"Fellow Daoist Meng, remember to jog all the way."

Li Yourong ignored the Immortal Emperor's threat, and after using the Holy Dragon Transformation, he took a step forward and came to Meng Haochen who was stunned on the spot due to surprise!

He casually took out his Chaos Clock.

"My Chaos Bell is unparalleled in its killing power. It only attacks but does not defend. It is the best killing treasure in the world. If you die in it, you will be considered lucky!"

Li Yourong's voice was deliberately raised a lot, and then he activated the Chaos Clock and hit Meng Haochen's head hard!

Meng Haochen also reacted instantly, and quickly used all his magic power to resist, and even hung the magic weapon above his head!


As soon as the magic weapon came into contact with the Chaos Bell, it was smashed and changed its shape, turning into a stream of light and flying out of the ring!


There was another soft sound, and the mana barrier was broken by the Chaos Bell without any resistance!

"I...will not give in!"

Following the last sound, Meng Haochen's head was smashed in half by the Chaos Clock.

His body tilted and he fell onto the ring.

"Remember to jog a few steps and you can catch up."

"By the way, this elder referee, remember not to touch his body. Our Tiandao Immortal Palace is responsible for both killing and saving."

"When my senior sister returns, she will place him properly."

After Li Yourong reminded Meng Haochen's body, he cupped his hands towards the elder referee.

"Uh... OK."

The elder referee was stunned for a moment and then nodded inexplicably.

The magic weapon this woman took out just now was so terrifying!

The whole body exudes the aura of chaos, maybe it's not an imperial soldier?

Unless it is an imperial weapon, even a ninth-grade immortal weapon cannot have such terrifying power!

But listening to this woman’s words, her magic weapon is the ultimate weapon for killing. If she is not proficient in defense, it would be a flaw. If she really encounters this guy in the future and unfortunately becomes an enemy, she can also use her speed to kill him quickly. Just give her a chance to attack!

No one doubted Li Yourong's words. After all, the chaotic aura emanating from her magic weapon was truly terrifying.

It is no exaggeration to call it the ultimate killing treasure!

In response, Li Yourong just blinked at his junior sister, laughed innocently, and left the ring. He came to the side of the Human Emperor and prepared to go to the outer world together with his junior sister and Aunt Lan.

The Human Emperor silently glanced at the Wu Immortal Emperor who had just taken action, but did not take action to kill him.

If this person interferes in the arena, leave it to Pavilion Master Chen to deal with it himself.

Anyway, now in the heart of the Human Emperor, Chen Daoxuan has easily suppressed the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor, and there is no risk of his death.

"Let's go and take a look outside."

The Human Emperor said to the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor and disappeared directly with the three people around him.

Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi glanced at Ming Xin, who was silent on the side, and turned into a black Taoist rhyme and disappeared from the throne.


"Could it be that the two Immortal Emperors went to participate in the battle outside the world?"

"If this is the case, the Human Emperor will definitely try to protect that young man!"

"I don't know if the Human Emperor can save the young man from the other two Immortal Emperors. I guess... it will be quite difficult!"

When all the immortals saw this, they were all stunned, then shook their heads and sighed.

Wu Xianhuang's eyes flashed with a hint of cruelty.

His son died in the hands of the people from this abominable Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Just now, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to personally kill the opponent's disciple, but since he was in the ring, he could only use her momentum to suppress him. He didn't expect that this woman had such magical powers to resist the Immortal Emperor's aura!

But it doesn't matter. After the Immortal Emperor kills the young man, even the Human Emperor will not be able to protect the young man's disciples after his return!

The entire Tiandao Immortal Palace will cease to exist in this Fallen Immortal Realm!


The void outside the sky.

Chen Daoxuan yawned.

"It seems that you don't have much sincerity. In this case, this Pavilion Master can only act according to his own rules."

Seeing that the other party has been maintaining his posture as an Immortal Emperor for a long time, Pavilion Master Chen decided not to tolerate him anymore.

Isn’t it possible to be resurrected?

It's just a little tired. If I kill him thousands of times, I don't believe that he can really be reborn without any damage!

After saying that, Chen Daoxuan directly raised his palm, and for a while, thousands of Tao Yun condensed into the void again!

"Hey, don't, don't, don't!"

"Mr. Chen, don't get excited!"

"There were so many people just now. Isn't that right? I can't help but save my face!"

"I was wrong. Mr. Chen, tell me how this matter can be resolved. I have no objections. Don't do it. Don't do it!"

Jinwu gritted his teeth and his eyes almost became wet.


Then he knelt down directly in front of this terrifying young man in the void.

As an Immortal Emperor, when had he ever suffered such grievance and humiliation?

But if he didn't kneel down, this young man would really be able to do such outrageous things as killing him thousands of times!

Fight, can't beat.

Reasonable, he won't listen!

And this matter is indeed the fault of his demon clan!

"Damn it, damn Meng Jiao, if the family hadn't been wiped out, I would have ripped off your skin myself!"

Jin Wu thought of the cause of this incident and hated Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao to the bone!

If Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao was not good at making opinions, why would he be like this! ?

How could he be forced to kneel down! ?

"Well, I am satisfied with the gesture, but what about the compensation?"

Chen Daoxuan nodded. He was still used to his enemies kneeling and talking, otherwise others would think that the enemy was evenly matched with him, Pavilion Master Chen of the Invincible Celestial Realm.

"Just ask!"

Jinwu's voice was a little bitter. As an Immortal Emperor, he was actually being blackmailed! ?

How noble it is, it is a three-legged golden crow!

The ancestor is the heel of the innate gods. In this world of fallen immortals, it is the most noble existence. Several other immortal emperors cannot compare with its heel!

"You immortal emperors all have imperial soldiers, right?"

"Give this pavilion master two pieces of imperial weapons to calm down, and forget about it."

Seeing that the other party had completely given up, Chen Daoxuan showed his trademark kind smile again and said softly.

"Emperor, Imperial Soldier!?"

Di Yi was stunned.

His face was full of disbelief.

This is not asking for imperial soldiers, this is asking for his life!

Just now he would rather die than sacrifice the Imperial Soldier, for fear that the Imperial Soldier would be shattered, but this guy actually wants the Imperial Soldier as compensation?

Two more?

Even if he wants to give it, he doesn’t have it!

"What, you want to regret it?"

Chen Daoxuan frowned, why is this guy so fussy? As an Immortal Emperor, what's wrong with taking an Emperor's soldier as compensation?

"No, Mr. Chen, if you change other conditions, anything will do, but the imperial soldiers really can't do it!"

"The so-called imperial weapons are normal ninth-grade immortal weapons. We, the Immortal Emperors, use their destiny to nurture them, and they become imperial weapons."

"Without the imperial weapons, the Immortal Emperor is just a decoration. Even the five-life Immortal Emperor may not be able to suppress the one-life Immortal Emperor who has the imperial weapons!"

Jin Wu quickly explained.


"What you said makes sense."


"Does what you are talking about have anything to do with this pavilion master?"

Chen Daoxuan listened carefully, nodded, raised his brows, and asked.

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