With many immortals watching the ceremony, there were even Immortal Emperors from all directions secretly watching.

After the Immortal Palace retracted the chains of the Three Thousand Laws, the vision slowly subsided, making the aura of the Immortal Palace continue to rise, and the Taoist charm became more intense.

Finally, it slowly landed on a huge plain in the center of the island.


"Fellow Taoists, who will go take a look first?"

"There must be a great opportunity!"

A golden immortal felt that the terrifying aura had disappeared, but he hesitated and could only speak to the people around him.

"Ahem, I'm not very powerful, so I'd better invite you fellow Taoists first. If there is a chance, I'll let you fellow Taoists take it first!"

"Pindao, Pindao is actually just here for a walk. He doesn't like opportunities..."

"Senior Immortal Emperor Futian, your strength is unparalleled, you should take this opportunity first!"

A group of immortals who had originally come to look for opportunities were now in trouble, and they all refused to be the first to go to the island to check.

Soon, someone with sharp eyes noticed Immortal Emperor Futian who was also struggling. Among all the people present, he had the highest strength.

"Well, this Immortal Emperor is just passing by here."

"I'll leave this opportunity to you."

Unexpectedly, Immortal Emperor Futian's eyes twitched, and he directly raised his hands to everyone, then turned into a stream of light and left.

As for why?

He came from Nanzhanbuzhou!

Just now he clearly saw that the people standing on the island were the terrifying Immortal Lord who was personally attracted by the Human Emperor Palace in Nanzhan Buzhou!

If it was an Immortal Lord he knew, that would be fine. He would step forward and call the senior to say hello and ask for a chance. Even if the other party was unwilling, he could say sorry and leave.

But that young man was different. He was a one-stop service with consecutive kills and salvations!

If you don't go, you can't go into this muddy water and compete with that terrible immortal king. Isn't this a joke? ?

After Immortal Emperor Futian left, several immortals from Nanzhan Buzhou also discovered something strange.

"Hiss... why is it him!"

"I wish you all good luck, Taoist friends. I just got married today, and I have to go back to the cave to practice with you."

A powerful person from the Mysterious Immortal Realm shrank his eyes, and after seeing the figure clearly, he bowed his hands to everyone and left.

"Ahem, what's that? Fellow Taoists, just go and look for opportunities. If they haven't passed away, there must be great opportunities here!"

"I have some things to do, so I won't compete with fellow Taoists for opportunities. What about that fellow Taoist just now? Wait for me. I'll go and practice with you, too!"

Another great master of the Golden Immortal Realm also realized that something was wrong. He just found an excuse and turned around, heading south to Zhanbuzhou.

In a short period of time, many immortals from Nanzhan Continent found various outrageous reasons to say goodbye and leave.

The immortals who came from Dongsheng Shenzhou were all confused!

Anyone who is not a fool can see that there must be danger, otherwise why would the immortals in Nanzhan Buzhou run so fast?

Even faster than when we came!

Just when everyone was wondering what the immortals in Nanzhan Buzhou knew.

A voice came from the island.

The voice is very elegant and easy-going, and makes people feel very close to him. That person must be extremely kind and easy to get along with.

"I, Chen Daoxuan, today established the Immortal Palace of Heavenly Dao with Donghai Huaguo Mountain."

"Anyone who sets foot on the island where my Tiandao Immortal Palace is established without any reason will do so at their own risk."

Chen Daoxuan's voice spread throughout the vast East China Sea.

Those immortals from Nanzhan Buzhou who had just left also heard this sound.

It was indeed that young man's voice. It still sounded so kind. Well, he was really a very easy-going person!

This guy didn't even give face to the Human Emperor Palace, and even uttered wild words that he wanted the Human Emperor to come to the Tiandao Immortal Palace and start as a handyman.

I wonder if the Immortal Emperor of the Human Emperor will come here in person to deal with him after getting the news!

However, they finally knew the name and power of the kind young man.

Tian Dao Immortal Palace, Chen Daoxuan.

The many Dongsheng Shenzhou immortals who were still staying on the island to watch looked at each other after hearing this.

The other party spoke very forcefully. If you set foot on the island, you will be responsible for the consequences. How arrogant is it to treat this place as the residence of the Immortal Emperor?

However, no one tried it easily. They had seen with their own eyes the horror of the Immortal Palace just now. The other party was probably infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor!

"Your Excellency...this East China Sea is an unclaimed land."

"In addition, Your Excellency has not yet been awarded the fruit status in the Immortal Court. I'm afraid it's a little unreasonable to act like this?"

A Celestial Realm expert took two steps forward and shouted to the island.

But there was no reply from the island. Obviously, Chen Daoxuan was just informing everyone about the consequences of setting foot on the island for no reason, and was not discussing with everyone.

"Fellow Taoist, I support you!"

Several immortals around the powerful Celestial Realm expert who spoke just now cast their eyes of support and admiration.

There was even a powerful person from the Golden Immortal Realm who expressed his admiration for him.

For a moment, the Celestial Immortal Realm master felt a little carried away. He actually raised his head and chest, feeling that the opponent would definitely not kill him in public.

"Why don't you, Your Excellency, take a step back with us? How about we just set foot on the island to seek opportunities and not enter Your Immortal Palace?"

After finishing speaking, the master of the Heavenly Immortal Realm raised his head and looked at the many immortals around him. He felt great satisfaction from the admiring eyes of the other people.

"If you don't say anything, then I'll assume you agree!"

After not hearing a reply from the island for a long time, the fairyland master said directly that day with a happy face.


As soon as he finished speaking, many of the onlookers were about to continue to praise him for his courage, but they found that the powerful power of the Heavenly Immortal Realm had turned into a mist of blood in front of everyone.

"Sand dollars."

On the island, Chen Daoxuan waved his hand casually and muttered speechlessly.

"I don't know how these people cultivated to the realm of immortals. None of them even have brains."

"Could it be that this pavilion master really has some special aura that can attract these sand coins?"

"Hiss, that's not right. The disciples this Pavilion Master has recruited are all comparable to the sons of destiny. Isn't it because of this that he has attracted so many brainless sand coins!?"

"That should be the case, hey..."

"That's all, just think of it as a gift of origin points to this pavilion master."

[Ding, the host kills the enemy on the eighth level of the Celestial Realm, reward: 80,000 origin points. 】

The system prompts ringing in his ears gave Chen Daoxuan some comfort and made him feel relieved.

The immortals of Dongsheng Shenzhou outside the island who were still undecided at first, saw that the other party did not reply at all, and directly killed him, they all looked at the blood mist in the sky with respect, and said silently in their hearts. Sound, you are awesome, I admire you for taking the risk.

Then they all turned into escaping lights and left, losing the courage to explore the island.


The third update is here. Dear friends, please push for more updates. It’s the weekend soon. You can challenge another wave of 4,000 reminders for more updates!

The realms of the Middle Thousand Worlds: Human Immortals, Earth Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, True Immortals, Mysterious Immortals, Golden Immortals, Immortal Kings, Immortal Emperors, Immortal Lords, Immortal Lords, and Immortal Emperors.

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