his mouth slightly in shock, completely shocked by Chen Daoxuan's ability to understand.

She has been praised for all eternity, and the being at the top of the world has never seen such an outrageous statement!


"Disciple, I dare to ask, benevolence and righteousness divide people into two halves, and the righteousness of benevolence and righteousness..."

"Could it be that the person's head was shot into the stomach..."

After being silent for a long time, Li Yourong weakly raised his hand and asked softly.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Pavilion Master Chen, thinking that he shouldn't really be so outrageous, benevolence is outrageous enough, justice should be more normal!

But after seeing Pavilion Master Chen's expression of surprise and appreciation, everyone couldn't help but swallow...

"There is progress!"

"Yourong is right, the so-called justice is to have the power to easily hammer the enemy's head into the chest!"

Chen Daoxuan gave his second disciple a very appreciative look. Although it was not comprehensive, it was pretty much the same!

After that, he made a fist and smashed it towards another black-robed immortal.

Suddenly, a fist made of condensed spiritual energy hit the black-robed immortal's head hard.


As an explosion sounded, everyone looked sideways.

Isn't it said that justice means hammering a person's head into the chest? What's the deeper meaning behind this direct hammering?

Nowadays, everyone no longer dares to speculate on the words and deeds of Pavilion Master Chen, and they cannot guess at all...

"Master, what's the point of this?" The three disciples looked at the body with the exploded head and then looked at the Master and asked.

"Oh, this, this is too benevolent and righteous as a teacher. It has transcended benevolence and righteousness. The power is too great, and the other party cannot bear the righteousness of being a teacher."

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