Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 388: Brother is affected, share it with yourself

Just when Master Liu Hong was still wondering what Chen Daoxuan meant.

But suddenly I felt a pain in my heart and looked down...

"Give it back to me..."

Master Liu Hong's expression was a little distorted. Looking at his heart that had been taken out but was still beating tenaciously, he suddenly panicked!

This guy didn't take Ruyishan's Liu family seriously at all, and he actually wanted to take his life if he disagreed!

"Oh, okay."

Chen Daoxuan had just performed a heart-breaking basic operation with Master Liu Hong. When he heard the other party's simple request, he naturally would not refuse.

He casually stuffed his heart into Zhenren Liu Hong's heart again, but when he pulled his hand out again, Zhenren Liu Hong grinned again!

Master Liu Hong looked at the young man in front of him with a kind smile, a gentle manner and a bookish temperament in disbelief.

He really couldn't imagine how such a young man could do such a devilish behavior!

This guy, his heart is indeed back, but what are you holding in your hand now! ?

Master Liu Hong felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart had returned, but his lungs were gone...

"Don't be nervous, the master of this pavilion calls you the little miracle doctor with wonderful rejuvenation skills."

"Let me ask you, do you feel great pain in your heart and lungs right now?"

Chen Daoxuan's palms were covered with a layer of spiritual power to prevent the flesh and blood from contaminating him, and he said to Master Liu Hong seriously.


Master Liu Hong's eyes were wide open. He couldn't believe that this guy could say such words!

The little miraculous doctor who can rejuvenate?

I took out his heart and lungs and asked him if it hurt! ?

It won't hurt if I take it out! ?


As Chen Daoxuan exerted slight force on his palm, Master Liu Hong suddenly took a breath of cold air and could not utter the harsh words on his lips.

"Senior, I was wrong."

"What happened to my son is his own fault."

"Senior, please show me your noble hand. I swear with my Taoist heart that I will never cause any trouble to you after I return to the mountain."

"This is my space ring, please accept it, senior!"

Master Liu Hong knew that he had no power to resist today, so he quickly changed his expression and begged for mercy.

"No, no, no, do you think this pavilion master is a robber?"

"How could this pavilion master do such a thing of plundering and taking by force?"

"My Tiandao Pavilion has always paid attention to what you pay for, but this space ring of yours has been accepted by this pavilion master."

Chen Daoxuan said with a serious face and full of righteousness.

If he hadn't looked at the people in Ruyi Mountain who had been burned to ashes and the space ring that he had just received, Master Liu Hong would have believed his lies!

But as long as he collects his space ring, it seems that there is still hope!

"Thank you, senior!"

Master Liu Hong endured the pain and said respectfully.

His eyes couldn't help but look at his organ, which was still shrinking and bulging.

"Now that I have received your treasures of heaven and earth, this pavilion master will organize a salvation for you."

"You're welcome, add more firewood."

“Use good huanghuali!”

Chen Daoxuan put the space ring into the system space, then grinned and greeted Yourong.

"Okay Master!"

"Junior sister, light the fire!"

Li Yourong shouted happily, then took out the fine Huanghuali and piled them neatly on the ground.

Dongfang Han didn't hesitate and started lighting the fire directly with his spiritual power.


Chen Daoxuan then smiled and said to Master Liu Hong.

However, he did not choose to crush the object in his hand. Instead, he put it back into the opponent's chest very considerately and patted the opponent's shoulder.

The spiritual power instantly entered his body and went straight to the spiritual platform, strangling and obliterating his true spirit.

For big clients, it would be better to leave the whole body intact.

In an instant, Master Liu Hong didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy, and his eyes had lost all energy.

[Ding, the host kills the second-level enemy in Golden Fairyland, reward: 20,000,000 origin points. 】

The system prompt sounded in my ears, and another 20 million Origin Points were instantly credited!

Twenty million Origin Points are enough for him to break through to the Earth Immortal Realm, and there is still plenty left!

"Tsk, tsk, business in the Immortal Realm is indeed much easier than in the Tianxuan Realm."

Chen Daoxuan sighed and casually threw the top brother who had contributed 20 million origin points onto the neat pile of burning yellow rosewood.

"The family must be neat and tidy."

"By the way, I will give you the gift I promised you before, as promised."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the blazing fire and glanced at the eldest disciple Leng Yanran. Yanran immediately understood and started to transcend again.

"Read it three times. After all, he is our Tiandao Pavilion's first big customer in this world, so we must give him some preferential treatment." Chen Daoxuan did not forget to tell Leng Yanran.

While Leng Yanran was reciting the salvation scriptures, Chen Daoxuan also redeemed the gift he mentioned from the system.

Everyone looked curiously at the thing in Master's hand...

Stacks of paper money, gold ingots, even yellow paper and other sacrificial objects.

Nowadays, these things can be exchanged in the system for just a few dollars, and even 0.00001 origin points can be exchanged for countless sacrificial items.

"Um...what did he just say his name was?"

Chen Daoxuan tilted his head and suddenly looked at his disciple and asked.

"I don't remember." Dongfang Han shook his head.

"Uh..." Li Yourong showed that familiar look in his eyes, which revealed a bit of stupidity in his clear eyes, so Chen Daoxuan simply ignored her.

Leng Yanran was reciting scriptures and naturally did not answer this question.

In the end, Ao Lan and Li Shenruo both spoke together: "Sir, he just said his name is Liu Hong."

"Oh, Liu Hong, right?"


"Brother Liu Hong, we have a life-long friendship."

"This pavilion master will burn these things for you today."

"It's considered an acquaintance. Don't make yourself miserable. Spend the money as you like. You'll still have a good life in the future."

"By the way, for the other customers, I will not burn the paper myself."

"Brother Liu Hong, you are also the owner of Ruyi Mountain anyway, so just share it with them down below, suffer the consequences, suffer the consequences."

Chen Daoxuan muttered and threw the yellow papers in his hands into the fire.

But after hearing this, the most excited person was not Liu Hong, who had already burped, but Dongfang Han on the side!

"Master, do you mean that there is a complete reincarnation in this immortal world!?"

Dongfang Han came to the master excitedly and asked.

"Unfortunately, not really." Chen Daoxuan sighed and said to the young disciple.


"Then can they receive these paper money?" Dongfang Han was confused. Since there is no reincarnation, what does the master's words mean?

"Oh, you said this."

"Let's go through the process. In order for Tiandao Pavilion to become bigger and stronger in the future, we must improve the customer experience. In the future, when the world has reincarnation and perfection, we will not be disliked by others, right."

Chen Daoxuan said very seriously, and threw all the yellow paper in his hand into the fire as he spoke.

"..." Everyone present fell into deep thought after listening to Master's seemingly reasonable words.

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