Immortal Martial Arts Conference.

Many immortals looked to the sky from time to time.

Although they couldn't see the void outside the sky, driven by curiosity, they still wanted to look up.

On the other hand, the Ming Xin Immortal Emperor had been sitting calmly on the throne, neither moving nor speaking.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air, accompanied by three women.

"Why is he back!?"

"That's not right, why did he come back before the Immortal Emperor!?"

"And it looks like he has no injuries!?"

For a moment, everyone who was already highly focused immediately noticed Chen Daoxuan's figure.

Most people originally guessed that there was no possibility of Chen Daoxuan's return. Even if the Human Emperor went there, he could not be saved!

But now, why did this guy come back with a smile, and sat back on the Taoist throne with a golden sword?

The disciples behind him looked very excited.

One on each side was squeezing the young man's shoulders and beating his legs.

Where is the Immortal Emperor?

Just when everyone was confused, the figure of the Human Emperor appeared on his throne accompanied by a burst of Taoist rhyme.

Immediately following were the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi and the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Di Yi.

Each appeared on his own throne.

Although Zhan Zhi and Di Yi didn't seem to have anything special in their expressions, everyone always felt that the two of them looked a little... decadent?

Especially the immortals from the Demon Clan, when they saw Chen Daoxuan return, their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!

The Immortal Emperor didn't kill this young man?

Could it be that this young man paid a huge price?

"You two, I wonder if you can tell me about the things outside the world with this Immortal Emperor?"

Ming Xin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked Jin Wu.

After all, as the Immortal Emperor, he had just clearly felt that the Golden Crow had fallen once. He thought that after the Human Emperor and Zhan Zhi went to the outer world, there would be a hard battle, but the Immortal Emperor did not fall again. Chen Daoxuan seemed to be also Not injured.

"have nothing to say."

"Pavilion Master Chen is a reasonable person, and I admire him very much. Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao brought it upon himself!"

"He should be executed by his entire family!"

"By the way, this Immortal Emperor has remembered where the Immortal Lord Fuhai is!"

Jin Wu snorted coldly, and after saying a few words to Ming Xin casually, he suddenly remembered what happened before.

He hated Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao so much that he immediately summoned the Immortal Lords to come out.

After hearing his words, Fuhai Immortal Lord naturally stood up quickly and held his hands to listen to the instructions.

"Go and kill all of Meng Jiao's lineage, leaving no one alive!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow snorted coldly.

"Uh, this..."

When the Demon Clan's Fuhai Immortal Lord heard this, he was embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

"Why, what this Immortal Emperor said doesn't work?"

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor's face was a bit displeased. He had already suffered all kinds of grievances in the outer world. Why was it that in the Fallen Immortal Realm, the Immortal Lord under him was still not obedient?

He didn't dare to show any emotion towards Chen Daoxuan, but to others, he was still the supreme Immortal Emperor, who could decide the fate of trillions of creatures with just one word!


"Reporting to the Immortal Emperor, the lineage of the Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao is gone..."

"Look...the one who is offering salvation to the lineage of Immortal Emperor Mengjiao..."

Immortal Lord Fu Hai said weakly and pointed to the space passage next to Chen Daoxuan's seat.

The picture above showed Leng Yanran sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain where Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao was located in Shiwan Mountain. She had just finished reciting the scriptures, packed her things and planned to return through the space passage.


"I see!"

"Thank you, Pavilion Master Chen!"

Upon seeing this, Jin Wu bowed his hands to Chen Daoxuan above his head to thank him.

Chen Daoxuan chuckled and nodded without saying a word.

But this scene made all the immortals present bewildered.

I can’t understand it, I really can’t understand it! ! !

Wasn't it just because that young man casually killed Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao that the Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was so angry that he wanted to go to the void to fight?

Why did the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor treat that young man so politely after he returned from a trip to the outer world?

The other party destroyed the lineage of Immortal Emperor Meng Jiao and even wanted to thank him?

Even Ming Xin, the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan, was looking at the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor thoughtfully at this time.

What on earth has this guy experienced in the outer world?

"By the way, I forgot to remind you."

"Just now, you have another Immortal Emperor from the Demon Clan who attacked Pavilion Master Chen's disciples and intervened during the competition in the ring."

Just when the Immortal Emperors were about to announce the continuation of the competition, the voice of Immortal Emperor Mingxin faintly reached Jinwu's ears.

Jinwu suddenly became furious!

What evil has he done! ?

He had never ordered his men to target that young man, and he even avoided him!

First, the Meng family took the initiative without permission. He had just gone to the outer world to kneel and beg for mercy, and now the Immortal Emperor attacked his disciple again! ?

No matter what you say today, you will not let this Immortal Emperor live, right?


Di Yi's face was extremely gloomy as he glanced at the many Immortal Emperors under his throne.

Although the Immortal Emperors looked shocked and didn't know why they were like this, they were not panicked.

Only the Wu Immortal Emperor had cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

Something is wrong, nine out of ten times!

And its weirdness naturally caught the eye of the Golden Crow, and it was not difficult to guess that this person was responsible.

"You did very well."

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor was so angry that he laughed and praised the Immortal Emperor of the Golden Crow.

After hearing this, Wu Xianhuang was stunned?

The mood that was already despairing suddenly ushered in the dawn again!

Could it be that the other party in Tianwai actually bribed the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor, and by doing this, he made the Immortal Emperor lose face?

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Wu Xianhuang quickly raised his hands and said.

"There is nothing you dare not do. This Immortal Emperor will reward you heavily!"

Jinwu said with a smile.

"This... I am so ashamed of myself!"

Wu Immortal Emperor quickly leaned over and knelt down, feeling very excited that the Immortal Emperor wanted to reward him personally!

"Xianjun Fuhai, it just so happens that the Meng family lineage is gone, so you should go to the Wu family."

"Reward the entire Wu family and give him a generous burial."

Di Yi looked at Fuhai Xianjun, who had not yet had time to sit back, and a low voice reached the ears of everyone present.

When it fell into the ears of Wu Xianhuang, it was like a thunder. The joy on his face had not even dissipated, and he was dumbfounded.

Rewards, generous burial by the Wu family?


Even the other immortals present were extremely puzzled after hearing what the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor said.

This Golden Crow Immortal Emperor actually doesn't help the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor to make the decision, and instead takes the initiative to exterminate the clan?

What happened outside the sky! ?

"Don't bother me, my Tiandao Immortal Palace is very professional in this kind of thing."

Chen Daoxuan's voice also sounded at the same time.

He glanced at the Wu Immortal Emperor and grinned.

Raise your hand and point.

There are no unnecessary movements.


The Wu Immortal Emperor was directly like the Meng Jiao Immortal Emperor just now, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky, and his body and soul disappeared.

The whole place was extremely silent for a moment...

This time, not even a single powerful immortal from the demon race dared to stand up and glare at Chen Daoxuan.

Just because this time the Immortal Emperor is on Chen Daoxuan's side and actually wants to take the initiative to kill the Wu Immortal Emperor on his behalf...

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