Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 374 Could it be that you want to recruit a disciple?

After hearing the Tiandao Pavilion master's words that he had never had any grudges, everyone in the Wang family stood up tremblingly, still lowering their heads and not daring to look at him.

This is the most supreme existence in the Tianxuan Realm now, and its status is even above that of Heaven!

Even just taking a look at it is already a big deal to them!

"The master of the pavilion wants to borrow someone, so there is no problem!"

"Even if you want my entire Wang family, there's no problem!"

The head of the Wang family said respectfully.

Although I don't understand why the Tiandao Pavilion Master borrowed someone from a small low-end Zhongzhou family, it is clear that the entire Tianxuan world will be used by the current Tiandao Pavilion Master with a casual order.

But these are not things he can interfere with, so he can only agree honestly.

"I don't know how long it will take to go here. It may be a few days at a faster time, or it may be countless at a slower time."

"These heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be regarded as compensation for your Wang family."

Chen Daoxuan had no intention of staying here too long, he just casually threw a space ring towards the head of the Wang family.

Then he glanced at the people who were standing in the square with their heads bowed and their hands folded respectfully. Finally, his eyes fell on a junior who was in the Ruins Realm. She was a slightly thin woman.

With a wave of his hand, he pulled her to his side, and the woman was startled.

First he exclaimed, then realized that he had lost his composure and quickly apologized to the Master of Tiandao Pavilion.

"It's okay, let's go."

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand disapprovingly and stopped explaining too much to everyone in the Wang family. He directly waved his long sleeves and took Ao Lan and the thin Wang family woman back to Xuwang Mountain.

On the Wang Family Square, everyone quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Farewell to the Master of Tiandao Pavilion!"

After a long time, everyone dared to get up.

The head of the Wang family looked at the space ring suspended in front of him, his hands trembled a little, and he held it in his hands with excitement.

This is a space ring given by the Master of Tiandao Pavilion. In the Tianxuan world, holding this object is even comparable to a death-free gold medal!

"The head of the family..."

An elder stepped forward and was about to speak, but suddenly found that the head of the family was staring like a bull's eye, and his beard was trembling.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Is there something wrong!?"

Seeing this strange performance, everyone gathered around nervously.



"The treasures here are enough for our Wang family to be promoted to a third-rate power in a hundred years!"

The head of the Wang family took a few deep breaths, his eyes flashed, and he looked at everyone and said excitedly!

The number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in that space ring is extremely astonishing, and even the Wang family's thousands of years of wealth cannot match one-tenth of it!

Unexpectedly, just a small reward from the Tiandao Pavilion Master would change the fate of their Wang family drastically!

"Master, do you want to block the news..." When an elder heard this, he immediately became vigilant.

If those rival forces find out that the Wang family has harvested so many treasures, wouldn't it mean that they would be annihilated before they could develop? ?


The head of the Wang family slapped the elder directly on the back of the head, causing him to stagger.

"Did you get your brain kicked by the ass!"

"The Master of Tiandao Pavilion personally gave us something from the Wang family. Why are we blocking the news!?"

"Now, immediately, immediately, send everyone in the family to spread the news, so that the news can spread as widely as possible!"

The head of the Wang family pointed at the elder and yelled angrily.

At the same time, he ordered the younger generations in the family to spread the news immediately and block it with a hammer!

Having the slightest connection with the Master of Tiandao Pavilion is already the gold medal for their Wang family to avoid death. How can other hostile forces dare to come to the Wang family to snatch it!

Hearing this, everyone in the Wang family was stunned, and then suddenly became excited.


"I'll do it right away!"


Mountain of Illusion.

After Chen Daoxuan returned to the mountain, he had returned to the small pavilion and drank the Enlightenment Tea silently.

He didn't explain too much to the woman who was brought from the Wang family, but just let her live in Tiandao Pavilion for a day with peace of mind.

After Wang Xiaoyue arrived at Xuwu Mountain, she was shocked beyond words by the sight in front of her.

After a long time, he turned around and saw that the Master of Tiandao Pavilion did not explain much to him, so he asked cautiously: "Master, can I practice enlightenment in your place?"

The purity of the spiritual energy here is extremely high, and it is surrounded by the Taoist charm all over the sky. It is simply a holy land for cultivation!

One day of training here is equivalent to one year in Zhongzhou!

"Of course you can, just do whatever you want."

"If you need anything, you can talk to Elder Ao Lan."

Chen Daoxuan smiled, naturally he would not be unable to satisfy such a small request.

"My dear, thank you, Pavilion Master!" Wang Xiaoyue was overjoyed when she heard the other party agreed.

Although the Enlightenment tea tree was the best place to practice, she did not dare to get close. She glanced around and saw the place where the spirit beasts were kept. She simply went directly to the spiritual circle to prepare to practice cross-legged.

"My little friend, there is no need to do this. You might as well go and practice under the Enlightenment Tea Tree for a day. It will also be an opportunity for you."

Seeing this, Ao Lan stepped forward lightly and spoke softly with a gentle smile on his face.

Since the other party can be brought back to Tiandao Pavilion by the Pavilion Master himself, he must be extraordinary.


"It's not good..." Wang Xiaoyue said timidly.

She is just a young cultivator who has returned to the Ruins Realm, and even her family is only a low-level force in Zhongzhou. Even if the Master of the Tiandao Pavilion opens the Tianmen this time, their family cannot afford to come to this False Mountain to watch the ceremony.

Being able to practice in this fairyland for just one day is already a huge opportunity. How can I dare to practice under that tea tree? After all, the tea tree is extraordinary just at a glance. There will never be another one in the entire Tianxuan world. !

"Come on, don't be too formal. My master is very easy-going."

Ao Lan smiled softly, took the other person's hand directly, took him to the Enlightenment tea tree and signaled him to just practice.

"Thank you, Mr. Elder!"

Wang Xiaoyue looked at the other party gratefully, and after thanking her, she looked in the direction of the Master of Tiandao Pavilion and saw that he was just drinking tea in silence and didn't care about her actions.

Only then did he feel relieved and start practicing cross-legged.

After all, the reputation and status of Tiandao Pavilion and Chen Daoxuan, the master of Tiandao Pavilion, in the Tianxuan world are so high now that even the loose immortals can only kneel down to greet her, let alone a junior in the Guixu realm like her. Seeing the Master of Tiandao Pavilion still feels like a dream, I can't believe it is true.

"Sir, is this girl also the proud one of heaven? Are you planning to recruit a new disciple before your ascension?"

Ao Lan came behind the master, combed his hair, and asked casually in confusion.

It's just that when she checked this girl herself, she didn't find any special physique, and her talent was just an ordinary mid-level earth-level talent. Could it be that she had some hidden physique?

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