Chen Daoxuan stared and saw that his origin point was decreasing at a rate of hundreds of billions per second from more than five trillion, and he suddenly became anxious.

"Tongzi, speak!"

"This Immortal Emperor was killed by my own pavilion master. You can't steal the origin point for yourself!"

Chen Daoxuan was extremely anxious when he saw that there were only three trillion system points left out of more than five trillion.

[Ding, the other party is condensing the origin and reborn. 】

The system prompt sounded, and Chen Daoxuan was stunned.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't this a scammer?"

"You're already dead, how can you be reborn?"

But no one told him that the Immortal Emperor could be reborn!


Golden Crow Hall.

The scorching true fire of the sun slowly condensed, and finally turned into a figure that appeared in the temple.

It was the three-legged Golden Crow Emperor who had just been slapped to death by Chen Daoxuan.


"What kind of monster is he..."

The emperor's eyes were filled with astonishment.

He guessed that the opponent had improved a lot and became stronger after ascending.

But he didn't expect that the other party was already so strong!

Even when the four Immortal Emperors joined forces to suppress the out-of-control Immortal Emperor Dayi of the Nether Clan, they were not as terrifying as Chen Daoxuan today!

At least he wouldn't be doomed with just one hit, and he could even barely withstand a few attacks with his imperial weapons!

The Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan, Dayi, is a real Nine-Life Immortal Emperor. He is the limit of this Fallen Immortal Realm. One more step forward and it will be transcendence!

But the fighting power displayed by this young man is far from comparable to that of Dayi...

He...could he have reached the state of transcendence passed down from ancient times! ?

Di Yi's heart was complicated and he had many thoughts.

But he did not dare to delay, and directly disappeared into the Golden Crow Palace.

Go to the outer void.

After all, even if he can be resurrected, if he cannot properly handle the matter of Chen Daoxuan, he will never have peace!

Once he dies, he will lose part of his origin, and it will take a thousand years of hard work to make up for it!

If that guy reacts and comes directly to the Golden Crow Palace to kill him thousands of times, he may not be able to rely on his destiny to protect himself!

Even his reputation will be completely lost in the Fallen Immortal World!

Not long after, Di Yi's figure returned to the void outside the sky. According to the previous position, he quickly saw a young man.

I saw the young man hanging his head and stamping his feet, as if he was quite excited.

What are you shouting about?

After listening carefully, Di Yi's mouth twitched.

"What kind of Immortal Emperor? Damn it, how can you die at the first touch!"

"If you die, how can you come back to life!"

"Tongzi, find a way for this pavilion master to kill him!"


"What is destiny? Can you kill me?"

The young man was frowning and muttering to himself with an unhappy look on his face.

But his words made Di Yi's hair stand on end.

Not only did this young man think he was weak, he was even studying how to kill Tianming! ?

But who is Tongzi! ?

Di Yi scanned the surroundings and found no other figures except the young man and him.


"Zamao, do you dare to come back!?"

Chen Dao

He immediately raised his hand...


"Pavilion Master Chen!"

"Mr. Chen!"

"No, don't rush to take action!"

Di Yi was shocked for a moment. Before he could speak, why was he ready to slap him to death again? ?

As an Immortal Emperor, he has never felt as aggrieved as he does today in his entire life!

For a moment, he even called out Master Chen with a blushing face!

He was usually called Master Immortal Emperor, but he never thought that one day he would have to call others Master!


"What else do you want to say?"

"Hurry up and finish your sentence. I don't believe it. Killing you once is not enough. Killing you thousands of times is not enough?"

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows but did not take action for the time being.


"I, the Immortal Emperor... Well, I actually have no intention of becoming an enemy of Mr. Chen..."

"It's Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao who made the decision without permission. I...I didn't have any orders..."

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor twitched the corners of his mouth with a bitter look on his face. He turned into a human and said aggrievedly with his hands raised.

"Wouldn't it be over if you said this earlier?"

"A battle outside the sky, you have such a big face!"

Chen Daoxuan saw that the other party was now lowering his posture, but he still refused to do so.

If his terrifying combat power hadn't frightened the other party, would he have been like this?

"Uh...that's not it. I see, Mr. Chen, you like to keep a low profile and don't want your strength to be easily exposed."

"That's why I thought of coming to the void outside the sky and explaining it clearly to Mr. Chen."

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor bowed his back, let alone after becoming an Immortal Emperor, even before he became an Immortal Emperor, he had never been so groveling.

But today, he was really scared!

This guy was able to control the way of heaven when he was in the lower realm. Now that he is in the fallen world, who can guarantee that he will not be able to control the destiny?

He could hear clearly just now that this guy was thinking about how to kill Tianming!

And as Chen Daoxuan said, if you kill him once, he will lose part of his origin, which will take thousands of years to settle. If you kill him thousands of times, he may even fall to the level of a half-step immortal emperor, only slightly stronger than a normal immortal king. , became the laughing stock among the Immortal Emperors!

"I am very satisfied with the tone of your words."

"But your gesture,'s hard for me, the Pavilion Master, to believe your sincerity."

Chen Daoxuan said expressionlessly.

Upon hearing this, Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was stunned, and his heart was extremely complicated.

This guy is so deceptive! ! !

This is to make him kneel down and speak! ?

He is a dignified Immortal Emperor, the supreme being in the Fallen Immortal Realm, an Immortal Emperor worshiped by all living beings!

To kneel or not to kneel?

Jin Wu was extremely conflicted in his heart. According to this young man's temper, if he didn't kneel down, he had no doubt that the other party would immediately slap him to death again!

But if he kneels down... it's really hard for him to accept...

Two choices, one death and one humiliation, both are difficult to choose!


Immortal Martial Arts Conference.

"Why has the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor not returned for so long? It stands to reason that the young man has died long ago, right?"

"Haha, what do you know? That guy was so rampant just now, and now he is suffering inhuman torture!"


Many immortals were talking about it, especially the immortals of the demon clan, with their nostrils pointing upward. The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor was in charge of their affairs, so that boy would definitely not be able to come back!

"Then Jinwu...died once?"

But the three Immortal Emperors looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

How long have we been in the void outside the sky, and the Golden Crow has died once?

The Human Emperor Immortal Emperor's pupils shrank slightly. Although he felt that the young man was indeed very strong, Jin Wu died too quickly. You must know that Jin Wu and she were both Five Life Immortal Emperors, so their strength was about the same!

Immortal Emperor Ming Xin of the Nether Clan retracted his eyes under the brim of his black hat, wondering what he was thinking.

As for the Demon Clan's Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor, his expression changed again and again at this time. He was a little confused about what happened in the void outside the sky, and why the guy Jinwu fell and just came back to life with the help of destiny.


I originally planned to do two updates today. It was raining in Luoyang and I couldn’t sleep because of my back pain caused by spondylitis. It hurt when I sat or when I stood. But I still managed to write three chapters. As for Kawen, I will leave a sense of anticipation at the end of each chapter. Three updates a day, compared to two updates a day, is just an extra 200 yuan in rewards a month.

[Thanks to: lionofish and Li Daoyuan, two big guys for the great certification! 】

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