Chen Daoxuan disappeared directly on the spot, and with one step he had already headed to the void outside the sky.

Listening to his confident words, the Human Emperor couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Could it be that he was really sure of suppressing the Immortal Emperor?

But this guy probably doesn't know that the Immortal Emperor's strongest characteristic is his ability to be immortal.

Just like the ancient saints, Ke Yuanshen resides in the destiny of heaven and is constantly reborn with the help of heaven and earth.

"You two, come to me for now."

The Human Emperor did not hesitate too much and looked directly at Dongfang Han and Ao Lan who were left behind by Chen Daoxuan.

Since he didn't offer to help, she wasn't in a hurry to help. After all, the icing on the cake was no better than providing help in times of need.

If he really dies later, she can subdue him if she makes a strong appearance!

However, Chen Daoxuan asked her to take good care of his disciples. Naturally, the Emperor would not refuse. It was just a matter of effort.

Nowadays, although many immortals in the Monster Clan are hostile to Chen Daoxuan, they still dare not take action against Chen Daoxuan's disciples without the presence of the Golden Crow guy.

"Thank you."

Originally, Dongfang Han had no intention of leaving. After all, there were still magical power restrictions left by his master in the spiritual platform.

She always felt that even if the Immortal Emperor wanted to attack her, he might not be able to withstand the Master's magical power.

But Ao Lan still needs to be more steady after all.

After nodding slightly to thank the Human Emperor, he took Yan'er to the vicinity of the Human Emperor.

After all, although everyone's spiritual towers contain restrictions on adults' magical powers, if possible, it is better to use them as trump cards.

The two of them stood beside the Human Emperor, neither impatient nor impatient. They were not worried at all because their master went to the void to fight the Immortal Emperor.

However, in the eyes of other immortals present, this was not the case.

No matter how mysterious that young man is, he will never be able to compete with the Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor is an invincible existence. Even if the ten Immortal Lords join forces, they will not be able to survive a few rounds before being killed!

In the entire Fallen Immortal Realm, the only one who can kill the Immortal Emperor is the Immortal Emperor himself!

Speaking of the four Immortal Emperors present, none of them had ever killed an Immortal Emperor.

Only the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan, Dayi, who had lost control, had just lost control. The four Immortal Emperors worked together to suppress him. At that time, one of the Immortal Emperors fell in the hands of Dayi!

However, they were all resurrected with the help of destiny, and finally spent an extremely huge price to suppress the great Yi in the underworld.


"It's a pity that these fairies, all of them are stunningly beautiful and extremely beautiful, but they followed a daring master."

"That young man is definitely dead today, and I don't know if these fairies will be implicated."

The immortal looked at Dongfang Han and Ao Lan and couldn't help but sigh, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

In the Fallen Immortal Realm, if you offend the Immortal Emperor, even if the Immortal Emperor does not pursue the matter, the immortals under him will never let him go.

It is very normal for a whole family to be executed. After all, few people are stupid enough to go against the Immortal Emperor.

It is naturally not easy for the immortals under the Immortal Emperor to find an opportunity to do things for the Immortal Emperor. If they really encounter it, they will definitely want to perform fiercely!

Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao, who was just tapped to death, just wanted to show his loyalty to the Immortal Emperor, but he didn't expect that the other party was a stupid young man who dared to take action in front of the Immortal Emperor!

"Probably not. His disciples are all extremely talented and can be called heaven-defying ones!"

"Perhaps, he will be recruited by several other Immortal Emperors and taken under his sect."

After hearing what the immortal said, some people raised objections.

And the Immortal Emperor did indeed think so at this time.

Especially Zhan Zhixian Emperor, he has already developed a love for talents since Leng Yanran took the stage for the first time.

Just now, he wanted to deliberately force Chen Daoxuan to take action, so as to take the opportunity to suppress him and see if he could get Leng Yanran into his sect.

But now that Di Yi is in the spotlight, he no longer needs to be the one in the spotlight.

Presumably, the young man will not be able to come back. Then he can open his mouth to subdue Leng Yanran and return to the demon clan!

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but slightly raised his eyelids and looked at the space passage left by Chen Daoxuan just now.


Leng Yanran respectfully held Master's Hongmeng Ruler with both hands, and had already passed through the space passage and arrived at the Meng family.

After all, it is the family of the Immortal Emperor. It is located among the Hundred Thousand Mountains and occupies a mountain top full of spiritual energy.

On the top of the mountain, many buildings are extremely luxurious. Even the Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao even built a series of golden statues for himself for future generations to worship.

It's a pity that they don't know yet that their ancestor, Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao, has been burned to a pulp in public with a finger!

"Who is coming!"

"A demon woman?"

"Ahead of us is the ancestral land of my Meng family, stop quickly!"

Several figures in the Meng family felt a strange aura coming, and they turned into streams of light and stopped not far in front of Leng Yanran.

Seeing that this woman was pretty, one of the stewards of the Meng family from the Earthly Immortal Realm had a hint of evil in his eyes.

"Leng Yanran, the chief disciple of Tiandao Immortal Palace."

"By order of Master, I came here to see the entire Meng family on their way."

"Everyone, my condolences."

Leng Yanran had no expression on her face and casually stated her purpose.

When everyone in the Meng family heard this, they immediately laughed.

A person who has transcended the calamity realm dares to utter arrogant words to destroy their Meng family?

I have never heard of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, what kind of ghost force it is. It’s quite arrogant to name it, and it dares to call itself Heavenly Dao.

It's a pity that there is no way of heaven in this world of fallen immortals, only destiny!

Their ancestor of the Meng family was an Immortal Emperor, and he served the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor who had the destiny. How could he care whether the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace was not an Immortal Palace?

"Hey, beauty, if you are willing to be my maid, I will forgive your disrespect."

"Do you know what will happen if you speak such arrogant words to our Meng family?"

The steward of the Meng family's Earthly Immortal Realm smiled with a perverted expression.

In this regard, Leng Yanran had no disturbance in her heart.

Why be angry with a dying man.

Without saying any more nonsense to him, Leng Yanran directly took out the Master's Hongmeng Ruler.

With an understatement, he waved in front of him...


Hongmeng Ruler suddenly emitted a surge of black and yellow energy.

Then there was a terrifying black and yellow energy, with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, directly slashing towards the top of the Meng family mountain!

"What's this!!!"

The deacon who just uttered the arrogant words only had time to scream and wanted to escape, but he only felt as if he was being pressed by a huge mountain. It was so heavy that he could not move at all!


The mountains were shaken for a while, except for the top of the hill where the Meng family was located. With this casual wave, nearly a hundred hills in front of him were turned into flat ground.

Fortunately, the Meng family is the Immortal Emperor family and there are no other forces around it, otherwise they would have suffered in vain under this attack!

The entire Meng family was also hit by this blow, and no one survived!

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