Although Li Yourong's words sounded a bit unreasonable, when everyone thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it and it was indeed very reasonable.

The three of them were originally qualified to be granted the imperial fruit status, but now they are giving it to others, and there is nothing wrong with receiving some benefits.

However, what opened his mouth was a fourth-grade immortal weapon. Except for Xu Hongye, who had just achieved fourth place and got a fourth-grade immortal weapon, who else could afford it?

Even though they are prodigies and have constant resources at home, the fourth-grade immortal weapons are far from what they can use now!

"The Human Emperor's Palace will give Xu Hongye a fourth-grade immortal weapon."

Immortal Emperor Human Emperor glanced at Chen Daoxuan and saw that he had no intention of intervening in his disciple's behavior, so he simply spoke directly.

Hearing this, the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Jin Wu also said: "The Demon Clan's Temple has produced a fourth-grade immortal weapon for Shi Ke."

For a moment, everyone looked at Ming Xin, the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan.

Ming Xin still showed no expression, but a faint voice came from the robe: "The underworld will give Ming Chen an immortal weapon in exchange for qualifications."

Although he didn't know what happened in the void outside the sky, since the Human Emperor and the Golden Crow recognized it, there was no need for him to take risks and just follow the trend.

As the three Immortal Emperors finished speaking, each of their subordinates took out a fourth-grade Immortal Artifact, delivered it to the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord, and distributed it to the three people in the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

After getting another fourth-grade immortal weapon, the three of them suddenly looked a little better.

For example, when he heard that he needed to share his destiny with Xianting, he was completely different.

It was as if the imperial status was an insult and a constraint to them.

Many of the immortals present were numb to this and couldn't figure out why the three of them were acting like this.

On the contrary, the Immortal Emperor, except Ming Xin, was not surprised at all by the three people's actions.

What kind of existence is the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and its Pavilion Master Chen has reached the legendary realm of transcendence.

Their luck is already far above that of Immortal Court. If the disciples of Tiandao Immortal Palace tie their luck to Immortal Court, it will indeed be Immortal Court that takes advantage!

After the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord distributed the rewards to the top ten, he reminded Xu Hongye, Shi Kelang, and the elder Mingchen to report to the Immortal Court within three years.

Then let the elder referees distribute rewards to other contestants.

"The first hundred people, five hundred years later, will still gather here in Nanzhan Buzhou to participate in the secret realm of the ancient gods."

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit glanced at everyone present and reminded them.

"Let's go, there are still things to do."

Leng Yanran and the others returned to their master. Chen Daoxuan saw that nothing happened on the field, so he simply said directly to the three disciples, asking Dongfang Han to put away his Taoist throne, and with a casual wave of his hand, a golden dragon appeared. Then he appeared at the feet of everyone in the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

As a Taoist rhyme surged, the golden dragon vision suddenly condensed into reality. After a high-pitched dragon roar, it led Chen Daoxuan and others in one direction.

"By the way, Xiao Jin, remember what you said."

Before Chen Daoxuan disappeared from everyone's sight, a misty voice came.

Many immortals present did not understand what was happening. On the contrary, the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor secretly held his hands in the direction of Chen Daoxuan's departure, expressing that he did not dare to forget.

Immediately, several Immortal Emperors turned into Daoyun and disappeared on the throne.

"Farewell to the Immortal Emperor!"

"Farewell to the Immortal Emperor!"

"Farewell to the Immortal Emperor!"

Many immortals present quickly bowed to the ground, and the immortal kings all stood up and held their hands.

But just now, Chen Daoxuan actually left first without caring about the Immortal Emperor's face at all, which made many immortals feel a little unhappy.

But the Immortal Emperor didn't say anything, so naturally they couldn't say much.

After the rewards were distributed, many immortal kings also left together, and various forces also said goodbye and dispersed.

The ranking list for this Immortal Martial Arts Conference was also formulated by Fire Spirit Immortal Lord and was sent to various continents by many powers.

[Top 100 in the Xianwu Conference. 】

[First place: Tiandao Immortal Palace, Leng Yanran. 】

[Second place: Tiandao Immortal Palace, Li Yourong. 】

[Third place: Tiandao Immortal Palace, Dongfang Han. 】

[Fourth place: Human race, Xu Hongye. 】

[Fifth place: Monster Clan, Shi Kelang. 】

[Sixth place: Ruan Sibei. 】

[Seventh place: Du Wenwu. 】

[Eighth place: Yue Ergen. 】

[Ninth place: Lu Qingze. 】

[Tenth place: Ming clan, Ming Chen. 】


As a list spreads among many forces, it will soon be known to many powers in the entire Fallen Immortal World.

And what happens in this Immortal Martial Arts Conference will also be the chat after dinner in the Fallen Immortal World.

Especially this time, the Tiandao Immortal Palace came out of nowhere, crushing all the top three that were already certain, and directly occupying the top three!

"Which force is this Tiandao Immortal Palace?"

"I have never heard of him being able to occupy the top three in the Immortal Martial Arts Conference. Could it be that some hidden power suddenly came out?"

"Tiandao Immortal Palace, something sounds familiar...hiss, it can't be that terrifying force, right, that's it!"

Many immortals who saw the list were deeply curious about the Tiandao Immortal Palace, which occupied the top three lists.

There are also some immortals around the East China Sea, including Nanzhan Buzhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou, who have heard of this name before.

"Now that the three disciples of the Tiandao Immortal Palace have achieved the top three, aren't they all specially recruited by the Immortal Palace?"

"The Tiandao Immortal Palace will be able to share the fate of the three disciples in the Immortal Court, and it will definitely become a blockbuster in the future!"

"Haha, fellow Taoist, you didn't know this, right? Those three people rejected the Immortal Court fruition status!"

"And extremely disgusted!"


"Is there anything else going on?"

"Tell me more in detail... I'm going to make a pot of tea for my fellow Taoist. Let's sit down and talk slowly."

What happened in the Xianwu Conference is spreading at an extremely fast speed. Even before the Xianwu Conference has ended, the elders of many forces have already reported the incident back to their own forces through the messenger jade pendant.

All in all, the Tiandao Immortal Palace is so arrogant that its master does not even give the Immortal Emperor face. He even went to the outer world to fight with the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor and never fell. No one knows how much it cost!

And his disciples are so arrogant that they despise the Immortal Court position. The eldest disciple kills him with one move. The second disciple has a low IQ, but his moves are extremely cruel. The third disciple is the number one genius in swordsmanship among the younger generation today. He easily kills the leader of swordsmanship Chen Rui. beat!


After Chen Daoxuan left the Xianwu Conference, he took his disciples directly to the Wu family.

Although Na Leiwu was the background of the Palace of Purity at the beginning and was killed by him.

The Wu Immortal Emperor intervened in his disciple's competition, but he still wanted to see if anyone from the Wu family was alive.

With his current situation, there is no need to kill randomly.

Soon they arrived above the Wu family.

"Be bold!"

"My Wu family is the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, who dares to fly past my Wu family!"

Before Chen Daoxuan could check the situation of the Wu family, a voice shouted loudly.


The third update is sent, and the names of the supporting characters who left messages before are basically all arranged.

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