After Li Yourong stepped onto the ring, he frowned slightly and looked at the genius from the Human Immortal Realm opposite him.

"Tiandao Immortal Palace, my second disciple Li Yourong, who is in the Tianmen realm, please give me some advice."

After all, the opposite person was also an immortal. Li Yourong, who was in the Tianmen realm, was quite polite in her words. Moreover, she did not intend to show off too much of her strength. She would have to hide her clumsiness later.

"Haha, I am Meng Haochen, from the eighth level of the Immortal Realm, and the ancestor of my family is the Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao!"

"Although your two senior sisters are extraordinary in strength, after all they are facing geniuses who are not worthy of becoming immortals."

"Give you a chance. Kneel down and admit defeat within three breaths. I will spare your life, otherwise..."

Meng Haochen sneered, crossed his arms over his chest, and spoke very rudely to Li Yourong.

Upon hearing his words, the expressions of many geniuses and immortals present suddenly changed.

Why did this guy talk like this when he first came up?

This is not to create a deadly feud with that mysterious young man! ?

"Don't you understand this?"

"Then Meng Haochen is used to being domineering and domineering because of his family ancestor, and his family ancestor Meng Jiao Immortal Emperor is also highly regarded by the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor."

"The master of that woman just now didn't give the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor any face, and even called him a bird... Well, as the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor's right-hand man, how could the Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao not tell his descendants how many sentence?"

An old Taoist squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao. He saw that after hearing Meng Haochen's words, he was not angry at all, but looked calm. He had already guessed that he had secretly explained it.

"I see!"

"That's not surprising!"

"Be taught, be taught!"

Many immortals and geniuses suddenly came to their senses after hearing the veteran's analysis.

With the Immortal Emperor in charge today, even if Meng Haochen really kills the opponent without leaving any face to the opponent, there will be no danger.

After all, the mysterious young man had never given the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor any face, and it was obvious that the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor was already a little dissatisfied.

If the young man wants to embarrass the Immortal Emperor of the Demon Clan, the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor will have a reason to take action!

Just as the old Taoist said, Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao was feeling very proud at this moment. No matter what the outcome would be later, at least he had made his position clear and made Immortal Emperor Golden Crow understand his loyalty!

Even if he offended the mysterious young man, he would not hesitate.

But as everyone knows, although the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor looked calm at this time, he was yelling in his heart: What is this grandson going to do! ?

Originally, he had already cut off his relationship with Chen Daoxuan after giving in.

But now after such a commotion, if Chen Daoxuan really takes action, what will he do?

This unlucky guy, it seems that he can no longer be reused after this time!

Chen Daoxuan tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the Taoist throne, making a rhythmic and crisp sound.

He raised his eyes to look at the Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao, with a trace of disgust flashing in his eyes.

Forget it, the disciple is still on the field now. If he kills the ancestor of the opponent's family at this time, wouldn't it be said that he interfered in the battle and messed up the opponent's position?

Leng Yanran and Dongfang Han also looked a little colder at this time.

This guy was so rude to Yourong as soon as he came on stage, he should be damned!

However, Master didn't say anything, and they didn't do anything without permission.

"Just admit defeat..."

Li Yourong was not moved at all when he heard what the other party said, but instead had a pure smile on his face.

How could her character be shaken by these words? If she encountered a provocation, wouldn't she fall into a trap?

However, the more this happened, the expressions on the faces of senior sister Leng Yanran and junior sister Dongfang Han became colder and colder.

You Rong is so simple and kind, even if she doesn't care about it, as fellow disciples and sisters, they are not willing to let each other go.

They had already recorded each other's name and family in their hearts. Even if the master did not pursue the other party this time, they decided to find time to go to the Meng family to do a big business after the competition.

"Haha, I think you also seem to have a hint of dragon aura."

"There should be a demon clan in the family. Which family are you from?"

"What are your parents' surnames?"

"Tsk, if you don't speak, you won't be an orphan without a father and a mother, right?"

Meng Haochen was talking, but when the other party didn't respond, he immediately opened his mouth in pretending to be surprised.

Unexpectedly, what he meant to humiliate the other party turned out to be correct?

As a human being in the Immortal Realm, he has a great chance of winning this competition, but being able to humiliate the opponent severely is what the ancestor ordered.

After all, his young disciples were so fierce just now. If these two disciples have any trump cards, accidents will inevitably happen later. It is better to humiliate the opponent before the fight begins. If you can anger them and expose their trump cards, you will kill two birds with one stone!

This time, Li Yourong heard the other party's words and opened his mouth slightly.

She never expected that this talented person who fell into the immortal world would be so outspoken.

It was just a competition between geniuses, how could they say such outrageous words?

Yourong thought silently in his heart: It seems that he is still too naive. Under the protection of his master, he has never seen the darkness in this world.

Immortals, there are such disgusting people!

"No need to worry, it's enough for me to have my master and senior sister."

"If you want to fight, then fight."

Li Yourong's eyes were a bit cold. Originally, she planned to spend some time and win by luck, but now, she has murderous intentions.

Among the many immortals in the audience, some frowned and looked at Meng Haochen.

These words are indeed a bit too much, and they are obviously going to fight to the death!

It seems that Meng Haochen is used to being arrogant and domineering, and he is very skilled in humiliating people, unlike the first time he did this.

"Hahaha, don't be angry."

"Isn't he just an orphan without a father or a mother? What does this mean?"

"I said the wrong thing, sorry, sorry, hahaha."

It was clear that he was saying words of apology and condolences, but Meng Haochen's expression was very exaggerated, and he was laughing so hard.


Chen Daoxuan's constant tapping on the armrests of the Taoist throne quieted down.

He took a deep look at Meng Haochen on the field, raised his finger and prepared to click.

"You want to interfere in the ring!"

"No one is allowed to interfere in this arena, otherwise they will face the joint suppression of the Immortal Emperor!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow couldn't sit still, opened his golden eyes, and faced Chen Daoxuan.

In front of him, he killed the descendants of his clan's Immortal Emperor, didn't he want to lose face?


Chen Daoxuan responded calmly and retracted his finger.

Jinwu just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, secretly thinking that the other party seemed to be very afraid of the Immortal Emperor.

However, there was no need to offend the Immortal Emperor for some verbal disputes. At worst, the competition was over. He would personally go to the Tiandao Immortal Palace to deliver some compensation and resolve the matter.


"Tell him for my master and let him express his condolences."

Chen Daoxuan's voice sounded, and the finger he had just withdrawn pointed directly at the proud Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao whose eyes revealed this.


Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao didn't even utter a trace of resistance or scream, and he turned into pieces of flesh and blood flying in the sky, exploding the bodies and faces of other Immortal Emperors of the demon race nearby.

Raising his hand to wipe the flesh and blood on his face, many immortal emperors of the demon clan were stunned...

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