Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment.

Even the referee who had been staring at the arena was stunned at this moment.

After a moment, the referee cleared his throat and said: "In the Immortal Palace of Heaven, Dongfang Han wins."


Following the referee's announcement, everyone present was instantly in an uproar.

At first, everyone thought that Dongfang Han was too arrogant, but after seeing her take action, everyone finally realized it!

This guy is simply a monster...

Everyone knows the basic sword moves and horizontal slash.

You don’t even need to be a swordsman, anyone can use it!

But... the power of the Immortal Mirror has been reached just now, what is the situation of riding a horse! ?

The barriers of the arena were broken, and those who were close were accidentally injured by the sword energy.

Even the special white jade floor that could withstand the power of the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm was turned into debris in the sword energy!

"Fellow Daoist Li...didn't you say that she did it on purpose to avoid embarrassment?"

A genius was stunned for a long time, and then asked weakly.


The genius who had ridiculed the most cruelly just now was hesitating for a long time and couldn't hold back a single word.

With that terrifying sword strike just now, if he had been the one to take over, he would have given in defeat even faster than Wang Yulong!


Dongfang Han ignored everyone's surprise, took out his Lingxiao Sword directly from his feet, put it into the scabbard, squinted at the two senior sisters, and flew directly towards his master.

Finish the fight earlier and return to Master earlier.

"She...wouldn't it have been even more terrifying if she had been slashed directly with the sword just now!?"

"Even immortals can't resist it!"

When everyone saw Dongfang Han's actions, they realized something. The sword that shocked everyone just now was just cut out of the scabbard!

Even Chen Rui, who was known as the number one swordsman in the Immortal Realm, was staring blankly at the arena where only Wang Yulong was left lying on the ground for a long time without being able to get up.

He asked himself, if he had used all his strength, he could have struck out with that sword!

But...the other party obviously just took action at will!

The gap between this is huge!

No wonder the other party dares to be so arrogant, no, this is not arrogance, she just really has that strength!

Chen Rui felt that his sword spirit was shaken for a moment. He was known as the number one swordsman. He was originally extremely proud and confident, but at this moment, with the sword energy just now, everything about him seemed to have been chopped into pieces. Ash!

"Master, you're lucky to have lived up to your destiny!"

Dongfang Han came to the master's side and smiled sweetly, holding the sword in his hand.

Chen Daoxuan chuckled and nodded, letting Yan'er stand beside the Taoist throne again.

Everyone in the audience looked up from time to time to look at Chen Daoxuan, and then at Dongfang Han, who looked lively and cute next to him.

At this moment, everyone already understood that the disciples around this young man seemed not to be simple! ! !

Since Dongfang Han had such a terrifying sword energy just now, after the second round, even if the Immortal Realm genius appeared in the third round, it did not attract too much attention from everyone.

Until the fourth round.

Everyone's eyes turned to Leng Yanran!

Since the third disciple of the young man is so terrifying, and his eldest disciple has already passed through the tribulation realm, isn’t it even more outrageous! ?

And the person who was fighting against Leng Yanran, by coincidence, was the guy who was called the happiest and laughed the loudest just now, Li Hao.

Li Hao, who was standing on the ring, felt his hands and feet were a little cold, and he had already made a plan in his heart to admit defeat directly after reporting his name.

With Dongfang Han taking the lead just now, it would not be embarrassing for him to admit defeat directly to Dongfang Han's senior sister.

Although Leng Yanran looked like he was only at the third level of the Tribulation Realm, and he was at the sixth level of the Tribulation Realm, he didn't feel at all relaxed and just wanted to admit defeat as soon as possible!

Standing on the ring, Li Hao was trembling.

Leng Yanran nodded slightly to her junior sister Li Yourong, then turned into a shadow and reappeared on the ring.

"I'm Li Hao, I'm at the sixth level of the Tribulation Realm..."

Li Hao handed over his hand and asked to tell his name and realm.

But Leng Yanran just glanced at him, her figure seemed to be blurred.

Everyone in the audience also felt that Leng Yanran's figure seemed to be blurred, and they thought they were dazzled.

Only those people sitting on the high-altitude futons above the Immortal King Realm suddenly shrank their eyes!

This speed...

Leng Yanran said nothing and had no intention of identifying herself. She turned around and flew in the direction of her master.

Even the referee of Tianxian Realm was stunned.

If you leave the ring directly, doesn't that mean you've given up?

He didn't even fight, so he just gave up?

Why are the disciples around this young man so weirder than the other?


Li Hao was already planning to admit defeat, but when he saw his opponent suddenly leaving the ring and leaving for some unknown reason, he was immediately ecstatic!

I didn't expect that the other party would abstain directly. This was simply pie in the sky!

"Senior, announce..."

Li Hao looked at the Heavenly Fairy Realm referee who was also surprised above his head. He handed over his hands and asked the other side to declare the winner with excitement on his face.

But before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his neck and his head slowly slid down. From his sight, he could see that his body was still standing there, maintaining the posture of holding hands.

when! ?

hiss! ! !

Everyone gasped when they saw this scene.

Why is Li Hao's head missing? ?

Even the referee in the Heavenly Realm suddenly shrank his eyes, and the words he was about to say to announce Leng Yanran's abstention were blocked in his throat.

"Leng Yanran wins!"

No wonder the other party left the field immediately. It turned out... Li Hao was already a dead man!

The Fairyland referee looked at Leng Yanran who had returned to the young man with some fear.

Even he didn't see clearly what happened just now, he only felt that Leng Yanran seemed to be blurred.

Doesn't it mean that if she had taken action against herself just now, she would have ended up like Li Hao! ?

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. The beard of the referee in the Fairyland trembled a little.

Fortunately, he didn't have time to declare Li Hao the winner, otherwise he would be in trouble if he was hated by that terrifying female murderer!


Many geniuses in the audience were instantly shocked when they saw this scene!

Although Dongfang Han was strong just now, at least they could see why he won!

This Leng Yanran, they didn't even see what happened, Li Hao was already dead!

When they looked up at Leng Yanran, who had a plain face, everyone had a trace of fear in their eyes!

From beginning to end, Leng Yanran never spoke, and some of the competitions in other arenas had not even started yet!

Everything happened so fast!

"You're welcome."

After arriving at the master's side, Leng Yanran looked at the junior sister and said casually.

She doesn't allow anyone to insult her junior sister, let alone her master. Li Hao just screamed the loudest, and she has no reason to spare his life!


Leng Yanran raised her hands to the master, and Chen Daoxuan smiled and nodded.

She then returned to her master's seat and stood beside her, looking down coldly at the self-righteous geniuses, but now no one dared to look at her.


The third update is coming, dear friends, hurry up and update a little more, it can’t fall below 3,000!

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