Emperor Wu nodded slightly to Lord Fire Spirit.

Immortal Lord Huo Ling was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered Emperor Wu's voice: 'Don't let the three people in that fairyland encounter the disciples of Pavilion Master Chen before the last round. ’


The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord looked at the Human Emperor Immortal Emperor and couldn't help but think about it secretly.

Although Leng Yanran and the other two people are extraordinary in strength and have the ability to suppress the killer immortal, the three earthly immortals and geniuses are different.

They are all the most outstanding geniuses of this generation among the three tribes. If they fully explode their strength, they may not be unable to fight or even defeat ordinary immortals!

Isn't it obvious that the Human Emperor wants to help let Chen Daoxuan's disciple enter the top ten?

That's all... Presumably in the void outside the sky, the Human Emperor has already negotiated terms with Chen Daoxuan.

In this case, she doesn't need to worry about being an Immortal Lord.

All you need to do is follow the instructions of the Human Emperor.

Chen Daoxuan also retracted his thoughts at this time and looked towards the field.

When Dongfang Han saw his master looking over, he waved his hands excitedly to attract his attention.

Li Yourong smiled innocently at his master, harmless to humans and animals, and even looked a little timid, causing many immortals present to shake their heads upon seeing this.

This second disciple of Pavilion Master Chen seems to have no strength, but he is very timid and has low IQ, so he is not something to be afraid of.

Leng Yanran felt her master's gaze and couldn't help but straighten her waist a little.

Among the many immortals present, including the three geniuses from the Earthly Immortal Realm, the one they fear the most is the chief disciple of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, Leng Yanran!

No one present could clearly see how she killed the opponent just now, which meant that if she met him, there was a high probability that he would end up with the same fate!

This woman has a 90% chance of winning the battle!

In addition, just now this woman went to the Meng family alone and wiped out the Meng family, the Immortal Emperor family, just to survive the tribulation. This is really shocking!

Although he relies on the powerful magic weapon given by his master, if he were in another tribulation realm, he would not dare to do such a thing!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the mature and intellectual dragon tribe next to Chen Daoxuan. She was holding a seemingly ordinary ruler in her hand!

But no one present dared to underestimate the power of the ruler magic weapon!

Just now, Leng Yanran relied on this treasure to destroy the entire Meng family mountain with just one blow, and even destroyed dozens of mountains in the surrounding area to the ground!

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow and Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but look sideways at the ruler.

He secretly murmured in his heart: "This treasure is even worse than the Imperial Arms!"

"But, I'm afraid that this treasure was not forged by Senior Chen himself. Who knows which unlucky guy's magic weapon was captured!"

It’s not surprising that Di Yi and Zhan Zhi thought this way.

After all, their two imperial soldiers were still lying in Chen's space at this time...

The number plates were quickly distributed to many contestants.

Several people suddenly looked bitter when they saw the opponent on their number plate.

"How to fight?"

"Master, I haven't lived enough yet!"

"Elder referee, this junior will not go on stage, just admit defeat!"

A genius who has transcended the eighth level of the calamity stage. Looking at the name of his opponent on the number plate, the words Leng Yanran came into view.

Before even taking the stage, he directly asked the elder referee to admit defeat.


"Well...it stands to reason that even if you admit defeat, you have to go on stage."

"Forget it, since you abstained, forget it."

The referee's beard trembled, and he originally wanted to let both players play according to the previous rules.

But when he thought about Leng Yanran's terrifying situation, if the other party took the stage, he might not have the chance to surrender, so he simply made an exception and agreed to that person's abstention.

Li Yourong grinned when he saw that his opponent's number plate was just a Tianmen level player.

As expected, that person did not take the stage and directly chose to abstain.

Dongfang Han's opponent is very interesting. It is Chen Rui, who is known as the leader of swordsmanship in the immortal realm.

Dongfang Han stood on the ring, but Chen Rui didn't dare to step onto the ring, and kept tangled on the edge of the ring.

Just when he saw Dongfang Han's casual blow from the scabbard, he knew that the gap between him and her was as big as the sky!

Finally, Chen Rui gritted his teeth and stepped onto the ring under the gaze of everyone.

He bowed his hands politely to Dongfang Han and said, "Chen Rui, please give me some advice!"

Dongfang Han narrowed his eyes and smiled, holding his sword in his hand and saying, "You're welcome, fellow Taoist. You and I are both sword cultivators. We learn from each other, and we can't even teach you."

"What I have learned is only a superficial knowledge of the art of swordsmanship, less than one billionth of the master's level."

Since the other party was polite, she was also very polite, but she just took advantage of the situation and flattered her master!

Hearing this, Chen Rui smiled bitterly and said: "The girl is too humble. Just now I was watching the sword energy that the girl cut out of the scabbard. She has already entered the room. I guess it is almost certain to survive the heavenly tribulation in the future. After passing the heavenly tribulation, it will be The strongest swordsman among the younger generation in this world!”

He didn't think what Dongfang Han said was true. If there was someone who could be hundreds of millions of times stronger than Dongfang Han, what kind of existence would that be?

In response, Dongfang Han just chuckled and did not explain too much.

If we talk about humility, Master is the most humble. He has been invincible in the world for a long time, but he still doesn't show off the mountains and only cultivates his moral character in the mountains.

Unless others take the initiative to provoke him, he will never even bully others.

Even when the Immortal Emperor knelt down in front of the Master in the void outside the sky, the Master considered it for the Immortal Emperor's face and did not spread it to the outside world.

What a good person, Master is simply the best person in the world!

Fortunately, Dongfang Han just thought about these words in his heart, otherwise Pavilion Master Chen would have blushed, nodded and said: 'It is the young disciple who knows how to be a teacher best. ’

"Since you and I are sword cultivators, I won't bully your weak cultivation."

"Just compete with swordsmanship."

Dongfang Han felt that Chen Rui, who was opposite him, was a nice person. He spoke politely, and he simply wanted to save some face for the other person.

"I wish I could have it!"

It was obvious that Dongfang Han was only in the Tianmen realm, while Chen Rui was already in the Tribulation-Transcending realm, and even close to becoming an immortal. But after hearing her words, Chen Rui was so excited that he quickly raised his hands and thanked her!

Even the many geniuses and onlookers present didn’t think there was anything wrong with this!

Following the referee's order, the two men drew their swords and turned into afterimages. The sound of swords on the field continued, and the sound of swords clashing was filled with sparks.

But before everyone could appreciate the competition between these two contemporary sword cultivators, Chen Rui had already put back the sword in his hand with a bitter look on his face, and said to the elder referee: "I lost."

Just because, at this moment, Dongfang Han's long sword had stopped at his neck.

If you want to kill him, he is already dead.

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