Chen Daoxuan, who was crossing the void, was frowning slightly and thinking.

Just now when he killed the real person Liu Hong, he had read the opponent's spiritual memory and had a general understanding of this world.

As a powerful person in the Golden Fairy Realm, he has a very clear understanding of this world.

This world is called the Fallen Immortal World.

It was divided into four continents by the boundless sea, namely: Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, Xiniuhezhou, and Beijuluzhou.

When he saw the names of these four continents, Chen Daoxuan felt an extremely familiar feeling, and for a moment he thought of the Earthly Immortal World in the prehistoric world.

However, according to the information in his memory, there is no mythological figure that he is familiar with in the earthly immortal world. The only one who looks more like a mythical figure is the Immortal Emperor of the Underworld: Yi.

Even the imperial soldiers of the Immortal Emperor of the Underworld are still lying in his system space at this time!

And above these four continents, there is also the Immortal Court.

As long as the realm reaches the Immortal King or above, you can join the Immortal Court, obtain the official position of the Immortal Court, and enjoy the blessings of luck and merit.

Moreover, the Immortal Court is jointly run by several Immortal Emperors, and there is no real master of the Immortal Court. Instead, each Immortal Emperor competes for luck, opportunity, and everything for his own faction.

The rest are some common sense issues in this world. There is not much secret information from above. After all, Master Liu Hong is only a golden immortal, and his identity is not even enough to set foot in the immortal court.

On the contrary, the ancestor of the Liu family is an Immortal King and has reached the qualifications to join the Heavenly Court. It is precisely because of this that Ruyi Mountain can be called a prestigious force in the Fanghui Immortal World!

You can be protected by the Immortal Court. Even if you encounter any disaster, the Immortal Court will usually mediate.


an hour ago


Looking south at Buzhou, there is the dark mountain range where the Palace of Rebirth is located.

A figure slowly condensed.

"The master of this mere Palace of Rebirth is only in the Mysterious Immortal realm."

"I don't know why the Immortal Emperor cares so much..."

"Hey, it should be related to that Human Emperor."

A demon clan immortal was eating the spiritual fruit he picked casually. The demon beasts in the mountains around him felt the power of blood emanating from him, and they all crouched on the ground and trembled, not even daring to run away!

How terrifying is a dignified Immortal Lord! ?

Many monsters couldn't figure out why it appeared in this nameless mountain range, and they didn't dare to guess.

The Immortal Lord is already second only to the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Lord!

In the entire Fallen Immortal World, as far as they knew, there were only five Immortal Emperors and only ten Immortal Lords revealed to the world.

This is equivalent to the fact that this being who is leisurely eating fruit is only inferior to fifteen people in the entire Fallen Immortal Realm!

It is a terrifying existence that can make thousands of living beings bleed into rivers when angry, and no one dares to intervene!

However, this Immortal Lord seemed to have deliberately hidden his aura. If they had not seen the horror of his bloodline with their own eyes, they would not have been able to detect his existence even if they used their spiritual consciousness.


But at this time, in the sky above the mountains, there was an even more terrifying figure standing with his hands folded across his chest.

She is a woman with an extremely hot figure and even very cool clothes. Her eyebrows, eyelashes, and long hair are all fiery red!

She simply stood in the air, not even deliberately using the magical power to hide her aura, but her whole body seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth.

Even if someone looks at where she is, they won't notice anything. They will only feel that it is normal there and everything is normal.

This woman is none other than the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord sent by the Human Emperor.


"Boring, wait another hour, if there is no movement, I will go back to retreat."

Even though it was the will of the Immortal Emperor of the Human Emperor, Immortal Lord Fire Spirit still didn't care too much. She just came here under orders. If she got impatient, she could leave at any time.

Even if you meet the Immortal Emperor in person, as an Immortal Lord you already have the qualifications that you don’t have to kneel down, and you are the one that every Immortal Emperor strives to win over!

As for the figure of the demon clan immortal hidden in the mountains, it was naturally impossible to hide it from her eyes.

However, she was not interested in killing a demon immortal for no reason and causing unnecessary disputes.

Time passed slowly, and seeing that an hour was about to pass, Lord Fire Spirit naturally lost the patience to continue waiting.

The figure slowly turned into crimson flames and began to gradually dissipate. But just when she was about to disappear, she suddenly raised her brows and felt space fluctuations.

The movement paused slightly: "I would like to see who it is that the Immortal Emperor needs to pay so much attention to, and even asked me to win over him as much as possible!"

The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord stopped dissipating, and looked at the place where the spatial fluctuation appeared with a bit of curiosity in displeasure.

A crack in space appeared, and a demon woman walked out of it.

No, there were people, two more women walked out.


That's not all! ?

Until a total of five, no, there was a little loli being held in his arms, and a total of six women came out.

Only then did a man finally appear, a young man who looked gentle and elegant, with a spring-like smile on his face.


"This guy really knows how to enjoy himself. He always brings five or six women to accompany him when he comes to the Palace of the Rebirth."

Although Lord Fire Spirit felt that the young man was handsome, he complained indifferently.


"Did he glance at me?"

"It must be an illusion."

When Lord Huo Lingxian was observing Chen Daoxuan, he found that Chen Daoxuan turned his head and glanced at her, but quickly turned his head to look at the Palace of the Past.

In addition to her, the demon immortal in the Nameless Mountain Range also threw the half-eaten fruit in his hand to the ground, and his figure slowly disappeared. Zangdun secretly observed this young man who had received special attention from the Immortal Emperor.

A very kind smile, um, yes, it must be this young man.

I don’t know what this kind young man plans to do when he comes here.

But obviously, Chen Daoxuan didn't keep them curious for too long.

"Why do fellow Taoists from the Palace of Purity avoid seeing you?"

"Have you forgotten our lifelong friendship in the Tianxuan Realm?"

Chen Daoxuan's voice echoed in the canyon, but there was no response in the entire Palace of Rebirth.

Your Majesty, Lu Qiu, summoned everyone in the Palace of Purity into the main hall, and his brows were furrowed at this time.

After much deliberation, I could only take out the jade talisman again and send a message to the Thunder Crow Immortal King for help.

"Your Majesty, are you really going to let him show off his power outside my palace of death like this?"

One of the messengers said very unhappy.

Hearing his words, everyone present looked at him with shocked and stupid eyes. When the Palace of Purity was shattered by a single blow, the messenger happened to be out and had not experienced it, but others present were familiar with that terrifying scene. The attack is vivid in my mind!

"If you feel bad, why don't you go out and feel good?"

The black hooker raised his eyebrows and said in a sinister tone.


Although today’s update reminder did not reach 4,000, there will be 4 updates today!

This is the third update. I will finish writing it around nine o’clock and publish the fourth update!

[Thank you: I have captivated thousands of girls and received a great God certification X9 from a powerful boss! ! ! ! ! 】

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