Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 364: The Emperor's Ascension, Origin Point

"Pavilion Master Chen is really not afraid of trouble?"

"You must know that if this imperial soldier is seen in the upper world, even the Immortal Emperor will be unable to sit still and fight for it!"

The Human Emperor refused to give up and wanted to make one last struggle.

"I'm afraid I'll be in trouble?"

"Have you forgotten what I, Tiandao Pavilion, did before?"

"The greater the trouble, the more expensive the salvation will be!"

"Not to mention the Immortal Emperor, even the Supreme Buddha, I, Chen Daoxuan, want to test the explosion rate of his relics!"

"The Human Emperor doesn't have to worry about this Pavilion Master."

When Chen Daoxuan heard the Human Emperor say that even the Immortal Emperor would covet this imperial soldier, he immediately raised his brows, held the imperial soldier's sun-shooting bow and grinned.

The main business of his Tiandao Pavilion has always been salvation.

It is very reasonable to receive full salvation from the family treasure trove as a reward.


The Human Emperor fell silent, and couldn't help but sigh after listening to Chen Daoxuan's words.

It seems that those who can achieve something through physical training are all lunatics. Who can bear the torture and pain of physical training except madmen.

Chen Daoxuan carefully searched the small space to see if there were any missing magic weapons.

Unfortunately, no.

So Pavilion Master Chen, in the spirit of diligence and frugality, put away the shelf where the imperial soldiers were originally placed.

This thing can withstand imperial weapons, so it must be called a magic weapon.

The Human Emperor on the side was so stunned that everyone was numb. This guy was simply unwilling to let go of any value he had!

There was nothing else left, so the two of them left the small space without any further delay.

"Pavilion Master Chen, please stop thinking about me..."

The Human Emperor refused to give up and continued to speak. No matter how much the price was paid, it was worth it in exchange for the imperial soldier's sun-shooting bow!

"Zhang Xuanyi!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Daoxuan put away his sun-shooting bow with a wave of his hand, put his hands behind his back and shouted.

As his words fell, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Daoxuan.

Bowed respectfully: "Zhang Xuanyi pays homage to the Pavilion Master!"

"I wonder what the Pavilion Master's orders are?"

From beginning to end, Zhang Xuanyi never glanced at the Human Emperor.

But the Human Emperor's eyes kept switching between Chen Daoxuan and Zhang Xuanyi in surprise.

The way of heaven here actually has a physical body! ?

Moreover, he has become a subordinate of Tiandao Pavilion and has already obeyed Chen Daoxuan! ?


The Human Emperor suddenly took a breath, this guy was probably more terrifying than she had imagined!

Is it possible that he already possesses the combat power of an Immortal Emperor with his physical body?

It’s simply unimaginable!

"It's time for the Human Emperor to ascend. Let's give her a ride."

"If you overcome the tribulation, you will be exempted from it."

Chen Daoxuan glanced at the Human Emperor. He originally gave the other party a hundred years. In view of his contribution to the human race and leading the human race through the dark moment, he could make some concessions.

However, the Human Emperor asked him again and again for imperial weapons, and this was only after he had explicitly refused.

This is a bit disrespectful to him, Mr. Chen!

If he had simply been out of sight and out of mind, and sent him to ascend to the upper realm earlier, his great cause of unification could have been completed a hundred years ahead of schedule.


The Human Emperor was stunned and quickly wanted to refuse. Even if she couldn't get the imperial soldiers, she could ascend to the upper realm earlier, but she still had to make some arrangements in the lower realm!

But Zhang Xuanyi would not listen to the words of the Human Emperor. Since the Lord Pavilion Master had already spoken, he nodded and agreed.

As soon as his mind moved, a pale golden light beam shone down from the sky of Xuanyuan Mountain, just covering the human emperor's body.

Under the illumination of the golden light beam, the Human Emperor in imperial robes looked more majestic, but his expression was extremely complicated, even with a hint of anger.

As the Human Emperor, she has never received such treatment even in the upper world, so how can she be forced to ascend! ?

Beside the golden light pillar, visions appeared out of thin air, with golden lotuses blooming, and fairies scattering flowers, with faint fairy sounds.

Even though the Human Emperor didn't want to, his body was slowly rising towards the sky involuntarily.

Once the person who ascends is identified, he will be excluded by the rules of heaven and earth in the Tianxuan Realm and will no longer be able to stay in this world.

During the process of ascension, the human emperor's aura continued to soar. When he reached the end of his ascension, he had already reached the realm of human immortality.

The so-called ascension is just the recognition of heaven and earth, or it is...resistance. It feels that it should no longer stay in this world, so it is transferred to the middle thousand worlds, and in the process, the energy in its body Spiritual energy will also change into immortal energy.

"I'm waiting in the upper realm..." The Human Emperor looked down at the figure below who was waving goodbye to her with a smile, and wanted to say something harsh in anger.

But before he finished speaking, the figure had already disappeared from the Tianxuan Realm.

"Hey, I'm finally clean."

Chen Daoxuan dug his ears. This guy always asked him for magic weapons, or precious imperial weapons.

He is a human emperor and a man, so he won’t find the magic weapon by himself!

If it was a woman of extraordinary reputation, he might even consider leaving her in Tiandao Pavilion. As an imperial soldier, since she was a member of Tiandao Pavilion, there was no harm in taking her.

"But this thing, did he say it was the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan, the imperial soldier of Dayi?"

"Dayi shot the sun and bent his bow. I don't know if it has anything to do with the story of Hou Yi shooting the sun."

Chen Daoxuan murmured to himself, but everything needed to be verified personally after he ascended to the upper realm, so he was in no hurry now.

As the Human Emperor was sent away, the system prompt sounded at the same time.

[Ding, the host has conquered the Tianxuan Realm to the extent of: 100%]

[The annual continuous income has been increased to two trillion system points, and the power of the entire Tianxuan World can be used to fight. 】

Chen Daoxuan listened to the system prompts and nodded with satisfaction. In this way, it would only take about fifty years until he breaks through to the immortal realm.

"Tongzi, this system counts trillions and trillions, no wonder it's so hard to remember."

"Can you change my unit to another one?"

Chen Daoxuan suddenly thought of a question. He has more and more system points now. If he waits until he reaches the upper realm and kills an Immortal Lord Lao Shizi, or kills the Immortal Emperor BOSS, will he have too many system points to count?

[Ding, the system points have been replaced by source points for the host. 1 source point is equivalent to 100 million system points. 】

This kind of thing is naturally not a problem for the system, and a solution was immediately given.

"Well, that's much more convenient."

Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly and seemed quite satisfied with this origin point. Finally, there was no longer that long series of numbers.

1 origin point is 100 million system points, which is enough to be used for idle cultivation to improve one billion years of cultivation!

Now, after conquering the Tianxuan Realm, his annual continuous income is 24,000 Origin Points, and now he has thousands of Origin Points in his hand, he is very wealthy!

"Does the Lord have any other instructions?"

Tiandao Zhang Xuanyi had been hunching over for a while, and when he saw the master of the pavilion nodded with satisfaction, he asked.

"There's nothing to do for now, just go about your business."

Chen Daoxuan said casually, and Zhang Xuanyi's figure disappeared into the Mountain of Illusion.

"Sir..." At the same time, 'Ao Lan' in the small pavilion waved to the master of the pavilion, with a peach blossom and a smile on his face.

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