The moment when Chen Daoxuan waved his hand to kill the Leiwu Immortal King.

An anxious voice sounded: "Please show mercy!!!"

The Immortal Lord of the Demon Clan finally couldn't sit still when he saw that the other party was going to kill the Thunder Crow Immortal King.

Immortal King Lei Wu is naturally not an important character, but 99% of the people in the Fallen Immortal World today know that he seems to have a relationship with Immortal Emperor Golden Crow. Although it is insignificant, how can it be a trivial matter related to the Immortal Emperor?

Once the Thunder Crow Immortal King falls, the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor will lose some face.

In the past, the demon clan had many great powers who could help solve problems and wipe the butt of Immortal King Leiwu.

But this time, this guy was so blind that he even dared to provoke a terrifying Immortal Lord.

There are only a few people in the demon clan who can wipe his ass!

As for the Immortal Lord of the Monster Clan, it is even less likely that he would offend an Immortal Lord of the same realm for the sake of a Lei Wu Immortal King. was obviously a little late for the Demon Clan Immortal Lord to speak.

The moment he spoke, Immortal King Lei Wu was already in despair, and was turned into a ball of blood mist by Chen Daoxuan's casual slap.

[Ding, the host kills the second-level enemy of the Immortal King Realm, and the reward is: 200,000,000 Origin Points. 】

A full 200 million Origin Points were received, and Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue.

If he had known that it was so easy to make money in the upper world, he should have taken some risks and opened an ascension channel to send Chiyun up, then descended into the avatar through the token, and harvested a wave of origin points!

Why did he have to endure so much hardship in seclusion in the lower realm for fifty years before he could ascend?

However, the original fifty years seemed to be mainly to allow the disciples to improve their cultivation so that the gap would not be too big after ascension. Thinking about it this way, Chen Daoxuan felt a lot more comfortable.

By the way, did someone ask him to show mercy just now?

Another Source Point is about to arrive! ?

There is so much money to be made from this origin point of the fairy world!

"Your Excellency, are you the one from the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor?"

"Want to stand up for him?"

Chen Dao


"Senior misunderstood."

"I am indeed the Immortal Lord under the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor, named Gu Feng, but I don't want to stand up for him. I just feel that it is too inappropriate for the senior to take action personally!"

"Just now, I was planning to clean up the door myself!"

The demon clan immortal has an ancient style, and a trace of sweat appears on his forehead. It is obvious that the young man is smiling like a spring breeze, but he always feels that the wind carries a sharp blade!

No wonder the Immortal Emperor told him not to do anything to a smiling and kind-hearted young man!

It turns out...behind the kindness, there is such great terror!


"That's it."

"It seems that this pavilion master has misunderstood you."

Chen Daoxuan twisted his neck and said casually.

This is an immortal!

It is much more valuable than the Immortal King. If he had made Chen Daoxuan dissatisfied in the slightest just now, I'm afraid he would have turned into a ball of blood mist now!

Chen Daoxuan's eyes made Gufeng Immortal a little scared.

"After killing him, senior can't kill me anymore..."

The Ancient Feng Immortal Lord had a bitter smile on his face and bowed his hands respectfully.

Now that he has appeared, there is no chance to escape quietly. Even if the Leiwu Immortal King used his blood shield, he could not escape the opponent's grasp after running a million miles away in an instant.

If he ran away, the result would be the same.

"This pavilion master will consider it."

Chen Daoxuan touched his chin and looked at the other person, lost in thought.

"Senior, this fifth-grade Immortal-level flying sword is my personal compensation for the reckless behavior of the Leiwu Immortal King!"

The Ancient Immortal Lord gritted his teeth and took out an immortal sword from the space magic weapon. As an Immortal Lord, the natal magic weapon he used was only the sixth level of the Immortal Order.

After hearing this, Chen Daoxuan's expression softened a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey, sir, where are you talking about?"

"How could I, Mr. Chen, blame you for that fool!"

"Put away the treasure quickly, I, the Pavilion Master, cannot accept it."

Chen Daoxuan looked serious, turned his head and waved his hands.

"No no no!"

"These are some of my little thoughts. I ask you, senior, to accept them."

"Otherwise, I would feel uneasy!"

The Ancient Feng Immortal was certainly not blind, and he could see that most of the other party's hostility toward him had dissipated after seeing the immortal weapon.

But what does the other party mean by not accepting it? ! !

Forget it, after a while, as an immortal, this was the first time he took the initiative to give gifts, and he had to think of ways to give gifts!

"You can't accept it. This pavilion master never accepts gifts."

Chen Daoxuan said with a very serious expression.

But his eyes glanced at Ao Lan, who was holding Yu Youwei.

The corner of Gufeng Immortal's mouth twitched, and he understood instantly.

"This dragon fairy, please accept this apology for me!"

Gufeng sent the flying sword directly to Ao Lan with immortal essence.

Ao Lan naturally smiled and put away the immortal sword, cupped his hands towards the immortal and said, "Thank you very much for that."

"No, no, no, I would like to thank the fairy and senior for their forgiveness!"

"Senior, can I leave?"

Gu Feng had a sneer on his face. Although this time he lost a fifth-level Immortal-level flying sword after only one trip, but at least he didn't end up dead like that stupid Immortal King Bilewu. It was already good!

He finally understood that the other party had no concerns about the Immortal Emperor at all. If he persisted in his stubbornness, he might suffer huge losses!

"Where are you talking?"

"This is such a great gift for the first time we meet. I will give it to you personally!"

Chen Daoxuan pretended to be dissatisfied and headed towards Gufeng Immortal Lord. He really planned to send him off in person.


"do not come!"

"You stay, I can leave by myself!"

"Senior, I'd better focus on overcoming the tribulation first. If we meet again in the future, I'll do the hosting myself!"


The Ancient Wind Immortal was so frightened that he trembled. Not to mention that the other party was sending him off, but was he sending him to the underworld with the people in the Palace of Purity and King Lei Wu, or what he meant.

Just the second thunderbolt on this guy's head that had been condensed and ready to fall made Gufeng Immortal Lord dare not approach him at all.

If he was implicated, wouldn't he also have to experience the same treatment as the Lei Wu Immortal King?

After saying these words, Gufeng Immortal instantly turned into a shadow and disappeared from everyone's sight.

And his words suddenly reminded the immortals of Nanzhan Buzhou who had ignored an important matter.


"This guy is still going through the tribulation, but why is he not nervous at all?"

"Looking at his leisurely look just now, I forgot that he is still enveloped by a catastrophe!"

Not only were many powerful people shocked when they realized this problem, but even Chen Daoxuan himself was stunned and suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Damn it, I almost forgot, this pavilion master is still going through the tribulation!"

Hearing this, many of the powerful Nanzhan tribes present stumbled and almost fell from the hidden clouds!

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