For a moment, everyone present, including his three disciples, were speechless after hearing Chen Daoxuan's words.

It was obviously a very outrageous thing, but when it was said by Pavilion Master Chen, it seemed very reasonable, making them unable to refute it.

"This Whispering Language can be regarded as a gift from my master to you."

Chen Daoxuan ignored everyone's surprise and handed the booklet in his hand to Leng Yanran.

Yanran took it with both hands respectfully, treating it as a treasure. Books that can be respected by teachers must contain many great principles of life.

Even the way of benevolence and righteousness mentioned by Master just now is already transcendent from this world... Apart from Master, I am afraid that no other person can understand it in this way.

"Senior sister, Yourong also wants to take a look when we get back."

Li Yourong blinked and said.

"I want one too!"

Dongfang Han's eyes were also bright. She really liked the way of benevolence and righteousness that Master just said!

It's a perfect match for the path she wants to take as a swordsman!

"Everyone, please take a seat." Chen Daoxuan had no other thoughts about the ceremony, so he sat down on his Taoist seat again and pressed his hands slightly towards everyone.

After everyone bowed respectfully, they sat down again.

As for the third black-robed messenger, he became the celebratory fireworks of this banquet.

With a snap of Chen Daoxuan's fingers, it instantly expanded and exploded, blasting out infinite Dao charm, which was really beautiful.

[Congratulations to the host for defeating the eighth level of the Mortal Wonderland. Reward: 80 billion system points. 】

[Congratulations to the host for defeating the ninth level of the Mortal Wonderland. Reward: 90 billion system points. 】

[Congratulations to the host for defeating the ninth level of the Mortal Wonderland...]

The rewards for killing the three black-robed messengers were also paid in full.

In an instant, another massive amount of 260 billion system points was received. However, Pavilion Master Chen is now also very wealthy. He has received 100 billion system points every month. Although he is equally happy with these incomes, they are not considered to be the same. What a surprise.

The banquet started to get busy with the fireworks, but anyone who could serve the food at this banquet must be at least a powerful person above the distraction level.

Even in the eyes of these Distraction Realm experts, it is already a great honor to be able to serve food at this banquet!

This is the ceremony for the conferment of the top disciple Leng Yanran in Tiandao Pavilion, and from today on, in the entire Tianxuan world, Her Majesty the Empress will be the highest holder of authority!

The entire Tianxuan world has completely surrendered to Tiandao Pavilion starting from today.

Although the Human Emperor has not yet surrendered, he has also stated that he will ascend to the upper realm within a hundred years and will not participate in any fate disputes.

At the banquet, Leng Yanran brought a glass to toast three times. Many powerful experts stood up respectfully and drank it all in one gulp, not daring to show off in the slightest.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Daoxuan did not drink the Enlightenment Tea anymore. Instead, under the care of Ao Lan, he held the cup and drank with everyone. However, he did not want to steal the limelight from his disciples, but he just raised the cup together every time Yanran held the cup.

At the banquet, many powerful people also drank very freely.

Especially Dongfang Chen from the General's Mansion.

Tiandao Pavilion was so prosperous, so his mood also improved. In less than three hours, he drank so much that his face turned red and he swayed left and right.

Holding the wine jar in one hand and the cup in the other, he began to walk among the seats where many holy places were seated.

"Hey, Elder Liu, long time no see, come on, come on, have a drink with me, General!"

"Have you seen the beautiful and lovely girl next to Master Immortal? Haha, that is my daughter, Dongfang Chen, and the third disciple of Master Immortal."

"Well, that's right, personally passed on to the third disciple, hehehe."

"Ah... isn't this Elder Li, here to have a drink with me, General? Did you see the girl holding a sword and having the talent of a swordsman standing next to Master Immortal? That's me. Dongfang Chen’s daughter, Dongfang Han, is already Master Immortal’s third disciple, yes, personally..."

Dongfang Chen kept clinking glasses with everyone, but inside and outside his words, he revealed his immense pride and pride.

From beginning to end, the topic revolved around his daughter Dongfang Han.

She was originally his baby, and even since Yinger was born, he has been living in anxiety every day. According to their general Xue Lao, Yinger will not live to be thirty years old at most.

But what about now?

Because of the appearance of Master Immortal, not only was Yan'er out of danger, he even became one of the most noble people in the Tianxuan world!

It is no exaggeration to say that with his current identity, Yan'er's words are definitely more effective than his father, the general of Zhongzhou!

When many Holy Land powerful men clinked glasses with Dongfang Chen, they all looked envious and congratulated one after another.

Today's Tianxuan World rarely has so much hostility. After all, everyone is already under the Tiandao Pavilion, so many of the small thoughts at the beginning are gone.

Not long after, Dongfang Chen's remaining light flashed slightly and he looked in the direction of the Leng family.

At this time, the Leng family was extremely lively. It was obviously just a small force in the Northern Territory, and there was not even a single Infinite Realm master in the entire family.

But now many Zhongzhou forces are holding wine glasses to congratulate the Leng family.

He would not reject anyone who came to the cold war. As long as he was toasting, he would also raise his glass and drink. He was very happy!

Even before this, he had never thought that one day, the Leng family would have the identity and status it has today. All of this was thanks to Leng Yanran and Mr. Chen Pavilion Master!

"Brother Leng!"

"Come on, come on, have a drink!"

Dongfang Chen, followed by the old lame man, came to the Leng family's seat. He didn't even use a cup. After directly gesturing to Cold War, he raised his head and drank from the wine jar.

He drank up most of the jar of fine wine in one gulp, and held up the empty jar as a signal to Cold War.

"General Dongfang, you have a good drinker!"

Cold War's face was also flushed, and he obviously drank a lot, but he also followed Dongfang Chen's example, he raised the jar and drank it all in one gulp!

"Hahaha, good!"

"Brother Leng, if something happens in the future, just ask, let's talk about it, we are a family!"

When Dongfang Chen saw this, he laughed loudly and stepped forward to hug Qing Qing's shoulders.

The cold war was still like a dream at this time, and he could only smile and say yes again and again. He, a monk in the Nirvana Realm, could one day call him a brother to a powerful senior who had transcended the tribulation period, and was even fawned over and toasted by many immortals.

The more they drink, the more they fall in love with each other, and they even want to become sworn friends right there!

Li Yourong sat cross-legged in front of his desk. After eating a lot, he looked at this scene and smiled unconsciously, but when he thought that he had no parents, he felt a little envious.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Why are you frowning?" Li Shenruo keenly noticed his sister's abnormality. He stood up and sat down at his sister's desk, showing a somewhat unskilled smile.

"Hey, it's nothing, I'm just a little full from eating."

Li Yourong immediately put away his envious eyes and smiled sweetly at his sister, feeling a lot warmer in his heart. At least she still had a sister, and now she also had a master and a senior sister. The elders of the Holy Mountain were also kind to her. Not alone.

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