After a while, Liu Hong, the owner of Ruyi Mountain, joined the people who had taken the first step in Ruyi Mountain.

According to the procedure, Leng Yanran waved her hand, and a spiritual wind carried everyone's ashes flying in all directions and landed among the flowers and plants.

"Senior sister, I have always been curious about something."

"Why does our Tiandao Pavilion have to lay waste to the ashes after killing the enemy?"

Dongfang Han looked at this scene and suddenly asked curiously.

It doesn't matter how cruel you are to the enemy. This is something she knows very well as the legitimate daughter of the general's palace. Naturally, she has no sympathy for the enemy at all. She asked this question out of curiosity.


"Little junior sister, you misunderstood."

"Actually, it's all because Master is too kind."

"There's a lot of depth to this."

Leng Yanran heard her junior sister's words and said in a deep voice.

When Dongfang Han heard this, a big question mark slowly appeared on his head.

Master just had a heart-to-heart chat with Master Liu Hong, then burned him into ashes, and finally asked his senior sister to spread his ashes.

Which of these behaviors is related to being too kind?

"First, for the sake of our own safety, it is exactly what Master often mentioned, always be safe in everything!"

"Back then, your second senior sister and I were at the Immortal Pagoda in the Eastern Region..."

"Because you didn't raise the other party's ashes, you were attacked by the other party by pretending to be dead, which resulted in your second senior sister, um... being seriously injured, yes, seriously injured."

Leng Yanran recalled the scene outside the Duxian Tower in the Eastern Region. It was because of her negligence that the other party faked her death and attacked.

Second Junior Sister Li Yourong blocked the attack for her, leaving a very terrifying... small wound. If she hadn't recovered quickly enough, it would have almost healed on its own.



Dongfang Han nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice, and suddenly understood something in his heart, Master is still acting steadily!

"Second, what I said is that Master is too kind."

"After these enemies die, scatter their ashes between heaven and earth and turn them into nutrients for flowers and plants."

"The ashes of an immortal are enough to give birth to a large amount of spiritual herbs and elixirs, which will bless future generations."

"This move can be regarded as accumulating merit for the enemy. Of course, the premise is that they still have the opportunity to reincarnate."

Leng Yanran stretched out a second finger and slowly explained to the junior sister.

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Han's eyes lit up and he looked at the Master with great admiration.

Chen Daoxuan silently put his hands behind his back and raised his head to look at the horizon at 90 degrees, hiding his merit and fame.

That's right, you are so kind as a teacher!

"Sir, what should Youwei do?"

The matter here was settled, Ao Lan came to the adult and asked, holding Yu Youwei who was still curled up.

"It doesn't matter, she just couldn't adapt to the rules of this world when she crossed the world."

"Just get some sleep."

Chen Daoxuan looked at Yu Youwei who was sleeping soundly and said softly.

He felt a little guilty in his heart. He, Chen, had acted steadily all his life, but he did not expect that after Yu Youwei crossed the world, she would need to adapt to the rules of the new world.

It seems that if things like crossing worlds happen in the future, it will be necessary to leave some backup for Yu Youwei.

If she hadn't fallen into a deep sleep, according to Yu Youwei's strength, even in this fairy world, Jin Xian would not be able to touch her at all!

"That's it." Ao Lan breathed a sigh of relief and just hugged Yu Youwei quietly.

Leng Yanran came to Master, raised her hands and asked, "Master, should we find a place to build a mountain gate?"

Now that we have come to this upper realm, we cannot wander around. We still need a place to stay.

Otherwise, how can they build the reputation of Tiandao Pavilion?

"It's not urgent. Let's solve another matter first."

Chen Dao

Because of this, he did not rush to choose a place. As long as he was not sure where to build the immortal temple, he would not take any risks.

Even if he encounters an unpredictable and unexpected strong man, he can immediately establish an immortal palace and become invincible!

What he is more interested in at the moment is the force that has taken action in the lower realm, the Palace of Rebirth.

However, in addition to the Palace of Purity, there is now another force that he has recorded in his little notebook, Ruyi Mountain.

The service tenet of Tiandao Pavilion is that the customer is God. No, send the customer to see God!

In addition, after killing everyone in Ruyi Mountain just now, he gained a lot.

[Origin point: 23190000. 】

With more than 23 million origin points, he can break through to the fairyland at any time!

But he is not in a hurry to make a breakthrough. It is better to go to the Palace of Purity first. Send the clients away quickly, and he can calm down and choose a suitable place to build the Palace of Heavenly Dao!

"Let's go and follow Master to see what those rats are doing now."

Chen Dao

After speaking to the disciples, without any delay, he tore the space apart with a single stroke, leading a group of disciples into it and heading towards the Palace of Purity!


At the same time, in an extremely dark canyon, the Palace of Rebirth stood in it.

Your Majesty Lu Qiu listened to the report from his subordinates that nearly a hundred people suddenly ascended to the upper realm today, and none of the people who ascended were in the realm of immortals.

Suddenly he noticed something was wrong!

There must be a demon when something goes wrong, and there is a great possibility that the existence suspected of being an immortal has descended into this world!

Without any hesitation, he took out a jade talisman and contacted the powerful Immortal King Realm behind him.

[Lv Qiu: Sir, that guy may have ascended and will definitely come to my Palace of the Past to cause trouble. Please help me! 】

After the news was sent out, Lu Qiu, the master of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, became a little uneasy and felt very depressed in his heart, as if danger was about to come.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long as the jade talisman buzzed and vibrated.

[Lei Wu Immortal King: Humph, waste. 】

[Leiwu Immortal King: This Immortal King happens to be near this continent at this time. If the other party dares to come, he will never come back! 】

[Leiwu Immortal King: After this attack, you must find a Double Dragon Lotus for me within ten years, otherwise...]

Seeing the Immortal King's reply, Lu Qiu immediately felt relieved. At least this Immortal King also had a considerable background. As long as he was dragged into the water, even the Immortal Lord could deal with it.

[Lv Qiu: Lord Immortal King, don’t worry! 】

Without any hesitation, Lu Qiu agreed. Even though the pair of dragon lotuses were very difficult to find, it was still important to solve the fatal crisis at hand!

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