Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 404 Opening up the lower realm teleportation array

After Chen Daoxuan took action at will, many immortals gathered over the East China Sea left one after another, giving up their plans to explore the island.

At this time, on the island, Chen Daoxuan was looking at the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

The laws of Tao Yun contained in the Immortal Temple are more than a hundred times richer than those in the temples in the lower world, and many of the laws are even vaguely transformed into various forms and seem to have some spirituality.

Especially the three thousand stone pillars engraved with the figures of chaos gods and demons were something that had never been seen in the lower realm temple before.

Just now, there were mysterious rules operating in the void outside the sky. It was the chains of laws that emerged from the three thousand stone pillars, almost pulling them into the Immortal Palace for absorption.

The facilities in the Immortal Palace are much more complete than those in the lower realm.

Even every room has been enlarged a lot, especially the Lingchi Hall, which is several times larger and is enough to swim in the Lingchi.

The plaque above the main hall still has two words [Heavenly Way].

In addition to the main hall, there are several main halls, including the Weapon Refining Hall, the Alchemy Hall...

Even the place specifically used for cooking is a large hall, which is obviously much more luxurious and luxurious than the lower realm.

"Let's each pick a room."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but chuckled when he saw his disciples gathered around him eager to try.


Upon hearing the Master's words, Dongfang Han moved the fastest and turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

She was the last to get started before, and when she was choosing a room in the Tiandao Temple, the two rooms next to her master had already been taken over by two senior sisters.

This time, she couldn't lag behind her senior sister and live next to the master's room for convenience in the future!

Leng Yanran and Li Yourong looked at each other and realized that they were one step behind and disappeared in an instant.

Compared with senior sister Leng Yanran, it was obvious that Li Yourong couldn't beat her.

"Senior sister, you bully others, and you still use the demon to transform yourself into a shadow to get on your way!"

When Li Yourong entered the temple, he could only look at his senior sister and junior sister aggrievedly. They had each chosen two rooms next to the one that was obviously the master bedroom.

"Haha, every room is the same."

Dongfang Han smiled proudly at the second senior sister.

"Then, little junior sister, let's switch with senior sister!"

Li Yourong turned to look at his junior sister.

"Don't change!" Dongfang Han quickly opened the door and entered, closing the door with a bang.


"Senior about it?"

Li Yourong's eyes turned to Senior Sister Leng Yanran. Before he finished speaking, he heard a "bang" and Senior Sister entered the room and closed the door.

"What, you don't know where to choose?"

Ao Lan also walked in at this time, looked at Li Yourong with a gentle smile and said.

Of the three disciples under the master, she is most familiar with the second disciple Li Yourong. In addition to practicing, he pesters her for big meals.

"Well...the two best rooms have been taken."

Li Yourong puffed up his mouth and said a little disappointed.

"Why don't you live next door to Aunt Lan? If you are hungry, you can ask me to make you something to eat."

Ao Lan said with a smile.

Sure enough, when he heard about the food, Li Yourong's dim eyes suddenly brightened up.

"Hehe, that's not impossible!"

As a result, Ao Lan and Li Yourong chose adjacent rooms.


Outside the Immortal Palace, Chen Daoxuan was asking about the system building a transmission channel between the Immortal Palace and the Temple.

After all, Xiao Chacha is now alone in the lower world, waiting for him to lead her.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he discovered that Li Shenruo did not go to the Immortal Palace with everyone to choose a room.

"But if you have any concerns or worries, you might as well talk to this Pavilion Master."

Chen Daoxuan asked softly.

As he spoke, his slender fingers rhythmically moved the Tao Yun in the air to carve out a striped path, and he began to set up the teleportation formation.

"Your Excellency, are you setting up a teleportation array that connects to the Tianxuan Realm?"

Li Shenruo bit her red lips lightly, then raised her head and asked after a moment.

"Not bad." Chen Daoxuan replied casually.

After a moment of silence, Li Shenruo seemed to have made some decision and said: "Shenruo would like to ask your permission for Shenruo to return to the lower world."



"The effect of practicing within the scope of this Immortal Palace is dozens of times better than practicing within the scope of the temple. The master of this pavilion will bring Cha Cha up later. By then, this will be the only holy land for cultivation in the world."

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with some confusion.

After hearing this, Li Shenruo was slightly in a trance.

A wry smile couldn't help but appear on his face. Now in the Tiandao Pavilion, the three disciples of the Lord, even Dongfang Han, who was the latest to enter, have already reached the Tianmen realm.

But now she has just broken through to the eighth level of the Mahayana realm, and as time goes by, the gap will widen even further.

If she stayed in the upper realm, she wouldn't be able to help at all. Even if she wanted to do some chores, it wouldn't be her turn to do it in the Mahayana realm.

In this case, it is better to return to Tianxuan Realm and take care of everything in Tianxuan Realm for you together with Senior Chiyun.

"If God is willing to go to the Tianxuan Realm to handle the chores in the lower realm for you, he can help Deacon Chiyun share some of the pressure."

"In addition, the temple is where adults live after all. It will be inconvenient for Deacon Chiyun to take care of it. It will be more properly handled by Shenruo."

"When God Ruo cultivates to the realm of transcending tribulation, he will then ascend to the upper realm to work for you."

"God will not change what he said to you before. If you want it..."

"You can bring Shenruo to the upper world at any time, or Shenruo is waiting in the Immortal Palace."

Li Shenruo said seriously.

After hearing her words, Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly and did not reject her proposal.

He knew Li Shenruo's temperament. Although she was a little utilitarian, it was not just one-dimensional. Letting her stay in the upper world would only make her feel inferior and suffer.

It would be better to let it return to the lower realm and feel more comfortable.

It would indeed be inappropriate to leave the temple to Chi Yun to take care of it. After all, all the people who lived in the temple except him were women.

It would be more appropriate for Li Shenruo to take care of it.

"Thank you for your understanding, sir!" Li Shenruo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he agreed.

When the two were talking, Chen Daoxuan had also completed building a teleportation array. The entire array did not use any spiritual stones or materials. It was composed of three thousand Tao Yun laws. It looked extremely magical and like an illusion.

After casually checking that the formation was the same as what the system said and that there was nothing missing, I casually pointed it out.

The illusory Dao Yun Law suddenly emitted five colors of light, and the Dao Yun was also slowly flowing, and a vortex appeared from the formation.

Looking inside, you can see the scene of the Temple of Heaven on the Mount of Illusion. The formation built by Dao Yun also separated half of the Dao Yun through the vortex, and directly condensed a formation in the open space in front of the Temple of Heaven. Exactly the same formation.

Since then, temples and immortal palaces have been able to communicate with each other through formations.

"Master, is the master here to pick up Chacha?"

Feeling the sudden formation and space vortex, Xiao Chacha's eyes lit up and she shouted excitedly.

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