As an Immortal Emperor who also has the same soul and destiny.

The three people present felt that the guy from the Golden Crow had just gone to the void outside the sky. Within a moment, he fell directly and was reborn with the help of destiny.

Everyone is confused and shocked!

Except for Jinwu, who is a five-life immortal emperor, among everyone present, Ming Xin is the weakest and is only a one-life immortal emperor.

The Human Emperor Immortal Emperor, like the Golden Crow, is a Five-Life Immortal Emperor.

As for the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi, the one who is slightly better is the Six-Life Immortal Emperor. However, it is precisely because his realm is slightly higher that he is usually limited in everything.

The Immortal Emperor of the Human Race and the Immortal Emperor of the Demon Race seem to be incompatible and often have frictions. However, if the Demon Race wants to take any action, they will be targeted by the other two forces together!

If not for anything else, at least they can't let the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi get his destiny faster than them and become the Seven-Life Immortal Emperor!

However, even Zhan Zhi, as the Six-Life Immortal Emperor, did not dare to say that he could kill the Golden Crow in such a short period of time!

It will take at least a few months of hard work before we can hope to get rid of the Golden Crow!

And what does that mysterious young man rely on?

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi frowned and looked at the Human Emperor. Among the several Immortal Emperors, only the Human Emperor had an inexplicable relationship with the mysterious young man.

But he also saw a hint of vague shock and confusion in the Human Emperor's eyes.

Could it be that... the Human Emperor doesn't know the details of that mysterious young man?

"Emperor Martial, this Immortal Emperor wants to go to the void to see what's going on."

"Do you want to go together?"

The Demon Clan Immortal Emperor stopped fighting. He was filled with curiosity. If he didn't go to the outside to take a look, he would feel uneasy!

After all, in this Fallen Immortal Realm, apart from the out-of-control Great Yi, he is the strongest, but now there is a being who is suspected to be more terrifying than Great Yi. If he doesn't see what happens, after this conference is over, he will He even has no intention of retreating!

But if he goes to the void alone, he is a little worried. Since the other party can easily kill the Golden Crow, the same will naturally happen to him. It is just to hold on for a little longer.

Emperor Wu must have some dirty relations with that young man. Presumably, that young man would also think of him as a bit mean-spirited?


"Okay, I happen to be interested too."

"Why don't we go to the outer world together to have a look?"

"How about Immortal Emperor Mingxin?"

Human Emperor Wu Shou was naturally curious, and he did not reject the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor's suggestion. He tilted his head and looked to the side and asked Mingxin.

"Not going."

Unexpectedly, Ming Xin seemed to be indifferent to all this and directly rejected the Human Emperor's invitation coldly.

"In that case, the two of us will go back as soon as we go, and Immortal Emperor Mingxin can watch the Immortal Martial Arts Conference for the time being."

Human Emperor Wu Shou did not force anything, and nodded to Ming Xin, then looked at Ao Lan and Dongfang Han beside him.

Pavilion Master Chen asked her to take care of these two people. Now that she is going to the outer world, she should naturally take them with her.

However, she still asked them what they wanted first: "Do you two want to follow me to the outer world to see what your master has done?"


Without even thinking about it, Dongfang Han nodded heavily, his eyes shining.

She also wanted to see how far Master could go in fighting the Immortal Emperor. Can he easily suppress the Immortal Emperor as usual, or would he need to use some means to win?

However, no matter what, Master cannot lose!

When Ao Lan saw Dongfang Han agreeing, he naturally smiled and nodded. He also wanted to see how the Lord's majestic figure would fare against the Immortal Emperor!

How long can this master of the immortal world last in front of adults?

Except for the three Immortal Emperors, everyone present naturally did not know that the Golden Crow had died just now.

Even Dongfang Han and Ao Lan still thought that their master should be fighting hard outside.

"Me me me!"

"I also need to go!"

Just when the Human Emperor was about to leave with the two people around him, he heard Li Yourong on the ring jumping and waving and shouting.

"If you leave the ring at this time, you will be considered a loser."

The elder referee from the Heavenly Realm on the stage reminded him.

"Oh, that's how it is?"

"What's that? Fellow Taoist Meng Haochen, you've seen it too. Now your entire Meng family and your Meng family ancestors are gone."

"How about... you jog all the way and chase two steps?"

"Don't worry, when Senior Sister comes back, she will definitely help you to be saved. Our Tiandao Immortal Palace never lies to anyone about this!"

When Li Yourong heard the referee's words, he nodded repeatedly, and then looked at Meng Haochen, who was kneeling on the ground and his eyes were lifeless.

" are the devil!"

"You falsely claim to be the Immortal Palace of Heaven, but in fact you are even more cruel than evil cultivators!!!"

Meng Haochen looked at Li Yourong in horror as he walked in, pointing at him with trembling fingers.

He originally wanted to follow the instructions of the Immortal Emperor Ancestor to help the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor vent his anger, but now he encountered such a calamity of annihilation!

And the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor was fighting fiercely with the young man outside the sky, and no one could save him at this time!

Meng Haochen had long since lost the courage to fight.

"Little thief, your master is about to be killed by the Immortal Emperor of our clan, so stop quickly!"

"Don't be afraid, Meng'er, your ancestor and I are close friends, and I will never see you beheaded here!"

A demon emperor suddenly stood up and glared at the woman who was constantly approaching Meng Haochen on the ring.

A force of momentum rushed toward Li Yourong. The power of the Immortal Emperor, just the aura alone, was certainly not something that could be stopped by the Tianmen realm.

He planned to directly use his breath to shock this junior in the Tianmen realm to death!

Anyway, her master has gone to the outer world and will definitely be killed by the Immortal Emperor. He has no backing!




On the ring, Li Yourong, who was suddenly hit by the Immortal Emperor's aura, took three steps back in a row, each step leaving a deep mark on the ring!

"Thank you, Mr. Wu!!!"

"After this, I, the Meng family's treasure house, am willing to give up half of it in exchange for Patriarch Wu's protection!"

Seeing the Immortal Emperor standing up for him, Meng Haochen's already desperate expression suddenly changed, and he excitedly kowtowed to the Immortal Emperor.

As for whether the Wu Immortal Emperor really had a relationship with his ancestor before, he really didn't know, but that's not important, saving his life is important!

Holy dragon transformation!

Feeling that the pressure was increasing and his bones were cracking, Li Yourong did not dare to neglect and quickly used his magical powers.

In an instant, the dragon scale armor covered her whole body, and the terrifying aura of the Immortal Emperor was unable to do anything to her!

"What kind of method is this!?"

"You can actually resist the power of the Immortal Emperor with the Tianmen realm!?"

Many of the immortals present were secretly muttering to themselves because of Wu Xianhuang's action. It was really abominable to intervene before the two sides could decide the winner on the stage.

But without the master to protect this woman, naturally no one will stand up for her!

But now that they saw that Li Yourong could completely resist the aura of the Immortal Emperor Realm after using his magical powers, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

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