As the sound came, a powerful figure from the Golden Fairy Realm turned into a stream of light and stopped in front of everyone.

Looking at the people above the golden dragon, the Golden Immortal was not panicked.

With the strength of their Wu family and the support of the Immortal Emperor, being able to become the Immortal Emperor already has a sufficient status in the Immortal Court.

Even if the other party is also an Immortal Emperor, it is impossible for him to take action against the Wu family. After all, this is the realm granted to them by the Immortal Court as the Immortal Emperor of the Wu family. Here, the rules of their Wu family are the rules!

As for the Immortal Lord above the Immortal Emperor?

There are forty-nine Immortal Lords and ten Immortal Lords in the Immortal Courtyard. As the Immortal Queen of the Wu Family, how can they not recognize them?

Besides, if he was really an immortal, why would he come to their Wu family?

If something really happened, it would be the Wu family who would go to the Immortal Lord personally to revive him.

So even though he couldn't see through the young man's true identity, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he asked aggressively.

"Who are you, you are so brave!"

"You dare to pass by my Wu family, are you not giving my Wu family face?"

A powerful person in the Golden Immortal Realm, Zuo Wu scolded everyone as soon as he appeared.

The Wu family is rather peculiar, in that the surname is placed after the given name.

As for why this is the case, everyone in the Wu family also knows some rough guesses. After the Immortal Emperor of the Wu family was enfeoffed, he deliberately changed the rules of the Wu family.

With Wu as his surname, he can have a relationship with the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor, and the Wu family does have a trace of the ancient blood of the Golden Crow clan, but it is too thin.

But this is indeed very effective in the Fallen Immortal Realm. Of all the forces that have something to do with the Immortal Emperor, which one doesn't walk with its nostrils pointing upward?

"Tsk...this trip here seems to be unnecessary."

Chen Daoxuan frowned slightly, and when his spiritual consciousness inspected the Wu family, his frown deepened.

"Leave the woman beside you, and you can get out."

Zuo Wu glanced at the women around Chen Daoxuan. They were all more beautiful than the others and had different temperaments, but they were all powerful beings!

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said to Chen Daoxuan with some disgust.

This guy is disturbing his good deeds.

Today, the Wu family has just captured a group of Sanxiong disciples from the highest realm of Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Just as he was about to enjoy it, someone passed by and he had to step out to intercept it.

Otherwise, he would already be enjoying the ultimate happiness at this moment!

But looking at the women around the young man, most of the original unhappiness in Zuo Wu's heart dissipated instantly!

No matter which one of these four women they are, they can't find a single flaw!

She is much more beautiful than the fairyland woman assigned to him in the room now!

"Hmph, you kid must have been frightened out of your wits!"

"Leave quickly or you won't have to leave!"

Seeing that Chen Daoxuan was sullen and silent, Zuo Wu continued to scold him.


"This guy is awesome."

Dongfang Han glanced at the gloomy master and muttered silently to Zuo Wu.

Even the Immortal Emperor had to kneel down to speak when he saw the Master. It was better for this guy to ask the Master to leave them alone and get out alone.

"It's wonderful...he can actually threaten Master."

Li Yourong opened his mouth slightly, his face full of disbelief.

Chen Daoxuan sighed, too lazy to talk nonsense to such a dying person.

Raising his hand slightly, insubstantial threads appeared under the slender fingers. The ends of these threads were involved in every member of the Wu family.

Even the powerful Zuowu Jinxian found a thread connecting him.

I suddenly felt something bad in my heart!

"What method are you using? What are you going to do?"

Zuo Wu shouted low and planned to interrupt the other party's methods.

Chen Daoxuan never looked at him, he just slowly picked up his hand and suddenly pulled the insubstantial thread in his hand!

In an instant, Zuo Wu's face showed pain, his expression was distorted, he covered his heart with one hand, and looked at the gloomy-looking young man with fear in his eyes.

Before he could say another harsh word, he lost his breath and fell straight towards the Wu family.

Not only him, but the entire Wu family was silent at this time.

All the people of the Wu family had their lifeblood cut off by Chen Daoxuan's casual intervention, and they no longer had any chance of survival!

"Let Yanran do this kind of thing in the future."

"Master's hands are dirty."

Several disciples were momentarily distracted when they saw the master's casual but terrifying method. If the master wanted to kill someone, it would be too easy. He could cut off the life of the person directly based on cause and effect!

But Leng Yanran lowered her head and said to her master.

How could she bother her master to do this kind of thing? She, the chief disciple of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, should clean everything up.

"Well, this is a special situation."

"There are many innocent people in the Wu family. If you are allowed to do it, there will inevitably be some trouble."

Chen Daoxuan's original gloomy expression disappeared, and he returned to his usual kind appearance, nodding and smiling at Leng Yanran.

As he finished speaking, a series of panicked and graceful figures in the Wu family ran out of various caves and rooms.

They were originally Sanxiong sisters captured by the Wu family. The ones with the lowest strength were in the human fairyland, and the ones with the highest strength were in the heavenly realm.

I thought that being captured by the Wu family, a demon clan, was doomed.

But just now, suddenly the entire Wu family died suddenly, and many women ran out after a brief panic.

Looking up, he saw a terrifying golden dragon in the sky above the Wu family, with a handsome young man standing on top of it with his hands behind his back.

"He saved us?"

Many fairies were not familiar with each other, and they all had wary expressions on their faces.

After it was confirmed that there was no living person in the entire Wu family except them, a fairy from the ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm adjusted her clothes, slowly rose into the air, and came to the front of the ten thousand feet golden dragon.

He saluted the young man Yingying.

"Is this... the master's handiwork?"

The fairy woman asked.

"Just do it casually. Now that the Wu family has been eliminated, you are free."

Chen Dao

On this trip, he only wanted to see with his own eyes whether the Wu family should be dealt with. He had no other plans. As for rescuing the fairies captured by the Wu family, it was just a side trip and not worth mentioning. He had no interest in letting the other party repay his kindness.

After all, there are many women present who cannot reach the highest level of heaven, so what can they repay?

On the contrary, it was the reminder in his mind that relieved Chen Daoxuan.

[Ding, the host kills the enemy in the Wonderland, the reward...]

[Ding, the host kills the enemies in the fairyland, and the reward is...]

[Ding, the host kills the enemies in the Golden Wonderland, and the reward is...]

[Ding, if the host destroys the Wu family, additional reward: five billion origin points. 】

After destroying the Wu family, he harvested nearly 6 billion Origin Points. This has not yet been exchanged for the Wu family's treasure trove. In addition, the previous treasure trove of the Meng Jiao Immortal Royal Family is still in the Yanran Jade Pendant.

If you exchange all of them after returning to the mountain, the Origin Points gained during this trip will be astronomical!

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