"Whether you can beat others or not, what does it have to do with this Pavilion Master?"

"Since you only have one imperial weapon, this Pavilion Master will not make it difficult for you."

"I will only accept you as an imperial weapon as compensation for this matter."

"Otherwise, you will make it very difficult for me, the Pavilion Master..."

Chen Daoxuan's voice was extremely friendly, and his smile was even more kind.

Jin Wu suddenly felt his scalp numb.

This guy is really stubborn!

Come on, he's tougher than you!

If you are soft, he will push you even further!

It seems that we have been defeated today, and the imperial soldiers cannot be saved.

But at least it's better than being killed and wounded thousands of times. It would take another hundred and eighty thousand years for the emperor's weapons to be regenerated!

Suddenly, two streams of light streaked through the void outside the sky, approaching the location of the two people.

"Strange, why is there no fighting wave?"

"These two people..."

Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi frowned, finally saw the two of them at a glance, and immediately stopped in his tracks.

Good guy! ! !

Did he read that correctly?

Why did Jinwu kneel down to that boy! ?

As an Immortal Emperor, even if he cannot be defeated, he can still be resurrected continuously, so why should he kneel down!

Guys without eggs need to be laughed at! ! !

When the Human Emperor saw this, he was also stunned.

She thought that Jin Wu could not help Chen Daoxuan. After Chen Daoxuan suppressed him, the two would no longer embarrass each other.

But...why did Jinwu kneel down?

How did Pavilion Master Chen do it?

The two of them moved very quickly and arrived not far from Chen Daoxuan within half a breath.

When Jin Wu noticed someone coming, his expression suddenly changed and he stood up quickly.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's not talk anymore?"

Chen Daoxuan put away his smile and turned a little colder.

"Uh...sorry, sorry."

"Just now, ahem, I was being rude."

Jinwu felt the dangerous gaze, weakly raised his hands, and knelt down again with great reluctance.

This scene also happened to fall in the eyes of everyone who had just arrived.


"Do you know him?"

Dongfang Han scratched his head when he saw this and asked.

It turns out that after Master and the Immortal Emperor came to Tianwai, they didn't start fighting at all. This guy just knelt down to Master?

When Li Yourong looked at his master, his eyes were filled with admiration. It turned out that the Immortal Emperor was just an ant in front of his master. How could he kneel down and be humiliated if he had the strength to fight?

Ao Lan still had a smile on her face, and her eyes lit up when she looked at the adults.

This is her master, even the Immortal Emperor has to kneel down!

"Oh, we just met."

"Fellow Daoist Jinwu promised to fund an imperial soldier from our Tiandao Immortal Palace as compensation for what we just did."

"Yourong, what do you think?"

After all, this matter was caused by his second disciple Li Yourong, so naturally he should ask his disciples for their opinions.

If the disciple is not willing to let it go, then he, as the master, should naturally support the disciple. Since his fists are big, then his principles are principles!

"Disciples all listen to Master!"

Li Yourong smiled honestly and had no objection.

Jinwu's heart was bleeding. He hadn't agreed yet, but Pavilion Master Chen had already decided!

The Human Emperor and Demon Clan Immortal Emperor on the side both had shocked expressions in their eyes.

Good guy!

Not only did he kneel down, but he even promised all his imperial soldiers?

What have you been through, bro? ?

"Di Yi, what you did is really embarrassing the Immortal Emperor..."

"No matter how strong he is, so what?"

"Why don't you give the imperial soldiers to this Immortal Emperor, and I will help you kill him!"

The Demon Clan's Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor is a little tempted. An imperial weapon is enough to cause madness for an Immortal Emperor like them!

After all, an Immortal Emperor can only cultivate one Imperial Weapon at a time, and otherwise it can only obtain it from other places!

If he can have two imperial weapons in hand, his strength will even increase from six lives to seven lives, or even close to eight lives! ! !

Hearing his words, Jinwu was stunned, and looked at Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi pitifully, with a hint of joy deep in his eyes!

If it was just that he lost the imperial weapon, he would naturally feel extremely uncomfortable!

But if someone were to accompany him, it wouldn't matter. At least he wouldn't feel so aggrieved!

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor, Chen Daoxuan looked away from Jinwu.

He silently glanced at Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi who spoke and grinned.

Okay, here comes another one who wants to give a gift.

"And you?"

"Should we join forces with the two of them to kill the master of this pavilion?"

Chen Daoxuan was not in a hurry. Instead, he tilted his head and looked at the Human Emperor who had not expressed his stance and asked.

If possible, he would want all three imperial weapons today!

"I still said what I said before. As long as Pavilion Master Chen is willing, he can become my ally at any time."

The Human Emperor looked calm and said casually.

It's just that what she wanted at the beginning was to make Chen Daoxuan her subordinate... subordinate.

Now it has become an ally.

"Oh, that's such a shame."

Chen Daoxuan looked regretful. It seems that today's imperial soldiers can only take two pieces.

But these two imperial weapons are valuable enough, making a lot of money!

"Di Yi, are you really scared to death by this kid?"

The Demon Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor always felt that something was not right, but as an Immortal Emperor, he had nothing to fear, right?


Chen Daoxuan frowned and patted Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi casually.

The terrifying Taoist rhyme instantly emerged in the void, and thousands of chains of laws directly blocked the millions of miles of void. Even the Immortal Emperor could not use his magical powers to escape!

The Human Emperor's eyes suddenly shrank, how could his strength be so ridiculously strong! ! !

This is no longer the half-step Immortal Emperor she first guessed, let alone an Immortal Emperor. This must be achieved only in the realm of transcendence! ?

"You, you are a transcendent existence!!!"

Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi's complexion changed drastically. His whole person was entangled with chains of order, and he could not escape that terrifying palm!

The divine power emanating from it, just by sweeping it, smashed the meteors all over the sky into pieces, not to mention what would happen if they fell on you!

But he didn't make the same choice as the Golden Crow, and immediately used the imperial weapons! ! !

But after sacrificing the imperial weapon, Zhan Zhi immediately made a second move!


Kneel down, kneel down very smoothly, more decisively than Jin Wu's kneel down!

After all, with the Golden Crow in front of him, even if he kneels, he doesn't need to do much mental struggle. We are all Immortal Emperors. If you can kneel, why can't I kneel!

And since he had already sacrificed the imperial weapon, Chen Daoxuan stopped immediately when he saw this and dispersed the palm!

He didn't want to damage this precious thing!

"Haha, Pavilion Master Chen, what are you doing?"

"I just tried to help you to see if this Golden Crow is sincere!"

"Look at my imperial weapon. It's much better than the Golden Crow's. Take it, take it, hehehe."

"I have long wanted to dedicate the imperial soldiers to Pavilion Master Chen, but I just lacked a chance!"

Zhan Zhi knelt there with a flattering look on his face. He couldn't even believe that he could make such a flattering expression!


The third update is sent, thank you: 5477777, the master certification from the boss!

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