Li Hao, died like this?

Everyone present looked at the headless body on the ring in disbelief.

Except for the beings above the Immortal King Realm, the many geniuses and ordinary immortals present had no idea how Leng Yanran did it!

Even the Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors looked at Leng Yanran who had returned to the young man with shock in their eyes.

This demon woman's strength is too terrifying. She can break out at such a terrifying speed just by crossing the tribulation realm. Even if an ordinary immortal takes action against her, she is afraid that the result will only be death.

However, at this time, the four Immortal Emperors did not pay too much attention to the competition on the field.

They just closed their eyes and concentrated. They came to participate in this Immortal Martial Arts Conference just to select suitable talents. They did not really want to see the competition between these juniors. It was meaningless.

However, after Leng Yanran easily killed the opponent, the Demon Clan's Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi opened his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

"As a demon, this woman will definitely become a powerful force in the future if she can be taken under his command!"

"It doesn't even take ten thousand years to become a unique Immortal Lord!"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but think secretly.

But if you want to take this woman under your command, there is another crucial prerequisite!

The young man's three disciples seemed to be respectful, obedient, and respectful to him.

If he could not defeat the young man's prestige, he would not be able to take Leng Yanran under his command!

Although the young man is extremely mysterious, as an Immortal Emperor, he is already an immortal existence. If he were not afraid of falling into the schemes of several other Immortal Emperors, he would have already taken action against the young man.

As soon as he thought this, Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi looked directly at the Immortal Emperor of a demon clan.

The Immortal Emperor bowed his head respectfully, expressing his understanding!

He had just received instructions from the Immortal Emperor to suppress the young disciples during the battle.

Now that the demon woman has performed so brilliantly, the Immortal Emperor has become interested, and it is very reasonable. The Immortal Emperor naturally understands it instantly.

Naturally, Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi's little moves could not escape the eyes of the other Immortal Emperors.

A slight smile formed on the corners of the Human Emperor's lips. She also wanted to see if Pavilion Master Chen could defeat the Immortal Emperor!

On the other hand, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in his heart. He was the only one present who had truly faced Chen Daoxuan's terror!

At first, there was still a world across the way, forcing him to rely on the imperial soldiers to barely resist. Now that he has ascended to the upper realm, his strength will inevitably be even higher.

Even if the Immortal Emperor can consume the opponent to death with his immortality, he will at least be killed by this guy several times and be humiliated to his grandma's house!

Now in this Fallen Immortal Realm, for tens of thousands of years, there has never been a case where the Immortal Emperor was beheaded by an immortal under the Immortal Emperor.

Even in battles between Immortal Emperors, it is rare for them to successfully kill each other!

"well done."

Chen Daoxuan looked at Leng Yanran and smiled. How could he not see that little move by Zhan Zhixian Emperor?

This was just as he was pleased with.

From the moment he arrived, he had been deliberately acting arrogant and arrogant, just to force the Immortal Emperor to take action.

Not only did the Immortal Emperor want to see how good he was, he also wanted to test what the Immortal Emperor was capable of!

However, since he sat down, Chen Daoxuan's eyes have turned away from Human Emperor Wu Shou many times.

"How can this guy be a bitch!"

Chen Daoxuan looked at Emperor Wu and was very puzzled. When he was in the lower realm, this guy even visited the Temple of Heaven.

If the other party is a woman, even if he has any magical powers, he shouldn't be able to hide it from him!

He was obviously a guy with a gun, but why did he become a pussy after ascending! ?

It's weird...

Leng Yanran followed her master's gaze and couldn't help but frown slightly.

When she was in the lower realm, she felt that something was wrong with the way the Human Emperor looked at his master!

I originally thought that the other party had some special hobby!

It turns out that this guy is actually a woman, no wonder...

"Another competitor..."

Leng Yanran murmured softly.

"What did you say?"

Chen Daoxuan tilted his head and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. The disciple said that the second junior sister will be on stage soon."

Only then did Leng Yanran realize that she had spoken what was in her heart. She blushed and took a step back to stand behind her master.

The Human Emperor, who had closed his eyes to rest, felt the gazes of the two men and turned his head to look upward behind him.

He smiled slightly and nodded at Chen Daoxuan.

Chen Daoxuan was stunned and nodded with a chuckle.

This scene fell into the eyes of many immortals present, and their suspicions immediately became more certain!

Have they ever seen the Human Emperor be so kind to anyone?

The Human Emperor's usually aloof and majestic posture made people want to crawl to the ground when they saw it, and they didn't dare to look at him at all.

But today, the Human Emperor actually took the initiative to smile and nod at the young man, adding the words of the talented young man.

No more running!

This guy’s relationship with the Human Emperor is not simple, definitely not simple!

Amid everyone's shock, several more rounds of competition soon passed.

Now we have reached the tenth round, the final round of competition.

Due to the shock and commotion caused by Leng Yanran just now, the other geniuses in the Immortal Realm did not cause much commotion during these competitions.

It just caused some small-scale exclamation.

And in this tenth round, everyone instantly lifted their spirits!

Not for anything else, just because that young man’s second disciple, Li Yourong, is this round!

Just now, his young disciple, holding a sword scabbard at the Tianmen level and using basic sword moves, used a sword energy comparable to the combat power of an immortal, which has already surprised everyone!

Immediately afterwards, the young disciple flew away the moment he entered the stage, before he could finish saying his name. No one saw clearly how Li Hao died!

Now this second disciple must be extraordinary!

Even in this tenth round, two geniuses from the Earthly Immortal Realm came on stage, but they did not attract much attention. Instead, more than 90% of the eyes were directed at Li Yourong!

Being stared at by many eyes, Li Yourong twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

"It's so hard to keep a low profile..."

"No, we have to find a way."

Li Yourong rolled his eyes and realized that everyone was looking at him, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure!

Among the three sisters, she is the only one who thinks she has received the true inheritance from her master, not in terms of magical powers, but in terms of character!

Everything is safe!

Hide hundreds of millions of hands in case of emergency!

In this way, even if there are any unexpected events in the future, you can deal with them calmly.

After all, she does not have the invincible strength of her master, so she still needs to seek stability!

You can't always rely on Master for everything.

Li Yourong didn't waste too much time. He smiled and cupped his hands to the master on the throne, and then lightly jumped onto the ring!

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