Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 355: Senior sister won’t kill me to silence me! ?

On this day, the sky was clear and clear.

Everyone in Tiandao Pavilion also returned to their former peace.

Since returning to the mountain, Yanran has changed the imperial robe into the regular clothes that her master likes. She will only change back into the imperial robe when she goes down the mountain to let the world see her identity as the empress.

Because Master took a bath and changed into new clothes, Yanran also gained something new.

In the room, Yanran was seen sewing a human doll very seriously.

Although he has never learned needlework, he is still a monk in the Fusion Realm after all, so it is still very easy to make a puppet.

After making more than a dozen humanoid dolls, she finally felt somewhat satisfied with her work.

Put Master's clothes on the puppet, and use small means to transform the puppet into Master's appearance.


Leng Yanran was lying on the bed, holding the master pillow she made in her arms, giggling non-stop.

It was completely opposite to the indestructible and cold look she had when she was conferred, she looked like a nymphomaniac girl.

After letting herself go for a short time, Yanran dragged her slightly tired body to the Lingchi Palace.

"Senior sister, are you there?"

"Strange, where is Senior Sister?"

Li Yourong walked out of his room and came to find his senior sister, planning to go to Duxian Pagoda together to start practicing in seclusion.

This time, the master has issued an oral instruction, asking them to retreat as soon as possible to break through to the tribulation stage. Apparently, he is preparing to take them to ascend!

Li Yourong became motivated to practice when he thought about being able to ascend to the upper world and have many new varieties of good friends.

However, when she arrived at her senior sister's door, she scratched her head in confusion and found that her senior sister was not there.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly paused and looked around furtively.

After making sure that there was no one else, Li Yourong smiled mischievously and pushed open the door of the senior sister's room, intending to hide in her room and wait for the senior sister to come back and scare her!

He gently pushed open the door, which was unlocked, and quickly ducked inside.

It's not like she has never been to her senior sister's room. She even often comes to her senior sister's room to play with her.

She was very familiar with the layout of her senior sister's room. After all, Leng Yanran's temperament didn't like too many bells and whistles. There weren't too many clutter in the room, just some basic furnishings.


"Master, why are you here?"

"Uh, no..."


As soon as Li Yourong entered and closed the door, he suddenly saw a familiar figure leaning against his senior sister's bedside from the corner of his eye.

She was so frightened that she quickly bowed and called her Master. When she was about to explain, she was surprised to find that this was not Master, but a doll!

But... isn't this even more terrifying!

She seems to know something incredible!

Senior sister actually secretly holds Master’s doll every time she goes to sleep!

Especially the clothes this doll is wearing, isn't it the same outfit that Master just changed into?

No wonder, no wonder the senior sister rushes to help Master wash clothes every time, it turns out that’s why!

"It's bad, it's bad. If senior sister knew that I saw this, she wouldn't kill me to silence me, would she?"

Li Yourong suddenly panicked and wanted to push out the door and pretend like he hadn't been there.



Just as he turned sideways to hide, he suddenly felt that he bumped into something, something soft and quite elastic!


Although Li Yourong lowered his head, he could tell from the pair of black red-soled high heels that his master had prepared for his senior sister that it was his senior sister!

"What are you doing in my room?"

Leng Yanran stared at her junior sister and asked with a slightly evil look.

She had just gone to the Lingchi Hall, and had just taken off her clothes to take a bath, but suddenly she remembered that she had forgotten to put away the master doll, so she hurried back.

Normally she uses pillows and just needs to put away Master's clothes, but this time she uses a doll and accidentally forgets to put them away!

What a coincidence. As soon as he returned to the door of the room, he was bumped into by Li Yourong who came out of the room.

Through the crack in the door, Leng Yanran could still see the master doll leaning on the bedside, and the corners of her eyes suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

"Abba, Ababa, Abba..."

"Hey, why are Yourong here?"

"Senior sister, isn't Yourong sleeping in your room?"

"Ah! Could it be that Yourong is sleepwalking again?"

"Well, that's it, it's okay, it's okay. Senior sister, you are busy with your business. Yourong goes back to your room to sleep!"

Li Yourong was thinking about various plans quickly, but found that even if she had a hundred mouths, she couldn't explain it clearly!

He could only show a puzzled expression and pretend to be dumbfounded.

After saying that, without waiting for the senior sister's reply, she had already trotted towards her room.

But the moment he passed by the senior sister, he was suddenly grabbed by the senior sister's arm. Yourong's face suddenly turned bitter. It seemed that he couldn't escape by pretending to be stupid...

"Did you all see it?" Leng Yanran grabbed her junior sister's arm and spoke in a terrifyingly calm tone.

"A little bit, I saw a little bit..."

Li Yourong smiled bitterly. It could be said that the smile was uglier than crying, and his whole face was full of bitterness.

But I can only speak frankly at this time.


"Yourong, you are actually dreaming in your room right now, everything is fake, do you understand?"

"Sister, I hope you can keep this dream a secret to yourself and don't let others know."

Leng Yanran was silent for a long time and said in a cold voice.


"Yourong slept in his room today and had a long dream."

"And Yourong has a poor memory, and he will forget all about his dreams the next day!"

Li Yourong nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, repeatedly expressing that he understood.

"Well, be good, Yourong, go back to the house and sleep."

"Tomorrow, Senior Sister will ask you to get up and pay homage to Master together, and then go to the Duxian Pagoda to practice."

Leng Yanran forced a smile and patted Yourong on the head, making Yourong tremble with fear.

After watching her junior sister leave, Leng Yanran returned to her room.

Close the door and activate the isolation formation.

He leaned his back against the door, and slowly slid down the door, as if he had lost all strength, and sat on the ground.

"It's such a's such a shame!!!"

I can't hold it any longer, I can't hold it any longer.

Looking at the master doll that was leaning on the bed, as if the eyes were still looking at her, Leng Yanran immediately covered her extremely hot cheeks and murmured in a low voice.

If someone saw the master doll in her room, she would definitely kill it with a single shot with her hand, leaving a dragon in the dust to ensure the safety of her little secret!

However, Yourong is a junior sister after all, and she cannot do anything harmful to Yourong. She will not even delete this memory, but she will not do it to Yourong.

We can only hope that Yourong can really keep the secret and not spread this secret to the master's ears, otherwise, she will really find a crack in the ground to sneak in! ! !

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