Through the picture in the rhyme formation, Xiao Chacha had already seen the figure of the master.

"Master, here, Chacha is here!"

Afraid that the owner wouldn't be able to see his little Chacha, he jumped up and down in front of the picture and kept waving his white and tender little hands.

Chen Daoxuan smiled slightly, and casually pointed downwards across the world.

Enlightenment Tea Tree took a large piece of spiritual soil with it, so it jumped directly into the air and entered the teleportation array.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Chacha jumped directly and flew up her spirit-transforming body, standing on the huge piece of spiritual soil under the original enlightenment tea tree.

After feeling like the world was spinning for a while, Xiao Chacha was able to see the scene in front of her clearly.


"This is more comfortable than the Temple of Heaven!"

"Master hugs————"

Xiao Chacha felt the abundant fairy energy within the fairy palace, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

However, when she was amazed, the first thing she did was to jump into her master's arms and take a few big breaths of her master's familiar scent and charm. still smells familiar and comfortable!

Although the lower realm has abundant spiritual energy within the Tiandao Temple and the Taoist charm emanating from the temple, it is completely incomparable to the Taoist charm and aura that the master invisibly exudes.


Little Chacha was lying in her master's arms, breathing in the familiar scent, when she suddenly screamed.


Yu Youwei was showing her little tiger teeth and biting Little Chacha's butt.

This guy who forgets his friends after meeting his master, didn’t even look at her after ascending. Damn it!

"Okay, okay, stop messing around now."

Chen Daoxuan put Xiao Chacha on the ground, rubbed Yu Youwei's head and soft animal ears and said.

Yu Youwei then let go and pursed her lips, looking like she was being left out by Xiao Chacha.

"Hey Hey......"

"You've already bitten someone's butt, so don't be angry anymore. Xiao Chacha is still the best in the world...well, the second best."

Xiao Chacha rubbed her butt and said to Yu Youwei with a naive smile.

At this time, Chen Daoxuan also placed the Enlightenment Tea Tree in an open space not far from the Immortal Palace.

"Have you thought about it?"

Chen Daoxuan looked to the side and said, Li Shenruo.

Li Shenruo nodded and said, "I've thought about it, Sir."

"Then as you wish."

"If you ever want to come to the upper realm, you don't have to reach the realm of transcending tribulation. This pavilion master can help you ascend."

"Every once in a while, this pavilion master will send a batch of heavenly materials and earthly treasures needed for cultivation to the Tiandao Temple. At that time, you and Chiyun will each take the resources you need for cultivation."

Seeing that she already had a choice, Chen Daoxuan didn't say anything more, just a few casual instructions.

After Li Shenruo bowed respectfully, he said goodbye and left, directly entering the teleportation array.

After a lot of spinning and pulling by invisible forces, she successfully returned to the Temple of Heavenly Dao in Mount Xuanyuan.

The moment before the transmission channel closed, a space ring fell out of it.

Picking it up carefully, she opened it and saw that it was full of all kinds of elixirs from heaven and earth. Even after she shared them equally with Deacon Chiyun, it would be enough for her to practice for hundreds of years.


"Is the eldest master back!?"

An excited voice came, and Li Shenruo heard the sound and turned around, only to see a corpse flying over very fast, with a familiar figure on it, Deacon Chiyun.

Sensing the strange phenomenon in Xuwu Mountain, Chi Yun rushed over without caring about anything else.

"Um, Deacon Li?"

"Didn't you follow the great master and ascend to the upper realm?"

"Why are you back?"

When Chi Yun came closer, he looked regretful when he didn't see the elder's figure, but he curiously asked Li Shenruo.

"There should be someone taking care of this Tiandao Immortal Palace. Besides, I can't help much in the upper realm."

Li Shenruo explained a few words casually, and then divided the heavenly and earthly treasures in the space ring that the Pavilion Master just sent down into two parts.

"These are the treasures and elixirs provided by the Pavilion Master for you and me to practice."

Just when Chi Yun was about to refuse, he heard Li Shenruo say.

"That's it, then I won't refuse!"

Chi Yun quickly and carefully took his share, put it into the space ring, and bowed respectfully to the temple.

The two did not talk for too long. After learning that there was no chance to see the master of the pavilion today, Chi Yun said goodbye and left.

He was in charge of many chores in the Tianxuan Realm, and Li Shenruo also had a free time, just taking care of the Tiandao Temple on weekdays, and the benefits of practicing here were greater.


Falling into the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Palace of Heavenly Dao.

After several disciples chose a room, they put their things in the room and came to the master's side again.

"Hey, Master."

"Where did my sister go?"

Li Yourong tilted his head, always feeling that something was missing. When he thought about it carefully, he seemed to have missed his sister. She had not entered the Immortal Palace when she was choosing a room, and now she was nowhere to be seen outside.

Although he asked questions, he already understood in his heart that his sister had left this fairy world.

Based on her understanding of her sister, she has a strong temperament, and staying in this fallen fairy world is obviously a torment for her.

"Deacon Shenruo proposed to take care of the Tiandao Temple, and he has just gone down."

"But if you two sisters miss each other at some point, it won't be a trouble. I have already set up a teleportation formation."

Chen Daoxuan explained casually.

Although everyone felt a little regretful about this, they did not pay too much attention to it. Even the Heavenly Dao Temple in the Tianxuan Realm was already a holy land for cultivation that could not be found in the Immortal Realm!

"Master, this is what I gained from the Palace of Purity."

Leng Yanran came to the master, put her hands behind her neck, gently pulled out the jade pendant she had hidden in the dark, and handed it to the master with warmth.

When Li Yourong saw this, he also remembered this matter. He directly picked up his jade pendant from the storage space, which was larger than that of his senior sister, and handed it over.

Dongfang Han followed suit and handed over the jade pendant.

Immediately, Chen Daoxuan had three soft and milky jade pendants in his hands. They were silky smooth and had just the right temperature.

However, this time Chen Daoxuan did not directly exchange all the treasures inside, but displayed them all in front of everyone.

"See if there are any treasures you like or are interested in, and keep them for yourself."

Hearing the master's words, Leng Yanran glanced casually and shook her head. Among them, the treasures of heaven, material and earth were nothing compared to what the master had given her.

Li Yourong was naturally the same and looked down upon him at all.

On the other hand, young disciple Dongfang Han blinked and said, "Master, Yan'er wants to..."

"Ahem, there is no need to prolong the ending like this. Just say what you want!" Chen Daoxuan cleared his throat and almost blushed.

Can we say now whether we want it or not?

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