Upon hearing Ao Lan's words, Chen Daoxuan was stunned for a moment.

Then he shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not true. The main thing is that the master of the pavilion promised Ji'er something."

"Now that we are about to ascend, it's time to fulfill this promise."

After saying that, Chen Daoxuan stopped talking and quietly sipped tea and waited for the next day, when he would open the gate of heaven, break through to the immortal realm, and ascend to the upper world!

When Ao Lan heard the answer from the Pavilion Master, he couldn't help but lower his head and think about it.


In the Lingchi Palace.

Leng Yanran and the other two were washing their bodies in the spiritual pool.


A handful of spiritual liquid was suddenly thrown at Li Yourong, catching Li Yourong off guard.

Turning around, he saw the junior sister holding up the spiritual fluid with a wicked smile on her face, planning to continue the attack.

For a moment, the two of them were splashing spiritual fluid on each other in the spiritual pool, which was quite a sight.

Leng Yanran looked at the two junior sisters helplessly. They were both masters of the Tianmen realm, but they were still like children.

But looking at it, Leng Yanran smiled.

Isn't that good?

Tiandao Pavilion has their master as a great supporter. They should have no worries. They only need to practice the techniques given by the master with peace of mind. Relying on the cultivation resources given by the master, they can realize the supreme truth sooner or later!

Even if there was really any trouble, as the chief disciple of her master and the senior sister of the two of them, she should handle it herself.

Wow ————

Just as Leng Yanran was thinking about the future, suddenly the two of them winked at each other and launched an attack on the senior sister.

Two handfuls of water were poured on Leng Yanran, catching her off guard.

"Pfft -" Leng Yanran slowly spit out a mouthful of spiritual liquid from her mouth, and her face suddenly turned cold.


"Senior Sister, there is room for error!"

"Jian'er also knows that he was wrong!"

When the two of them saw the elder sister's face turning cold, they instantly became quiet and hung their heads in fear.

"Huh, you know you're wrong?"

"Fight first and then talk!"

Unexpectedly, Leng Yanran snorted coldly and suddenly poured water towards the two of them.

The two of them were stunned.

Then he suddenly showed a smile and started a water fight with his senior sister in the spiritual pond.

The sweet laughter and exclamations kept ringing out in the Lingchi Palace, but it was a pity that Pavilion Master Chen did not observe the beautiful scene in the Lingchi Palace at this time.

"Second Senior Sister, how did you grow so big? I'm so envious..."

"Hey, what, little junior sister, do you want to touch it? Let's touch it. What are you doing outside?"

"Wow...it's so soft. It would be so comfortable to sleep on."

Dongfang Han felt the touch in his hands and his eyes lit up.

Then he turned his attention to the senior sister Leng Yanran and slowly extended his claws.


Leng Yanran raised her eyebrows and glanced at her junior sister.

"Ha ha ha ha ha......"

"Senior sister, there is a hair on your chest. I'll pinch it off for you."

Dongfang Han could only smile and gently put his hand up.

But when I left that roundness, I suddenly grabbed a handful!


The senior sister's breasts are different from the second senior sister's. Although they are plumper than her own, they are still extremely elastic.


The corners of Leng Yanran's eyes twitched slightly, and she raised her hand to summon the God-killing Spear.

"Well, Yan'er knows that he was wrong."

Dongfang Han was stunned in an instant. He pouted and pulled out the spiritual pool. After absorbing the spiritual liquid on his body, he took the initiative to help his senior sister get clothes.

Naturally, Yan Ran was not willing to take a real shot at her junior sister, so she had no choice but to admit her defeat and was eaten in vain.

After a while, the three of them were already dressed.

When she was about to ascend, she would be watched by the entire Tianxuan Realm, so Leng Yanran wore the black-plated gilt-edged Dragon Emperor robe given by her master.

As for Li Yourong, he wore a dragon scale leather armor lining and an off-white fairy robe on the outside. His two long, round legs were also wearing white silk stockings and a pair of special animal skin boots.

Dongfang Han is the most casual, wearing a white inner outfit, a simple cotton and linen robe, and her Lingxiao Sword. She has her long hair rolled up casually, giving her the posture of a carefree swordsman.

Although she is only in the Tianmen realm now, if she attacks with all her strength, she can kill the Loose Immortal. There is no problem in calling herself a Sword Immortal!

After leaving the main hall, the three of them went to meet their master and accompany him to wait for the ascension.

But after leaving the temple, everyone found a strange figure sitting cross-legged under the Enlightenment tea tree and practicing.

Especially Dongfang Han, his heart beat hard twice when he saw that figure, and he always felt a little familiar.

But he couldn't remember where he had seen this woman. Judging from her appearance, she was about the same age as her, maybe a few years younger than her.

Dongfang Han paused and asked with concern: "What's wrong, little junior sister?"

"It's okay, it must be an illusion."

"Maybe I was too tired from playing just now." Dongfang Han replied casually, and then followed the two senior sisters to visit the master in the small pavilion.

Chen Daoxuan sat quietly in the small pavilion, looking at the three disciples and couldn't help but feel good.

Among his three disciples, none of them would be harmful to the country and the people outside. If they had not joined the Tiandao Pavilion, except Dongfang Han, who was protected by the general's mansion and would not be kidnapped by traitors, the fate of the other two disciples would most likely be It was very bumpy, but if Dongfang Han had not joined the Tiandao Pavilion, he would have almost transformed into the grave grass now, and he would have been dragged down by the natural sword bones if he could not practice.

"Meet the Master." The three slim and graceful people, each with their own characteristics, bowed respectfully to the Master.

Although the Master said on weekdays that you don’t need to pay too much attention to etiquette and customs, just follow your heart and do as you please, the three of them still maintained the etiquette they should have towards the Master. Except when they were alone with the Master, they would each have different levels of arrogance... ....On this point, Dongfang Han is the worst!


Chen Daoxuan smiled and nodded slightly, and the three of them also got up and came to the small pavilion.

"Master, who is that?"

"Are you going to accept a new junior sister for us?"

Dongfang Han looked at the inexplicably familiar woman and asked uncertainly, feeling even more nervous.

"Didn't you already guess it?"

Chen Daoxuan chuckled, raised his hand and tapped Yan'er's forehead. How could she not guess it with her intelligence?

I asked this just to confirm my suspicion.

"..." Dongfang Han heard the master's answer, and when he looked at the woman who was a few years younger than him, his eyes were already a little complicated.

"But Yan'er hasn't become a Sword Immortal yet." After biting his lips and being silent for a moment, Dongfang Han said with a trembling tone.

"If you want to wait a little longer, that's no problem. I can take you back to the Tianxuan Realm at any time when the time comes."

"You can make your own decision. Tomorrow our Tiandao Pavilion will ascend to the upper world. There is still one day left for you to think about it slowly."

Chen Daoxuan knew that this matter was very important to Yan'er, so he said softly.


Ps: Dear friends, please remind me of the update. If the reminder is more than 3,000, I will try the next three updates starting tomorrow!

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