Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 432 Tens of billions of origin points are in place

At this time, Leng Yanran had just finished dealing with the Meng family's affairs and passed through the space channel from the Ten Thousand Mountains.

As soon as he returned to the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, he saw his master pointing at a demon immortal emperor and killing him.


"Master, I'm back."

"But should I go again?"

Leng Yanran turned his head to look in the direction of the immortal emperor who had just been killed, and then looked at his master and asked.

No wonder the master wanted to come to the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, it turns out that there is a big business here...

Just after this was dealt with, new business came to the door.

"No need, wait until the conference is over, and I will take you with me."

"Don't delay everyone's Immortal Martial Arts Conference, and our Tiandao Immortal Palace can't be treated specially."

Chen Daoxuan smiled and waved to Leng Yanran, asking her to come to his side. The Wu family was not in a hurry to deal with it for a while.

The reason why Leng Yanran was asked to go to the Meng family just now was that Meng Haochen was a little too much, and secondly, it was to establish prestige in this fallen fairy world!

It is enough to establish prestige now. As for the Wu family, I will go there in person after the Xianwu Conference is over. If the other party wants to die, I will do business with them. If the other party is not someone who deserves to die, it doesn’t matter if I let them go.

He is very satisfied with the gains of this Xianwu Conference!

"Senior sister, senior sister!"

"You don’t know!"

"Just now, the master went to Chaos Heaven to fight with the Immortal Emperor!"

Dongfang Han saw the senior sister coming back, and immediately excitedly pulled the senior sister to tell her about the matter in the void outside the sky.

Leng Yanran heard that the master actually went to the sky to fight with the Immortal Emperor. At first, her heart tightened, but when she saw that the master had no injuries, she laughed at herself. How could the master be injured?

The demon clan’s Emperor Yi and the demon clan’s Emperor Zhanzhi, when they heard that Dongfang Han was going to talk about the matter outside the sky, their faces turned pale.

If this was said at the Xianwu Conference, would they still be immortal emperors?

Many immortals present, when they heard Dongfang Han’s words, also pricked up their ears!

Want to hear what happened in the void beyond the sky that caused the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor to be somewhat respectful to the young man after his return?


Chen Daoxuan called softly.


"Hehe, hehe... Too excited."

"Senior sister, I'll tell you after we return to the mountain!"

Dongfang Han smiled awkwardly and scratched his head. He knew that his master didn't want to expose too much to the outside world, so he could only suppress his excitement and resist telling what happened just now.

Although Leng Yanran was curious about this, she was not in a hurry. Anyway, she would know it after returning to the mountain.

Many immortals present sighed in disappointment. It seems that they have no chance to know about the things beyond the sky!

That's right, the affairs of the Immortal Emperor have always been secretive.

Even when the Human Emperor returned, the area within a radius of thousands of miles was bombed into ruins, leaving no trace for people to explore.

The two Immortal Emperors who had just knelt very honestly also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at least their face was saved!

"What was the result of the battle just now?"

Mingxin, who was also an immortal emperor, didn't care about those things. He casually set up an isolation formation to prevent other immortals from knowing, and then asked the two.

"We...were slightly inferior to a billion chips!"

Jinwu Immortal Emperor was silent for a moment. He knew that Mingxin couldn't hide the fact that he had fallen, so he could only speak.

"This immortal emperor is not as good as Pavilion Master Chen...and slightly inferior to a billion chips."

Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor was silent for a moment, and also said weakly.


The Martial Emperor on the side couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.


Mingxin looked at the Human Emperor curiously.

Zhanzhi and Jinwu looked at the Human Emperor with dark faces. This guy knew the black material of the two of them!

"Nothing, I just felt that my teeth were a little hot, so I let them out for some air."

The Human Emperor smiled and looked at the two of them, without explaining too much, but this excuse made Mingxin's mouth twitch, and Jinwu and Zhanzhi's eyes twitched wildly.

God TM teeth are a little hot, come out for some air!

"Forget it, in that case, the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, continue."

Ming Xin raised his hand to remove the barrier and announced in a calm voice.

After hearing this, many Tianjiao present also stood on the square again.

Chen Daoxuan nodded gently to the three disciples. After the three of them bowed, they also jumped down and came to the front of the team.

This time, no one dared to whisper about the three people's positions.

After all, the strength shown by the three people has shocked them.

Not to mention the mysterious master behind the three people, who went to the outer world to fight with the Immortal Emperor and was able to retreat unscathed, and seemed to have taken some advantage?

Otherwise, why would the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor be so cautious about him?

The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord still took out the small box and distributed the number plates to everyone.

Chen Daoxuan didn't care about this.

But he checked the system prompts just now.

[Ding, the host killed the enemy of the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor, reward: 5 billion origin points. 】

That Meng Jiao Immortal Emperor contributed 5 billion origin points to him!

[Ding, the host's disciple killed the immortal...]

[Ding, the host's disciple killed...]

[Ding, the Meng family was destroyed, and the extra reward: 8 billion origin points. 】

Chen Daoxuan didn't care about those scattered kills, and looked directly at the extra reward for the destruction of the Meng family!

8 billion!

The entire Meng family, with the extra reward system points, brought him more than 10 billion origin points!

All of this is due to Meng Haochen, who speaks freely and makes his own decisions.

In addition to these more than 10 billion origin points, there is also the last system prompt just now.

[Ding, the host kills the third level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, and the reward is: 3 billion origin points. 】

This is the Wu Immortal Emperor who was killed just now.

Just at the beginning of the Xianwu Conference, Chen Daoxuan had already gained more than 10 billion source points.

"Check the remaining origin points."

Chen Daoxuan thought silently in his heart.

[Origin point: 17.235 billion. 】

Those long numbers made Pavilion Master Chen fascinated.

I wish I could directly consume the source points to break through the realm now, but I still hold back the excitement in my heart.

These origin points are enough for him to cross two great realms again!

It's a pity that after killing the Immortal Emperor, five trillion source points flew away...

Otherwise, it would be a real fortune!

Not only did you gain two Imperial Soldiers this time, you can also exchange them for source points when you return to the mountain, which is a huge sum of money!

As for the Immortal-Slaying Gourd, Chen Daoxuan does not intend to exchange it for the source point. This treasure is extraordinary and needs to be studied!


I'm having a blast today, here's the fifth update! ! !

[Thank you: The master who has fascinated thousands of girls and been rewarded by the boss has received X10 certification! ! ! And, more fun X10! ! ! Big boss! ! ! ! 】

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