The scene in the space passage fell into the eyes of everyone.

Suddenly everyone gasped!

Such terrifying power was actually just an attack that the young man randomly stored in his magic weapon!

Originally, the hardness of the Fallen Immortal Realm was far from comparable to that of the Lower Realm.

Not to mention the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it is a demon territory that has existed since ancient times. The attack just now was at least comparable to the combat power of the Immortal Lord!

Seeing this scene, Fire Spirit Immortal Lord couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips.

This young man is much stronger than she thought!

When several Immortal Emperors saw this, they didn't show too much surprise. The young man was so rampant and mysterious, there were only two possibilities.

Either he is a madman, or he has extraordinary strength!

It is normal and not unexpected to be able to explode with such strength.


One hundred thousand mountains.

Leng Yanran casually struck, and no living thing survived in front of her.

And she, adhering to the principle of not wasting, slowly descended into the ruins, looking for the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that had not been destroyed.

But wherever he looked, there were ruins, and no natural or earthly treasure could withstand the attack just now.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a hole buried by rubble.

"It's a blessing that this treasure house is built in a mountain range."

Leng Yanran's eyes lit up and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now she just wanted to vent her anger on Second Junior Sister. If all the treasures of heaven and earth were destroyed, it would be a big loss. She didn't even want to help these damn guys to save themselves.

After entering the treasure house and putting away the treasures of heaven and earth, Leng Yanran also came to the sky above the Meng family and began to slowly recite the salvation scriptures.

The main business of Tiandao Immortal Palace cannot be forgotten. Even if the other party is a worthy person, the rules set by Master cannot be messed with.

Anyway, being saved can also accumulate merit and luck for yourself, so it’s not a loss.


At this time, in the void outside the sky.

A terrifying figure hung high like the blazing sun, exuding terrifying heat waves, and not even the strong wind in the void could get close to it.

Di Yi transformed into his own three-legged golden crow and looked at the young man in front of him as if facing a powerful enemy.

The young man just stood there with his hands behind his hands, and there was a slight Taoist charm flowing around his body. The strong wind blew from the sky, but he did not use any means to stop it, and even let the strong wind blow on him.

The strong wind from the sky, which ordinary immortals could not withstand, was like a spring breeze blowing by, making the young man feel very at ease.

This scene alone made the Three-Legged Golden Crow confirm his suspicion.

This guy's strength is far from what it was before!

I'm afraid that now that he can only use one move at most, he needs to lie down and be reborn with the help of destiny!

It’s not easy to handle...

After Chen Daoxuan came to Tianwai Void, he had no intention of talking nonsense to the other party.

Raising his palm casually, Wanquan Daoyun surged, and the entire void outside the sky was illuminated by the five-color law.

Just when I was about to raise my hand to take a picture, let's see what this Immortal Emperor is capable of and how dare he go against his invincible Immortal Realm!

"Ahem, wait a minute, wait a minute!"

The three-legged Golden Crow suddenly spoke, his voice a little frightened.

It is obvious that the figures of the two of them are that one is as huge as the blazing sun, and the other is just a tiny human being. But in the eyes of the three-legged golden crow, the young man is like a Taoist ancestor, wrapped up in thousands of Taoist charms, ready to take his life at any time!

"Slow down, let's talk to this pavilion master first!"

Chen Daoxuan's face was expressionless, and his hand movements did not pause at all.

With a palm falling, Daoyun instantly condensed into an extremely huge palm, dozens of times larger than the body of the Three-Legged Golden Crow!

Exuding a terrifying Dao rhyme and aura, it swept past!

Wherever it passed, thousands of stars exploded and turned into bits and pieces of debris scattered across the void, which was very beautiful.

Di Yi wanted to hide, but found that many law chains appeared out of thin air on his body, binding him!

Even if he can't use all kinds of magical powers, even his most proud natal magical power, the golden crow turns into a rainbow, can't be used at this time!

"Send out the imperial soldiers to stop it!?"

"No, no..."

"Before we crossed a world, the imperial soldiers were beaten to pieces by the opponent. If the imperial soldiers are used to block it now, the imperial soldiers will be shattered. Even if they are reborn, their strength will be greatly reduced!"

Di Yi was extremely anxious. He almost used his imperial soldiers to stop him, but he suppressed this idea in an instant!

People can die, but the imperial soldiers cannot be broken!

After all, people can be reborn with the help of destiny after death, but if the imperial weapon is broken, it will take more than thousands of years to cultivate it, and it can be counted in tens of thousands of years!

Chen Daoxuan didn't know what he was thinking.

But Chen Daoxuan's slap has already fallen on Di Yi!


There was an explosion, flames splashed out, and the true sun fire exploded in the sky like fireworks!

Without feeling the slightest resistance at all, Immortal Emperor Di Yi was blown away like a fireball!


Three question marks slowly appeared on Chen Daoxuan's head.

"Fake death!?"

"What a trick!"

How could the majestic Immortal Emperor not even be able to withstand a slap from him?

For a moment, Chen Daoxuan quickly became vigilant, and his spiritual consciousness explored the surroundings. Although the void outside the sky would limit the exploration of his spiritual consciousness, it had little effect on him. It was nothing more than a casual exploration of billions of miles, instead of an exploration. Just close to a billion miles.


"Does this guy have the power to conceal his aura?"

Chen Daoxuan frowned slightly, secretly thinking that he had really underestimated the Immortal Emperor!

This was the first time he encountered a hidden magical power that he could not even detect the aura of. He was indeed an Immortal Emperor!

[Ding, the host kills the enemies of the Immortal Emperor on the fifth level, and the reward is: 5,000 billion origin points. 】

Until the system prompt sounded in his mind, Chen Daoxuan was silent for a moment and looked up at the sky, but in the void when he looked at the sky, it was just another void.

"Oh shit......"


The system prompts sounded. Five trillion source points have been obtained. This cannot be fake!


"Immortal Emperor?"

"That's it?"

"This pavilion master has planned to win after a hard fight, so what if he is slapped to death?"

"Fuck... boring."

Chen Dao

Although he only used nearly 1% of his strength very carefully, but... this death was a bit too happy, right?

"That's not right. Where are his imperial soldiers?"

"Why didn't he resist..."

Chen Daoxuan was confused. If the system had not prompted the source point to be accounted for, he would never have believed that the Immortal Emperor was dead.

But no matter what, looking at the more than 5 trillion origin points that he suddenly obtained, Pavilion Master Chen's mouth almost went up to the sky!

"Wait a minute, Tongzi, why are the origin points decreasing!?"

Before he could figure out how far these five trillion origin points would allow him to break through, his eyes suddenly widened. The origin points were decreasing at an extremely fast rate!

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