"Okay, okay! What game?" Xiao Chacha's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard the game was being played.

She was originally a spirit transformed from a tea tree, but now she is still very innocent.

Even Yu Youwei scratched her animal ears and cheered up.

"Hehe, listen to Senior Sister..."

"I'll pretend to be Aunt Lan later and see if I can deceive Master."

"How about it?"

Dongfang Han said to the two of them with a smile.


"It's not good to lie to the master..." Xiao Chacha suddenly shrank her neck and said timidly.

Dongfang Han still smiled and said: "It's just a game. Master won't be angry and won't do any harm."

"Why don't we make a bet on whether I can deceive Master!"

Dongfang Han changed his strategy and directly aroused their interest.

"Youwei can't deceive the master with a bet." Yu Youwei touched her head with both hands, blinked and said with certainty.

"Chacha also feels that she can't deceive the master." Xiao Chacha thought for a moment and said with certainty.

With their understanding of their master, these little tricks will definitely be seen through.

However, Senior Sister Dongfang Han's magical ability to change her appearance is quite extraordinary.

If they hadn't watched him change from Dongfang Han to Ao Lan with their own eyes, they wouldn't even be able to detect any loopholes in it.

Regardless of her figure, appearance, aura, or even every move she makes, she is already the same as Ao Lan.

This is also due to the fact that Dongfang Han observes Aunt Lan whenever he has free time during these days.

"Okay, then I'll bet that I can deceive the master and see which of us guesses right!" Dongfang Han nodded heavily, and his plan succeeded.

There was not even any bet, but Yu Youwei and Xiao Chacha were sealed, ensuring that they would not reveal anything to their master.

In this way, the three of them hit it off immediately and waited in the small pavilion for Chen Daoxuan to retrieve the treasure.

Dongfang Han placed some spiritual fruits and spiritual wine on the stone table in the pavilion in advance.

These are the keys to her stealing the chicken!

With the master's strength and physique, he is naturally invulnerable to all poisons, but these things are tonics, not poisons, so maybe they will have miraculous effects?

As he waved his hand, a water mirror appeared, and Dongfang Han made several poses in the water mirror.

"Haha, I don't know how long it will take for the master to retrieve the treasure."

When speaking, he had already changed his title in advance to the same as Ao Lan.

Just like that, in the small pavilion, Xiao Chacha held her chin with both hands and waited energetically.

Yu Youwei didn't sleep anymore. She lay there and licked her little hands and pulled her ears from time to time.

'Ao Lan' was standing in the small pavilion as usual, waiting quietly for the master of the pavilion. He even took out a few bowls of Tiandao Pavilion's secret cold skin and placed them on the stone table.

It's a pity that she can't cook, otherwise she could still cook a table of good dishes, which would be more realistic!

But when she looked in the mirror, 'Ao Lan' was very satisfied with every move she made, without any flaws!

Just wait for Master to return!


The millstone is enclosed in a small space.

The aura of chaos is raging, and the space is extremely unstable.

The small space is not that big, it is hundreds of feet high and thousands of feet long.

In the center, there is a shelf with a magic weapon in the shape of a bow and arrow.

There is a strong evil spirit exuding from the magic weapon, and there is even some Yin Qi faintly visible.

The space around the bow and arrow has been in an unstable state, and the space is generating waves like water.

"Sun-shooting bow..."

The Human Emperor followed Chen Daoxuan. When he saw the bow and arrow, his pupils suddenly shrank and his eyes were fiery.

This imperial weapon, no matter which immortal emperor falls into the hands, will be of great use. Not only is the magic weapon itself terrifying, but the most important thing is the owner of this magic weapon!

Regardless of what the emperor around him was thinking, Chen Daoxuan walked directly to the bow and took it off casually.

But a sudden change occurred, and the evil spirit and yin energy in the bow gathered into an arrow and stabbed towards the palm of his hand!


Chen Daoxuan's palm did not pause, and he did not even use his spiritual energy. With his physical body alone, the arrow could not hurt him at all.

With the touch, the arrow turned into evil spirit and yin energy inch by inch, and retracted into the bow.

He finally put his hand on the bow.


The bow vibrated crazily, as if trying to escape from this person's hand.

"be honest."

Chen Daoxuan disagreed and shouted casually.

As he finished speaking, he exerted slight force on his palms, slightly revealing some of his Taoist charm.

Immediately, the bow stopped buzzing, and the power fluctuations became calmer, but it continued to tremble slightly.

As if... afraid?

The Human Emperor on the side looked at all this, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Even if she was in the upper realm, with the strength of the Immortal Emperor, she could not do what Chen Daoxuan did, without any magic power, to subdue this imperial weapon with only her physical body!

Could this guy... be majoring in the path to physical sanctification?

No wonder it's so weird, it turns out to be the way to refine the body.

In this way, it makes sense that the will of heaven in the Tianxuan Realm cannot pose a threat to it!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through the Human Emperor's mind. Through the scene before him, he thought he had analyzed everything!

However, the method of body refining is so difficult, and it requires suffering unbearable pain for ordinary people. The Human Emperor couldn't help but look at Chen Daoxuan slightly.

Anyone who can achieve something through physical training will have a tougher mind than gold and stone, and cannot be as shameless as he just showed.

Could it be that you misunderstood him?

"Shoot the sun?"

"What about that? Can the Emperor tell me the origin of this bow?"

"This pavilion master has forgotten this thing here for too long, and I can't remember what it was used for in the first place."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the bow that was shaking gently in his hand, turned around and looked at the Human Emperor and asked confidently.

"..." The corner of the Human Emperor's mouth suddenly twitched, and most of the speculation in his heart was instantly overturned by himself. This guy's shamelessness was definitely not an act!

Even now, he can still say that he forgot this sun-shooting bow here!

"That's fine."

"Since Pavilion Master Chen has no intention of giving up the treasure, I won't take away from others."

"This treasure is called the Sun-shooting Bow, and it is the imperial weapon of the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan in the upper realm: Dayi."

"The power is endless, but if someone discovers Master Chen Ge has this sun-bending bow in the upper realm, it will definitely cause countless troubles."

"If Pavilion Master Chen has no intention of giving up the treasure, I would also advise the Pavilion Master that it would be better not to reveal this treasure easily when we reach the upper realm."

The Human Emperor sighed, knowing that he could not get the sun-shooting bow, so he simply told Chen Daoxuan the origin of this imperial soldier.

"Immortal Emperor?"

"Imperial soldiers?"

"That's a good thing!"

"Thank you so much, Human Emperor. If the Human Emperor hadn't reminded me, I don't know when I would have remembered that I had forgotten such a good treasure underground."

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows slightly. As for the trouble mentioned by the Human Emperor, he was not worried at all. He even had some expectations in his heart. Did he go to the upper world to maintain his health?


He went to the upper world just to look for trouble!

Otherwise, where would his system points come from?

The more trouble, the more, the better!

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