Chi Yun had just returned to the Northern Territory from Xuwu Mountain, and planned to declare a retreat, focusing on refining the two immortals rewarded by the master of the pavilion.

But in front of the retreat room, he suddenly stopped.

"You two, what do you want from me?" Chi Yun asked casually.

With his level, it is not difficult to find the two Fusion Realm masters hiding in the clouds, especially since those two people did not deliberately hide their auras completely.

After hearing Chiyun's words, Xiongda and Xionger in the clouds did not hide anymore and appeared directly in front of him.

He bowed his hands respectfully to Chiyun and said: "Master Deacon, Xiongda and his younger brother Xionger have admired Tiandao Pavilion for a long time, and they are anonymous disciples of Tiandao Pavilion!"

"I took the liberty of visiting today. I only ask the deacon to take my two brothers in and work for Tiandao Pavilion."

After saying that, the two of them hunched over and waited for Chi Yun's decision.

"No need, our Tiandao Pavilion has no shortage of manpower. Please come back, you two." Chi Yun still thought it was nothing, but it turned out that someone wanted to hug Tiandao Pavilion's lap, so he waved his hand to let the two of them leave, and took a step forward Want to enter the retreat room.

"Master Deacon, wait a minute, we two really want to work for Tiandao Pavilion!"

"Look at this, it's the elixir given by the Pavilion Master back then. It shows that the two of us are destined to Tiandao Pavilion and the Pavilion Master!"

Xiongda suddenly became anxious, and quickly took out the jade bottle of elixir given by the master of the pavilion from his arms, and held it respectfully in his hands.


"'s really the elixir given by the master of the pavilion!"

"Haha, brothers, we should have told you earlier..."

"It just so happens that there are many things in these four regions that need manpower recently, so you two can stay in the four regions to handle some chores for Tiandao Pavilion."

When Chi Yun heard about the Pavilion Master, he immediately stopped in his steps. He looked intently and saw that the elixir bottle was indeed made by the Pavilion Master. His expression suddenly changed, he smiled and patted the two of them on the shoulders.

It's almost time to pay taxes in the four regions recently. I originally planned to let Wu Feiyang take care of it, but it would be a lot more convenient to have these two Fusion Realm people running errands.

After sending away the two brothers who were so excited and wanted to work for Tiandao Pavilion, Chi Yun finally returned to the retreat room as he wished.

Lay down a layer of isolation formation.

"Jiejiejie...cough, no, the master of the pavilion cannot laugh like that."

"Well...but there are no outsiders here, and there will be no misunderstanding. It should be fine, Jie Jie Jie."

"These two big babies are really, heartwarming!"

Chi Yun looked at the two immortal puppets and licked his dry lips, his eyes gleaming.


Nowadays, in the entire Tianxuan world, no matter in the four regions of Zhongzhou, all the topics discussed are Tiandao Pavilion.

And the first batch of self-proclaimed anonymous disciples of Tiandao Pavilion, the monks with peach branches hanging on their waists, all held their heads high, feeling that they were more foresighted!

At first, some people ridiculed them, but now more and more people are following their example.

At first, everyone only thought that Pavilion Master Chen was a very powerful loose immortal, but slowly they discovered that Pavilion Master Chen was a real immortal on earth!

But it was only now that they suddenly discovered that Pavilion Master Chen had already surpassed the heavenly law in this world and had the power to control the heavenly law.

As everyone knows, at this time, even the will of heaven in Tianxuan Realm has become the elder of Tiandao Pavilion.

Zhongzhou, the Hall of the Human Emperor.

"It's been a hundred years, so we need to act quickly."

"That imperial weapon should be in this world, but it is too special, so it is difficult to find it."

"I have searched the entire four regions of Zhongzhou almost three times, but there is no trace. Could it be that..."

The Human Emperor put his hands behind his back and frowned as he looked at the map of the four regions of Zhongzhou hanging on the wall.

She has searched the Tianxuan Realm several times, but has not yet found the whereabouts of the imperial soldier, but there is one place she has not explored!

Mountain of Illusion!

Originally, she was not in a hurry. It was only after she rose from Tiandao Pavilion that she became a little more anxious. But by that time, she no longer dared to go and investigate Xuwu Mountain easily.

"It seems that I have to go to Mount Void." Finally, the Human Emperor sighed slowly. If possible, she didn't want to have too much contact with that guy in the lower realm.

The first time they met, the guy choked her and forced her to fly to save her life.

Thinking of this, the Human Emperor couldn't help but use his fingers to trace his neck, which was as white and smooth as warm jade, and imitated Chen Daoxuan's strength that day, pinching his neck slightly.

"Is that so?"

"It should be."

"When we get to the upper realm, I will pinch his neck and see what his expression will be. Haha, it will be extremely interesting."

"I have conquered the ages and conquered the fortunes of heaven and earth. It's time for me to find a harem for myself. This guy is very suitable..."

The Human Emperor licked his red lips and exhaled a puff of mist. The temperature in the entire Human Emperor's palace seemed to have risen a bit, and his eyes became slightly blurred.

After casually setting up a few isolation formations, the Human Emperor curled up on the dragon bed, moaning softly, as if looking for some happiness.


Upper Realm, Palace of Rebirth.

Your Majesty Lu Qiu is standing opposite the desk, half-hunched over the person sitting in his position as the master of the palace, with a respectful expression.

"Failed?" The man said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Lu Qiu lowered his body a little lower and said with helplessness in his tone: "Returning to the Immortal King, if everything was normal, the Human Emperor of the Lower Realm would definitely die, but he happened to kill the Tiandao Pavilion. The strength of the Tiandao Pavilion master, Unfathomable!”

"The twelve black-robed envoys I sent to the lower realm of the Palace of Rebirth have all died in the hands of Tiandao Pavilion!"

"In fact, even the Master of Tiandao Pavilion once destroyed my Palace of Rebirth with one blow across two worlds, and also killed three immortals from my Palace of Rebirth, including a seducer from the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"His strength, according to my guess, should be...comparable to that of the Immortal King!"

After Lu Qiu said that, he hesitated for a moment and did not dare to directly say that the other party was suspected of being an immortal king. If this was the case, the immortal king might be unhappy and kill him.

Even if the other party is really an immortal, this immortal king has a backer to protect him, but no one in the Palace of Rebirth will care. This immortal king cannot protect them!

It would be safest only to let the Immortal King be among them and be tied to a rope with him in the Palace of Rebirth.

"Is there such an existence in the lower world?"

"Forget it, don't send people down to the lower realms anymore these days. Huh, it won't even be resolved within a period of time. You have to let me, the Immortal King, deal with the aftermath for you."

After saying that, the figure disappeared directly into the Palace of the Past, leaving only the displeased tone echoing in the study.

However, Lu Qiu breathed a long sigh of relief. He didn't want to know too much about the battles between big shots. He just needed to take care of his own affairs. As for sending people down to the realm?

Don't be kidding, there is an Immortal Lord sitting in the Tianxuan Realm. Even if he goes down to the realm in person, he will only die. Even now, he is afraid every day, what will he do when the other person ascends and comes to visit him in person?

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