It's okay for them to forget it, but how could this young man forget it when he was going through the tribulation himself? ?

But this is not to blame Pavilion Master Chen for not caring.

The most terrifying calamity in the eyes of many cultivators was like being tickled by leaves falling slowly on his body. Where could he feel it, so why should he care?

Not to mention that when he was in Tiandao Pavilion, as long as the natural disaster came, Yu Youwei would turn the natural disaster into its source and swallow it up, so that it would not fall on him at all.

As a result, Pavilion Master Chen had long forgotten that a breakthrough required overcoming a tribulation.


Following the rolling thunder, a second, thicker and terrifying purple thunder struck down on him.

Chen Daoxuan stood there indifferently, without using any means, and allowed the disaster to fall on him.

But the moment the sky thunder came into contact with his body, it was like fragile tofu falling on a hard stone. It shattered and dissipated instantly. Even the lightning that kept flashing like a thunder snake was not contaminated at all. .

When everyone had just suffered the first heavenly tribulation, most of their attention was focused on the miserable and inhuman Thunder Crow Immortal King who was hacked.

But after observing intently this time, I was horrified to discover that the other party did not use any means to overcome the tribulation, not even a magic weapon, but just carried it with his body!

The most outrageous thing is that such a reckless way of overcoming the tribulation did not cause any harm to him!

What a terrifying body this is! ?

"But what this person caused was the extremely terrifying Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, one of the most terrifying heavenly tribulations in the world."

"When it comes to the next few thunders, no matter how terrifying his body is, he can't be so relaxed."

The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord who was hiding in the dark crossed his arms in front of his chest, and couldn't help but murmured in surprise.

When she broke through from Immortal Lord to Immortal Lord, she had to go through these ninety-nine tribulations. Although the previous two paths were not as easy as this young man, they did not waste much effort.

But when it came to the later chapters, she almost died!

Fortunately, the elixir given by the Human Emperor Immortal Emperor allowed her to successfully overcome the disaster, and now she became the Immortal Lord of the Human Emperor Immortal Emperor.

The fact that the opponent was able to block two heavenly tribulations with just his body made her re-evaluate the opponent's strength.

Originally, according to her guess, the other party should also be a powerful person in the realm of the Immortal Lord, but now it seems that the other party has such terrifying strength just as an Immortal Lord Ninth Level.

Now, he went through the tribulation directly in public without making any preparations.

If he were allowed to survive the catastrophe and reach the true realm of the Immortal Lord, wouldn't his strength be even more terrifying, and he would be among the top among the Immortal Lords! ?

No wonder the Human Emperor and Immortal Emperor wanted to win over each other.

Just as she was silently guessing, the catastrophe struck again.

Chen Daoxuan still had no reaction. Instead, his eyes lit up. He waved slightly to Ao Lan and then called Yu Youwei in his arms to him from the air.

The fourth sky thunder fell, and he gently hugged Yu Youwei, who had shrunk into a small ball. When the sky thunder fell, most of the passing bodies dissipated, and part of the remaining sky thunder was directly absorbed by Yu Youwei's instinct. absorption and fusion.


Yu Youwei groaned unconsciously, feeling somewhat comfortable.

"Useful!" Chen Daoxuan's lips suddenly raised slightly. Yu Youwei might have needed to sleep for ten days and a half before she could fully adapt to the rules of this world.

Soon, the disaster continued to fall.

Despite the catastrophe, Chen Daoxuan remained unscathed, and the tingling sensation made him feel very comfortable.

And Yu Youwei's eyelashes began to shake slowly, showing signs of recovery.

But this scene had already stunned the many immortals who were watching the tribulation in Nanzhan Buzhou.

None of the immortals present have survived the catastrophe!

But... can we have the appearance of overcoming the tribulation? At least we must give the tribulation some respect it deserves! ?

You are trying to coax the children to play! ?

From the beginning to the end, he never looked at the calamity, he didn't use any magic weapon, he never used his magical power, let alone taking drugs, he was completely unprepared for anything! ?

I still have some free time to put the kids to sleep! ! ! ?

"This Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is fake, right..."

"Why do I feel that it is not as powerful as the Three-Nine Heavenly Tribulation that I first performed?"

A Xuanxian looked at the extremely relaxed young man and murmured slightly absentmindedly.


"Fellow Taoist, please stop being ridiculous. The terrifying pressure of that calamity eight million miles away would make even a poor Taoist cringe. Do you think that thing is fake?"

"Hey... I really don't know what kind of monster this is. If he is allowed to grow, I'm afraid a new Immortal Emperor will appear!!!"

There was a person next to Xuanxian who heard him talking to himself and couldn't help but sneer.

Although the young man looked extremely relaxed, the Thunder Crow Immortal King just now was struck dead by the weakest first thunder.

How can there be any lie in these ninety-nine tribulations! ?

"This is impossible......"

"Even a semi-saint in the physical body cannot face the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation so easily!"

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord frowned at this time, unable to understand how the other party did it!

As for all this, Pavilion Master Chen didn't care at all.

When the sixth calamity fell, Yu Youwei in his arms pushed into his arms twice, then opened her purple eyes and blinked her long eyelashes.


Yu Youwei yawned, and there was still some mist in the corners of her eyes. Although she was not quite awake, she instantly understood that she was in the arms of her master based on the familiar breath.

Naturally, there is no danger for her to worry about.

There is no safer place in the world than next to the master!

"woke up?"

"Just in time to have a hot meal."

Chen Daoxuan smiled and rubbed Yu Youwei's head, then touched the furry and soft animal ears twice and said.


"Youwei doesn't want to get out of the master's arms."

However, Yu Youwei crawled into her master's arms again and said with great reluctance.

She had just woken up and was still a little uncomfortable with it.

"have to."

"Why don't I, the Pavilion Master, feed you personally?"

Chen Daoxuan's mouth twitched and he simply looked directly at the thunder that just fell.

He raised his hand casually, and the terrifying thunder struck down hard, but when it came into contact with Chen Daoxuan's palm, he could no longer move forward.

Countless law chains were instantly transformed around his palm, entwining towards the sky thunder.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lei Jie wanted to run away and let himself disappear between heaven and earth, but he was surrounded by chains of laws and could not escape Chen Daoxuan's palm.

Under the shocked gazes of countless great powers, the chain of all laws shrank suddenly and turned into a small bead, containing the sky thunder.

Chen Daoxuan slowly put away the beads transformed from the thunder and placed them in front of Yu Youwei's little nose.

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